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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Yeah, that and some ice skates, please and thank you! Considering you can find old downhill ski boots, it does make a lot of sense that cross country skiing would have been an active recreational sport right? Also since Hockey is the predominant winter sport in Canada, I'd expect to find a set of ice skates as well. I bet Pensive Pond would have just been big enough to put a little hockey rink in place when nobody was using the fishing shack. Better yet would be the ability to glide across the ice of Coastal Highway from the fishing village all the way to the dock by the gas station! Imagine skating circles around the wolves while taking pot shots at them with the revolver! Fun times, indeed! btw... Wish Granted!
  2. Outstanding! Yeah, you just gotta play around with the settings a bit and you'll quickly find what works and what doesn't. Glad you figured out how to tweak the settings so you could fine tune a custom game more to your liking. Game on, player!
  3. Yeah, I think that the spirit of Chucky took over Teddy... Teddy is sitting there on the edge of my bed with a creepy grin on his face, truly horrifying
  4. I'm not sure exactly what happened after I summoned the DarkWalker as I passed out from fright, but this is what I found the next morning...
  5. Weren't rifles and revolvers available? They should have been on. Sorry if they weren't. I could have sworn I turned those on. Anyways, I totally understand where you are coming from. It's the long game that gets kinda boring after a while considering that once you have achieved that level of self sufficiency that just surviving in the sandbox without really having anything to do gets extremely boring after a while. For me, boredom typically sets in after 250 days in game. My character is very well established by that point with multiple base camps scattered about the island and just merely passing time becomes more like busy work than gaming. I hope at some point when modding becomes supported that activities like reading a book or playing solitaire become available. Heck the game basically starts with Will sitting at his desk playing solitaire, not much to ask to find a deck of cards is it?
  6. @Blizzard Walker, sounds like to me you have all the bases covered! One of the ways that I try to develop map knowledge is to spend at least 50 days in each region and intimately trying to explore as much as possible. HRV, however is my nemesis. Maybe it's just the fact that I always feel like I'm walking in circles. I honestly only ever go there to retrieve the moose satchel and soon as I have found it I work my way back to Milton. Yeah, once you figure out how to navigate all those transitional ice caves, let me know! In the mean time, have fun, play hard and watch out for those furry fanged marauders.
  7. The hallowed night's eve has come once more, the sun has set, and darkness fallen. The trees are bare, the earth asleep, and the skies are cold and black. Yet tonight we rejoice, on this hallowed eve, embracing the darkness that enfolds us. We welcome the night and all that it holds, as the light of the stars shines down. From a thousand deaths, a cup of blackend blood dying dying dying dying for a cup of warm black blood Arise Arise Arise ARISE DARKWALKER ARISE Blood is really warm, it’s like drinking hot chocolate but with more screaming...
  8. ¡Por supuesto! Sacrifica la narrativa de la historia para terminar antes. ok entonces, digo. Si es así como quiere jugar, déjalo, ¿no?
  9. here, give this a try... 8lvs-/jMD-Di2X-TeGW-OGMC
  10. Was checking some ingame stats today and saw that BlackRock is now listed as a region. So when does it go live on survival? such a teaser, Hinterland, kinda got my hopes up that it was coming sooner than later. Or are we still waiting til December?
  11. I recently saw one that I think you are missing. It was similar to the Spoiled Rotten quip regarding the food supply. will try to capture a screenshot if I see it again. Anyways, it says something about how the cooks at the prison became pretty skilled at supplementing their food supply by hunting or foraging, anyways something like that. it's possible I could just be confused but the quip got me to thinking about the gaping holes in the story line.
  12. I've had that happen a couple of time too, but usually the item is tucked under the front of the passengers seat. You can see it, but can't actually pick it up. I was able to kinda figure out a work around where I would exit the vehicle, then crouch and re-enter the vehicle. Seems that crouch mode brought me down lower so I was able to effectively interact with the item and pick it up.
  13. HA HA HA 😜 oh man, I was just laughing so hard my belly is still quivering like the proverbial bowl of jello! I see your grinning avatar and wonder if you're messing with me or are replying in all seriousness! I'd surely would break my morale to be hit in the face by a well flung hand full of steaming excrement! So to answer your question, it's either throw poop or be bitten by a hungry wolf? Fluffy better take cover then!
