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Everything posted by MrWolf

  1. I'm spending quality Interloper time in Desolation Point right now. I recently forged my tools and arrowheads and killed the bear and two wolves that hang out near Hibernia. Next I'll get the light house wolves so I can start curing the hides for the wolf skin coat. Since I'll be here for a little while, I made a snow shelter that I sleep in as much as I can and generally hang out in if I'm doing things around Hibernia. The snow shelter isn't required for survival, but one of the things I do in my Interloper runs is try to keep outdoor hours higher than indoor hours and sleeping all or most of the night in the snow shelter really helps with that (and I never get a risk of cabin fever). When an early morning blizzard comes along and it's too cold to stay in the shelter, I go inside the building to sleep a bit more, craft things, break down crates, or do other things while I warm up. I built the rock cache just outside the opening of the snow shelter thinking I'd have easier access to a lot of things that way, but it doesn't seem to work. I can see the label of the rock cache from within the shelter, but clicking doesn't do anything. Bummer.
  2. No, that's ok, too. Things dropped on the ground will remain there indefinitely (in the past, bugs have caused things to fall through the ground and disappear but that is rare, and the new-ish "lost and found" boxes will generally help with that). Containers are easier for many items because you can move all of the items as a group, assuming all items have the same condition and stack into one inventory slot. If in separate inventory slots, the items can still be moved with one click. Dropping everything on the ground is ok, but can be tedious to click each item twice to pick them back up later.
  3. I think the rock caches are tremendously useful for storing things where there are no containers. I'm thinking specifically of when I spend weeks at a time in Hushed River Valley. Sometimes there is a container in the form of a box, backpack, or corpse in a cave that I use as a base, but often there isn't or it doesn't have much capacity. Now I can build some rock caches to store my things instead of scattering them all over the cave floor. Regarding flares, I've been testing them recently. It looks like flares lose 1% every 6-8 days, give or take, so it will take a while before they're useless (unless the rate of decay increases over time). As @Gun Tech. said, the flare inside a flare pistol does not seem to lose condition.
  4. I haven't used a gun in a long time, but I believe you can shoot anything from within a snow shelter that you could shoot when you're not in the shelter. You'll obviously be limited in angle/direction by the size of the opening.
  5. I'm on PC as well and I have never experienced that.
  6. The snow shelter gives about 15 degrees of warmth bonus so as you said, it's not usually enough in a blizzard or in early morning cold temps. There are some good uses, though: Cabin Fever: If you don't have a cave nearby, you can build a snow shelter next to a cabin or building where you can be warm enough to sleep. Spend as much time in the snow shelter as possible, sleep some in the first part of the night when it's not too cold yet, then go into the building to sleep the rest of the way. This will help avoid cabin fever when the risk appears, or just in general. Hunting/Hiding: Generally it seems you're safe from predators and moose in a snow shelter, but I don't trust it completely. I've been yanked out of a snow shelter to brawl with a wolf, and I've had wolves walk right past without knowing I'm there. Your stance might make a difference - if you'r standing when you enter the snow shelter, you're technically still standing inside. Same with crouching. You'll notice the difference with a bow if you're not at archery level 5. If you're standing when you enter the snow shelter, you can shoot the bow while inside it. If you crouch before you enter, you won't be able to shoot the bow (if not at level 5). Increasing hours spent outdoors: This is more of a personal thing, but I like to try and keep my hours spent outdoors higher than my hours spent indoors. Unfortunately, I've found that passing time or sleeping in the back of a warm cave (cave without a loading screen) counts as hours spent indoors. If I'm going to spend more than a day or two at a certain area, I build a snow shelter and use it to warm up or spend time during the day, then sleep in it until it becomes too cold and go inside for the early morning hours.
  7. Same here. And, I wish it didn't turn off when I click the mouse button. I tried the new autowalk but went back to using an AutoHotkey script because I can pick up sticks and other things while I'm walking along.
  8. Ah, ok. I thought maybe you had discovered a clever way to use the rock cache when harvesting or quartering the bear.
  9. I did a test with raw and cooked meat stored in an outdoor corpse for a few days and dropped in the snow near the corpse. The rate of decay in the corpse is the same as the meat dropped in the snow.
  10. My underwear would have problems after that, too! Nice job. Why build the rock cache at the end? Just curious.
  11. I think Hinterland set a precedence of unannounced changes to long-standing game mechanics with the changes to wolf behavior sometime around the last major release. Apologies to Hinterland if I missed it, but I don't think that was mentioned in any release notes. I agree, though, that it's likely a bug that will be fixed in an upcoming hotfix.
