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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. If you've never been to the cannery before, while you're up there
  2. hmm...might have to look into that.
  3. "I'm referring to an internal location (where you transition)."
  4. Yup, it would be an optional feature.
  5. Sorry if the humor was lost on you, @odizzido Most of the rabbits I catch are over 1.5 lbs. This is definitely the lightest one I have seen in some time.
  6. I had to use a jump mod to access this in the Dam - why would they place this there? (upper catwalk where the rope is)
  7. Killed this one and ate it all: Then moved onto this one, where I shot it as it fed:
  8. hozz1235

    Harvest All

    I'd like to see this option when harvesting a carcass - it would basically harvest all meat, gut(s) and hide with one click.
  9. I'm referring to an internal location (where you transition). For some reason, mine is the mine in CH where you use the elevator to descend/ascend.
  10. DP - This one has to be at the top of my list. I don't think I've ever wasted a precious rope on this when I can quickly run around.
  11. Short answer: I seriously doubt it, but test it and let us know!
  12. Really depends on what you're doing! You may be doing an activity that requires no weapon at all, while other times you may be armed to the teeth.
  13. Can't see the inline video but I trust you! Grats!
  14. I'd have to agree with others that I haven't noticed the behavior you're describing. Have you contacted support?
  15. Astrid - I'd rather hear a woman's huffing vs. a man's 😉
  16. I'd go for extreme heat vs extreme cold.
  17. I can't recall where I've found ropes there, but you may want to check some online maps for locations.
  18. You don't see powerlines crossing water very often..many reasons why. You'd be surprised how much power a damn can produce running at full efficiency.
  19. You mean if you place a cup of coffee on the ground in front of the stove, it burns if there too long?
  20. One of my long-standing cooking traditions was to find a 6-burner stove and settle in for a bit to do some cooking. I would drop my canned goods in front of the stove so they would cook and I'm preparing other items on the stovetop. Recently, I noticed that some of my dropped canned goods were "burnt". I could of swore this never happened no matter how long they were on the floor. Can anyone confirm this?