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Everything posted by piddy3825

  2. there's only so much toilet water you can drink in this game before you start to realize how few toilets there are... I keep thinking about an old commercial for Motel 6, they used to say, "...and we'll leave a light on for you..." Occupied there's never a working door at a gas station Please wipe the rim when your done close the door next time lol, joke's on them. empty toilet paper box - always check before you go no doors in maintenance yard bathroom How many times did they have to go? shoulda boiled that water better? Occupied!
  3. I like the way you think. Playing possum, waiting for the big bad wolf to stake his claim, then jump up and pop a cap in his cranium! It's a Stalker run and there's still so much loot in the world... but yeah, the boredom level is high... I never thought about shooting my own legs off, but considering the hair trigger on that revolver, death or injury by gunshot wound outta be one of the ways a player could die in this game! Yes, the prolonged waiting for this next episode and the new region to release has just about taxed my characters will to live. Kinda like Roy in his final scene in Blade Runner "...time to die..." if only the lantern were full of fuel... bone dry and no better than a paperweight at this point. oh, no! yes, of course he coulda/shoulda/woulda used the flare! as said by Anthony Hopkins in the movie The Edge; " Yeah, see, they die of shame. "What did I do wrong? How could I have gotten myself into this?" And so they sit there and they... die. Because they didn't do the one thing that would save their lives. "
  4. Shout out to the Author of this video! Well done! Totally captures the feeling of helplessness and isolation!
  5. I finally walked out to the edge of the world and found a vast open blue sea
  6. Sweeping thru Mystery Lake on a mission, chased by wolves, I decided to seek shelter in an abandoned boxcar. Whom do I find? BoxCar Bob In what must have been a drunken stupor, this poor soul thought he could "Ride the Rails" and escape his fate. Little did he know he was on a one way ride into oblivion. After wearily allowing himself to slump to the floor, poor Bob, fell into a deep deep sleep. As the weather drew colder and colder, so did Bob...
  7. the old billy goat crouch walk... I would have posted more but I got tired of dying. Took over half a dozen launches to get that third shot. I think I finally got it as I was falling thru from above!
  8. you're playing on pc, right? it took me hours to get it to work... lots of fast and furious clicking of my mouse to be sure. my finger ached for days afterwards. I built the top cache from the upper portion of the broken stairs and I built the bottom cache from ground level at the bottom of the stairs. I wasn't sure I could reach the bottom while standing on the upper portion of the broken staircase, but was able to crouch and kinda climb over and then down the upper cache in order to reach the bottom cache. I almost didn't make it back up, as it did require some effort, so if you can build one on the upper half of the broken stairway that is reachable from ground level, then I would consider that good.
  9. yeah, I got the idea from reading the thread started by @Sus-wolf, "Living at BI Cannery" building a rock cache on the steps was mentioned by @Gracia_WolfSlayer who claimed he had seen it mentioned in another post last year. I just took his suggestion and fleshed it out a bit. It takes a fair bit of effort collecting the 100 stones it takes to build the twin caches, but is so worth the effort once completed.
  10. It took a couple of trips to do the job, but I think placing your rock cache(s) here are easier to retrieve once you've climbed the rope and have run the obstacle course. I was able to build two such rock caches resulting in my ability to move up to 60 Kilos of stuff with relative ease into the cannery workshop you can reach the upper cache from the ground and you can reach the lower cache from the top
  11. It's the end of your day, only to discover you're outta matches, the fire striker is broken and there's not enough day light left to use the magnifying glass... what do you think happened here?
  12. be able to repair anything with a piece of scrap metal and some cheap tools... repair clothing to brand new condition with a piece of cloth from a curtain and some old fishing tackle... ...shoot a moose with a flare gun...
  13. HRV many interesting finds walked into this cave and noticed these corpses looks like the guy musta had an epic battle with the wolf before his final knife thrust put the wolf down only to die himself while trying to crawl away
  14. Outstanding! I can't wait to explore this new area!
  15. I would have died a little too... Dear Sir: I have been requested by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company to contact you for assistance in resolving a matter. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company has recently concluded a large number of contracts for oil exploration in the sub-Sahara region. The contracts have immediately produced moneys equaling US$40,000,000. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company is desirous of oil exploration in other parts of the world, however, because of certain regulations of the Nigerian Government, it is unable to move these funds to another region. You assistance is requested as a non-Nigerian citizen to assist the Nigerian National Petroleum Company, and also the Central Bank of Nigeria, in moving these funds out of Nigeria. If the funds can be transferred to your name, in your United States account, then you can forward the funds as directed by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company. In exchange for your accommodating services, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company would agree to allow you to retain 10%, or US$4 million of this amount. However, to be a legitimate transferee of these moneys according to Nigerian law, you must presently be a depositor of at least US$100,000 in a Nigerian bank which is regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria. If it will be possible for you to assist us, we would be most grateful. We suggest that you meet with us in person in Lagos, and that during your visit I introduce you to the representatives of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company, as well as with certain officials of the Central Bank of Nigeria. Please call me at your earliest convenience at 18-467-4975. Time is of the essence in this matter; very quickly the Nigerian Government will realize that the Central Bank is maintaining this amount on deposit, and attempt to levy certain depository taxes on it. Yours truly, Prince Alyusi Islassis
  16. hmmm, dead yes, but not sitting... oh, maybe you died in a sitting position?
  17. This is very similar to the wish that was posted by @The Doctor titled "greenhouses." As to maintaining indoor temperatures, easy enough to do considering the farmhouse in PV was once heated by steam radiators. Would be easy enough to get the old system back on line, once running, maintenance would be easy. wasn't coal mining a big industry back in the day? seems that our survivor would be prospecting for coal instead of gold!
  18. By the light of the silvery moon Your silvery beams will bring wolf dreams We'll be struggling soon By the silvery moon Silvery moon is shining through the trees wolf's kisses got me on my knees Underneath the silvery moon
  19. No, I haven't in my own gameplay other than when I did the Archivist Challenge. Wasn't thinking about TSD so much at the time of that adventure so I don't have a screenshot of that occasion. However, another player here on the forums @Lohaan did post that shot here on this thread. You should check that out if you haven't done so already.