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Everything posted by Ahatch

  1. Milton will be interesting wolf wise as you will have to use a lot of stealth. Good rewards if you go sooner rather than later as there is a fair amount of food in the form of canned goods and junk food. Just risky looting...
  2. That is a cool area you found there does it lead anywhere or it just sort of a unfinished region
  3. I know I had more than one interloper run end trying to leave Desolation Point to go to Coastal Highway because I lost so much condition on the Crumbling Highway to Misandres House stretch. I would also crawl over to the basement then sneak to the exit but die right as I enter Coastal. That was usually a result of starvation as DP doesn't have that great of starting food and if you stay there too long at the start you put yourself in a tough spot. Anyway keep us posted as this is the best part of the interloper runs the first 30 days are the ones that determine if the run will be a long one or end in death.
  4. Riken is about a good days walk from the fish camp anyway. If you haven't found the bedroll yet it will pretty much impossible to survive unless you have a snow shelter and lucky enough to keep a fire going in front of it to get a good sleep. Of course you could go to Mystery Lake and look for it and head to Spence Farmstead.
  5. So I take it you are not quite ready to make a run for the forge yet. What day are you on?
  6. Great thread keep the updates coming
  7. The toughest part of interloper after surviving that first 30 days is just getting around the maps due to the cold weather. Once you have your bow and arrows and you get some decent cloths made the weather is still just a huge factor. You have to kind of plan out your movements on the map to avoid too much condition loss. So things like exploring which you do a fair bit more in Voyageur since it's a bit for forgiving. So for example I'm on a 250 days into an interloper run on good ol Pleasant Valley. I started my run here way back when on Three Strikes Farmstead but couldn't loot saplings back then. Now I want to go back there and loot it and I'm staying in the barn near the farm house I have to cross the open field and pass the outbuilding over the bridge. I may have to deal with wolves in the orchard or near that deer carcus in the hay shed just to get there. So I need decent weather and maybe drink a hot tea but there's a chance a blizzard is going to roll in at any time and I'll be way out there with not much warm shelters near by. So I have to make sure I'm carrying a bunch of sticks and maybe a piece of coal in case I have to hold up in a place out of the wind. If I want to map the region then I'm going to take additional damage. Whether I like it not making it back there I might come back with a couple saplings but 20% condition as well. If you play a safe game of interloper once you have all your supplies you need it's really no different than Voyageur just you have no guns and it's cold.
  8. I play interloper so I generally stay in one region for quite some time once I have forged but when it's time to move I take--> All fire starting items (matches, mag lens, fire striker) All teas, coffee (I usually carry a couple in cups and the rest in dry form) Lantern , improvised knife, hacksaw, (if I have the improvised hatchet) Fishing tackles, sewing kit, 2 bows , arrows and at least 20 arrow stalks Depending on the region I'm going to I will bring cloth / scrap metal (but these items I will forward to a location so I can return to get them) Prybar (for looting locked trucks/ lockers) Coal (2 pieces or more) I usually make sure I'm a bit underweight when I leave then if I need to go back for anything I will have those items forwarded before hand.
  9. I will often utilize a tree or rock face and use stones to bring the wolves closer then pick them off as they are walking away. I usually do this to wolves that are hanging around near my base as I want to be able to fish / hunt in peace
  10. Crouching while shooting is a HUGE upgrade it means you can get closer to the prey and protect yourself better moving past wolves. You can hunt wolves as well better from a rockface or tree.
  11. @hozz1235You are correct and if he didn't need to go too far to get cloth he could go to the plane crash / skeeters ridge / draft dodgers for cloth
  12. I am over 2000 hours been playing since early access
  13. Depends how much you use your hacksaw on Timberwolf. I had to return to PV as my hacksaw dwindled down to 10% so I need to get back and repair it. The cloth depending on your sewing skill and how often you repair your cloths you will need a fair amount. I used about 20 cloth over 50 days on Interloper.
  14. Not much for cloth or scrap metal in Timberwolf Mountain , had the same problem on my current run , now I'm back at Pleasant Valley farmhouse ripping currents and breaking down metal shelves.
  15. I pick them up whenever I'm walking and then when I see I'm overweight I dump them in a container in my base. I like to have lots on hand for wolves
  16. Just spending my time at Timberwolf mountain visited 2 vistas and map is pretty much clear just don't want to leave the region as I want to eventually see 100% of the world.
  17. I really like these videos because they have so many good tips and the awesome folks featured in them .
  18. I would say hitting rabbits with a rock is easier than the bow but I get so dang frustrated going to pick the stunned rabbit up. I miss about 60% of the time and it runs away. If I wasn't so flustered I would do better LOL . I find hitting the rabbit with the bow not so bad but only if I can align myself with the rabbit as it coming straight toward me. I sometimes use bow hunting rabbits as a way to build up my archery skill. I'm always trying in Interloper to get to level 5 as quickly as possible. So when arrows get on low condition it's not so bad in fact I like to have a couple arrows with low arrow condition for wolves. I like to hit hit wolves and the arrow breaking so they don't run off with the arrow.
  19. Well If I am on Mystery Lake for instance bored I could look at my statr screen and see what regions my character has not been everywhere. Sometime if you get the poloroid it uncovers lots of the map but you may have not visited one of the landmarks
  20. I know on the stat screen it shows the percentage of the world you have visits but it would be cool to have a visual meter showing how much of each region you have visited. So if I'm on Timberwolf Mountain it would be nice to know if I've been to all the landmarks.
  21. This is an interloper poll , if I was playing any other setting I break branches with a hatchet because I could give a hoot about taking damage on the tool . I never use a tool but take 10 minutes to do so take damage to hits usually. You don't have to be so snarky though
  22. I play a lot of interloper and one of the things I do is break branches down despite taking damage. I watch a lot of You Tubers that ignore them .
  23. I never make a second set of cloths but I will use excess rabbit hides when my condition on the hat and mitts drop a couple percentages. I do this hoping I can build my mending skill up a bit
  24. Man every time I go through the till at a store I see bins full of lighters , but I better not start a thread suggestions butane lighters