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Everything posted by RossBondReturns

  1. Or as I noted in my post...if it's for a limited time to get used to the new spawns great. If it's not we have a way to check instantly if we want to know. (Check the Map) It'll be blank but you'll know the region. It just seems wrongheaded. Hinterland says they want us to not know where you are with new player spawns...and then on spawn the game tell you right away what region you're in.
  2. I prefer Curator's for Knockdown Power and Looks. The sight on Barb's is amazing...and it feels great. haven't tested Vaughn's yet.
  3. For the record I looked all over HRV and didn't find it. I found Barbs Rifle somewhere in CH (not spoiling location) just region it also spawns in multiple places. I found Spelunker's Lantern (Between TWM and AC) but it spawns in multiple places.
  4. I love the major piece of hidden loot that can spawn in a easy to miss location in Transfer Pass. Also it seems as if the amount of predator wildlife that spawns in Far Range Branch Line is 3rd time through there was plenty.
  5. Yeah, I understand. I just think that the main impetus of the thread is that they didn't clearly tell us...and yet...they actually did. Each section of the video even had titles. I'm not sure how they could've made it clearer. I will say though that I have heard sounds that are new that could be equated to a stalking Cougar. The game has added such sounds before...but they were used for other settling rubble in caverns. I honestly wouldn't mind if they added the Cougar silently since it is a silent stalker. For instnace in the video they could touch on many of the things in the, say, upcoming update/next DLC drop...and then say find out more in the Release Notes. And in the release notes it says...We also added the Cougar...Shhhhh. And they could have more listed in the release notes...but have those be those who want to can be surprised.
  6. If you have no tea...and have been attacked by wildlife getting insomnia can be deadly. Because you fail to get sleep which means you continually loose condition. And if you were attacked by a Bear and a wolf...(like happened to me) and have no Tea...then yes the stacking issues of Condition loss on condition loss can bring death.
  7. If you watch the update video they had a section which clearly laid out what the Paid DLC branch were getting in the update...and what the free branch was getting. It was clear and well done. Can't wait for the next update...loving the DLC so far.
  8. I will probably write a longer post later but I am very very happy with both a year long DLC...and the chance to support Hinterland by paying for said DLC. They have over and abundantly delivered as far as I'm concerned. Here's a link to a tweet I made to all involved that Raphael Shared and liked: My post of Thanks to Raph and the Team for an amazing start to TFTFT!
  9. After a few more runs I have to agree with this post. There is zero reason to put up the information on what region we have spawned in. You added new player spawns so we would be confused about where we might be. I had a great one a few minutes ago that I was wondering where I was at until Timberwolf Mountain Region appeared on my screen. And as soon as that came up...I figured out exactly where I was in TWM. I've also noticed that generally speaking each player spawn is within perhaps 30-40 steps from a New Location Trigger. So within 30 seconds a location trigger would pop up and from that if you know your locations you yourself would know where you are. (4 out of 4 starts since the DLC drop this has been the case). Also if people really want to know what region there is, all they have to do is push the button for the Map whatever that is on their gameplay device...and a blnak map comes up with the Region they are in. The player might know where they are, the character spawning in sure as heck shouldn't. Now if this is for a limited time for new players it's understandable...but if not it makes no sense. You said you wanted us to not know where we were, you wanted the new loot spawns and player spawn to combine to make things new again. Item Spawns are working great...but telling us where our player spawns...when you tell us right away. It's incompatible.
  10. Insomnia without tea...and if you are already hurting for Condition will quickly further ruin your condition. This could easily lead to a spiral into lower or lower condition. Sometimes waiting is not an option, because waiting will worsen your condition on top of the insomnia. If your condition is low enough, and you have no tea, you will continue to loose condition because you might not even get an hours worth of sleep at a time. Leading to a spiral of lower and lower condition. Also a word on tea...tea is very handy in the game as drinking it enables you to sleep better speeding up recovery by allowing better sleep. In my 5,000 plus hours I've used Tea many, many times long before now. It works very well against insomnia allowing you to grab 3 hours or so of sleep per cup...but if you run out of cups that could be a huge issue.
  11. There is an autowalk function under accessibility I believe (don't use it myself).
  12. They are all over the place to encourage regular gameplay and not just running right to the Far Territory.
  13. Hmmm interesting, I don't remember that happening on my two post DLC runs. My first spawn was at night...but looking towards the lighthouse from a distance. I think this could be to help new players a little bit because all the player spawns are new and not everyone know that quick push m for map trick. I can totally understand that- I have many thousands of hours...but we are constantly having new players join the community- and having the region pop up would be helpful for them. Such a warning/hint could be removed after some signs for a new roundabout or 4 way stop are once people are use to them.
  14. I actually prefer having to find locations before they become available to spawn in. That's how it was for a time and it's nice to see it back. It also meant to every single DLC player got the same introduction to the Far Territory the first time they started it up. This makes sure that at least one time players will have to take the Long Journey to the Far Territory. And it's a very well produced introduction as well- with the transition of sounds and feelings, and more of the human and technology element- almost as if we're stepping back in time as we walk through the transition zones. If you could just skip that initial journey of discovery on first booting it up- it would loose much of its power.
  15. You cannot spawn in the new have to find it first. Thank GOD.
  16. It was not mentioned as part of the initial DLC release in the update video. So I'd say it's in one of the updates to come.
  17. I absolutely refuse to spawn in the new region if such a thing is possible. I'm playing it as it was in the olden days. Random start, and if I get the new Region...restart until I don't. Play a regular sandbox from there. I plan not to head toward the Far Territory until I am fully kitted out and prepared. As far as I'm concerned, spawning directly into the zone...after all of the work they've done to prepare all the new Transition Zones- antithetical. The best way to experience it is to make my way into the new areas from the outside in and do it as part of a regular sandbox.
  18. I pretty much have 4 I always use. Better Water/Better Fuel Managment Save image filter Better night sky. Any others are just bonuses. Also Relentless Night...but that's almost a Total Conversion
  19. I play with mods as well, and often voice my appreciation to modders themselves. But with each major update I uninstall melonloader...mainly because I want to experience what Hinterland has changed and improved themselves. Then if I find something lacking I can then install mods as they've been fixed to work with the latest version.
  20. IN the twitter thread following his tweet about it....someone guesses 18-25 minutes. His response was: Oh goodness no not that long. We're only talking about what is in Part One. Then in a later response he stated about how long the video would be if they went into detail on everything on the DLC all at once: If we did a single video covering the whole Expansion Pass, it'd probably take an hour. Currently my guess is around 12 minutes.
  21. It's possible they might remove the regular Crampons on Stalker and above. This would make improvised crampons the only option for those playing the highest difficulties.
  22. It's also different in the facial features and smaller overall.
  23. I just noticed that...I'll leave it as is...hahaha! Rather craptacular :D.
  24. They are actually considered Crepuscular. They are most active at night...but are also active at Dawn and Dusk as well. Also since the Aurora, TLD's animals don't act like normal animals would so I'd have my head on a swivel stick at all times.