  14. Pooping should have been part of the game in the first place if you ask my opinion. Would have made some interesting game play if a player would have been vulnerable while using the outhouse! Can you imagine how hard it would have been to break timberwolf pack morale while you're sitting in a wooden outhouse trying to drop a deuce? lol😆 At any rate my long underwear were full of 💩 after my first venture outta the prison, who knew there were gonna be some many angry wolves!
  15. So I see that Admin put in a post on how to open the door, I've followed the unlock instructions precisely, retrieved the hammer and returned to the door. All the ice has melted but the door remains locked??? Ok, so now what? I've tried half a dozen times now but no joy. So besides quiting the game and starting a new one, what else can I try?
  16. Interesting topic and as memory serves there was an article in the Vancouver news back in early 2019 about invasive wild pigs spreading in B.C. That being said, most of these feral pigs were reportedly contained to the interior portions of the mainland although there were reports of some sightings of feral pigs on Vancouver Island, however their numbers were very limited. "The University of Saskatchewan study says feral pigs have earned the distinction of Canada’s most invasive mammal because of their growth in the prairies. 58 per cent of the animals’ growth in Canada has happened in Saskatchewan, where they burrow in “pigloos” during the winter months." "Gail Wallin, Executive Director of the Invasive Species Council of BC, says the animals are a growing concern. “If you see one, we want you to report it in, but also if you’re a hunter you can remove it as long as you follow hunting rules and regulations,” she says." hmmm, so you might find some pigs, but apparently not in any abundance on any of the islands. I think if there was another potentially aggressive animal being introduced, it should probably be a sea lion. Although not necessarily an aggressive animal, sea lions can get pretty big, something like 500 kilos and apparently their mouths are full of very very sharp teeth. Supposedly their mouths are so full of bacteria that their teeth turn black making the bite from a sea lion quite dangerous as their teeth are designed for tearing and ripping their prey. I guess now is a good time to get that old harpoon cannon on the Riken working again!
  17. ding ding ding, I think you just hit the nail on the head! I didn't think about that aspect at all, but it does make a lot of sense considering that everything else in the game is literally a hand painted representation of real world goods and materials. Thanks for pointing that out. Doesn't mean I like the new style any better though
  18. Congrats on playing over 1100 days with your Voyager character! Maybe now is the time for you step up the difficulty in your game play and begin a new adventure in Stalker Mode! (just a thought 😏) Anyways, considering that natural resources like birch and maple saplings are limited, it only stands to reason that at some point if you live long enough on your playthrough, you will eventually run out of arrows. However, considering that you can easily get 8-10 shots from each arrow before breaking them it also stands to reason that it can and will take you a very long time to completely run out. Two things come to mind however, the first is what is your shots fired to wildlife hits percentage using the bow? Secondly, do you typically use more that one arrow on a single animal when your hunt. (let's leave the moose outta the equation for now.) The reason why I ask, is that if your hit percentage is low it stands to reason that you will run outta arrows sooner as you have to put in more effort for a successful hunt thereby incurring more wear and tear to your equipment as compared to another player with a higher hit percentage. That brings me then to how many arrows you use per animal. A well placed shot on a deer, wolf or bear typically is enough cause them to bleed out over time. In that case it's just a waiting game until they finally expire from blood loss. But if you feel the need to shoot your prey with multiple arrows then you are practically doubling the wear rate on your equipment incurring a much higher failure rate. you might wanna check out @Drifter Man post 1000 Days in the Dam: An exercise in inventory control, there is some valuable data that he has shared with the community that you might find interesting. Good luck player! Game on!
  19. Indeed it does look like it could be a real magazine. I remember subscribing to a publication called "Field & Stream" and their covers looked very similar to the old style skill book. I suppose you have a good point that some suit with a law degree was one of the reasons for adopting the lame style of covers we see on skill books now. On the other hand, was this cover a veiled way for Hinterland to reveal what their in game rifle was modeled after?
  20. true that, but well worth the time and effort. what else you gonna do while you wait for the next update?
  21. Right on!!! I just made a post similar to this. Some things just shouldn't be changed for the sake of change. Game On!
  22. If you haven't played the old maps from the time capsule, you really should consider doing so as you'll gain a new found appreciation of the evolution of the game. That being said, if you are not so inclined to spend the time playing the old maps then you may want to just browse thru the thread "Share Your Screenshots" as you can watch the evolution of the game one frame at a time from the player's perspective. That's where I came across this little gem, buried in time, and realized that some changes to the game just aren't worth it. Old School Book vs. Updated Skill Book All I can say is, don't fix what ain't broke