  12. I reported it a couple days ago and asked if it's a bug or intentional. No response yet.
  13. I expect it's a bug, but right now it seems that there is no decay of meat in stone caches. I last checked meat (raw and cooked) that has been in a stone cache for 10 days and neither has lost any condition. Otherwise, the rate of decay for meat is the same outside, whether it's dropped on the ground or put in any outdoor container. I haven't checked meat storage in a corpse in a while, so I'll give that a try and see if it's any different.
  14. I've been playing quite a bit since Fearless Navigator was released and it only happened to me that one time. No problems otherwise.
  15. It's not just changing regions - I experienced the same thing exiting Quonset Garage. It's an existing save, was roaming around Coastal Highway, entered the front of Quonset and the game locked up when I exited the rear. I had already been in and out of several other buildings in the area. I eventually killed the game (on PC) and started back up where it saved when I entered Quonset. I did the same things, exited the rear, and it was fine, only happened that one time.
  16. It takes 50 stones. Maybe it's just my imagination, but there seemed to be more stones lying around shore lines now, too. It didn't take long for me to find 50 stones around Hibernia and between there and Riken in Desolation Point. Nice storage capacity - 30 kg, same as the interior lockers. I posted on meat decay in rock caches in the announcement thread as well. So far, it looks like meat decays much slower, if at all, when stored in a cache. I expect it's not intended to be that way, but who knows? I don't think stone caches deteriorate because they're marked on the maps. But that's just a guess, I haven't looked for that yet.
  17. I used a container - an outdoor locker in Desolation point. I'll try a car trunk as well to make sure that has not changed, but it's just another outdoor container like those outdoor lockers, outdoor metal boxes, or a corpse in the snow. Until now, outdoors is outdoors for rate of decay in meat, whether it's left on the ground or in a car trunk or other outdoor container, it makes no difference. Some other seemingly indoor areas count as outdoor for meat decay, like anywhere in the 2-layer caves (caves without a loading screen), or the enclosed porch at the Farmstead house in Pleasant Valley.
  18. I'm playing an existing Interloper save, currently located in Desolation Point. I found a paint can in the Broken Bridge car, and another paint can by a window in the lighthouse. I haven't ventured farther than that yet, but I expect the Polaroids will be out there.
  19. Yes. I just did a test with some meat, and was surprised at the results. I don't know if it's intended or a bug, but in my short test, meat stored in a rock cache decays much less, if at all. My test has spanned about 3 days in game so far. I started with three cooked pieces of moose meat at 90% and three raw rabbit pieces at 95%. I put a piece of each on the snow, a piece of each in an outdoor container (lockers under the stairs at Hibernia), and a piece of each in a rock cache. After my short test, the moose in the snow and locker is at 87% and rabbit in the snow and locker is at 82%. The moose and rabbit in the rock cache have not changed - 90% and 95%, respectively. I'll continue the test next time I play and see how it goes.
  20. That would be nice. I'm not keen on having guns available in Interloper, for no reason other than it's always been that way. But having the ability to craft better/more durable arrows and bows would be terrific.
  21. That place has had ammo on Interloper since HRV was released. I have no idea why, and I've never found ammo anywhere else in Interloper. Before the revolver was released, I'd find two rifle bullets there. Since the revolver, it's been two revolver bullets. I always wondered if finding those bullets in Interloper was a precursor to something new in the future, like being able to craft a weapon. Or maybe just an oversight in the game that never got fixed.
  22. I've had numerous experiences lately with a wolf taking a dropped decoy while I still have other smelly things on me. I've found if I drop the decoy and linger within a certain distance, the wolf will not take it. If I drop the decoy and keep moving away, the wolf will take it. Before the changes to the wolf behavior, there were occasional times when a wolf would completely ignore dropped decoys. I think that's still there. I've had a couple of them ignore the decoys and keep following me.
  23. It all depends on what the wolf or bear is doing at the time. If the predator is "locked on" and following you, it doesn't matter how the meat is dropped. You can use the decoy key or open your inventory and choose something to drop. That counts as a dropped decoy, but a wolf may or may not take the dropped item, depending on several factors with current wolf behavior. If no predators are following you, you can drop anything by any method and it will be safe, predators will not know it exists.
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