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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. lol, that is one hella expensive wool rug.
  2. It's taken considerable effort getting the old neglected lodge back into shape. Busy as a bee, I've been crafting the new tables and chairs to replace all the old broken furniture and even managed to weave a new rug for the fireplace. Huge effort has been worth it! The old lodge is now officially open for fine dining and the staff has been very busy indeed getting the lodge ready for new guests! First thing we did is fix all the masonry around the fireplace and hang up a few more gun racks! I've even managed to find the old Bear Spear and return it to it's rightful place at the head of the fireplace. The "library" has been restored and the skill books updated for our guests reading pleasure. The larder is slowly being refilled but now sports a good variety of dry goods and canned items. Soda pop is still a limited commodity so please limit yourself to one can when you visit. Oh, and don't touch the Stacy's Grape... yeah, those are mine! Wolf steaks are on the menu this week since we had to cull the local pack a little these last few days. We're also making a nice fish chowder with all the brooktrout and small bass we hiked in from Mystery Lake. I do like a Manhattan style fish chowder man with tomato soup and fortified red wine. Simply Delicious! There's now plenty of seating, smaller tables for two for more intimate settings complete with candle light or banquet style seating for larger groups. Our biggest table can comfortably seat up to 10 guests for a fun and festive fine dining experience. Come join us for some culinary delights as we delve into channeling our inner Emeril Lagasse and "BAM" kick it up a notch! And after a fine meal, join Foxey and me for a nice cuppa tea by the fire. Hope you enjoyed the food! please feel free to leave a comment or suggestion in the space provided below, we would love to hear from you about how we can make your next visit that much more enjoyable. Thank you, The Management
  3. @stmSantana, okay, I checked out the update and I gotta say everthing is working per expectations. Forge crafting time is down to one hour per nail box crafted. Also am able to craft nail box from reclaimed wood at the crafting table! Now that you have both methods in place for crafting nails, both of which are mutually exclusive of on another in order to work, I'd suggest you pick one method of nail production and eliminate the other. I like the idea of having to forge nails as it does add a "busy" element to the game. The player needs to gather sufficient materials to fire the forge and also needs to gather scrapmetal to make the nails from. This aspect of the game does require the player to invest some serious game playing time in order to manufacture the necessary nail components need to build the furniture. On the other hand, being able to craft nails at the workbench from reclaimed wood does make nail production extremely easy and substantially less time consuming. So much less time consuming and with obviously much less resource gathering effort than using the forge. I don't know why anyone would wish to go thru the effort to forge nails given the easier option of crafting nails at the workbench. I guess you could offer two separate versions, one using the forge and the other using reclaimed wood. Some players would rather have a more immersive experience and crafting your own nails via a forge, well it doesn't get more immersive than that. On the other hand, If you decide to go forward using the workbench crafting option, I'd double or triple the reclaimed wood necessary for fabrication so that a little more effort is required by the player to produce nails? If the decision were up to me, I'd scrap the crafting table version and only offer the forge version.
  4. Just curious, how many charcoal pieces have you gone thru so far? And how many pieces do you typically carry on any given day of mapping? How many pieces do you estimate that you will need to thoroughly map the entire island?
  5. well hypothermia would maybe help to explain the why. I think I remember reading that one of the symptoms of advanced hypothermia is that somewhere in the process the victim actually believes they are too hot and some bodies have been found IRL where the corpse is competely naked as the victim has removed most if not all their clothing in an attempt to "cool" off.
  6. Outstanding! I understand that coding issues sometimes require substantial effort which in this case probably makes my wish for harvestable nails unrealistic. I think cutting down the nail crafting time does however make a lot of sense in terms of balancing and look forward to when it's implemented. In the mean time, thank you for the opportunity to check out your work. I'm now in the process of forging nails for the many crafting projects that I have going on in my current game! Thanks again for asking and double thanks for giving my suggestions some consideration!
  7. ohhh, one more thing @stmSantana if and when you do an update, can you make a nice bed, too? Full size, please and thank you! But, really, a cot would do too!
  8. Outstanding! The FM to BK transition cave is also alot closer to the forge making it an ideal source being close by and all. Between the two locations I'd bet a player could collect upwards of 20 or more pieces of coal on a regular basis. Wolves can be fairly easily avoided as well as long as you stay on up on the high ground and skirt your way around the outside edges of the map.
  9. I'm kinda curious now why during all this discussion about favorite forges and FM's apparent lack of coal resources nobody seemed to mention the coal filled cave that connects Marsh Ridge in FM to the waterfall on the other side of the map? I was actually planning on leaving the area as I was actually looking for the FM to Milton basin transition when I stumbled into the cave. Apparently I had completely forgotten about this isolated system, but what I did find was 13 pieces of coal as I worked my way thru the passageways looking for the exit. Looks like that system is also a replenishing system so although a fair bit removed from the actual forge itself it would serve as an excellent source of fuel for the furnace. I also found a sleeping bag, climbing rope and other useable supplies inside in addition to a deer carcass! Ok, I must admit, I am liking FM more and more with each passing day...
  10. @stmSantana Outstanding! Did as you suggested and clicked on the conform to surface button and was able to place items directly on tables, chairs and shelves without any issue! I picked up where a I left off in my game and was able to manipulate all my objects and place them on the tables where I wanted and all was good. That would probably be good advice to put in the "Read Me" notes, but I'm probably not the best at reading the notes to be honest. I'd like to amend my previous rating and give you a full Three Thumbs up, 👍👍👍 and raise my glass 🍺to toast your work and success! (i still think you might wanna look at those crafting times though...)
  11. ok, I found this mod to be very exciting for the majority of the items that could be crafted. However, I do have a few observations that I'd like to make regarding as suggestions for improvement. Obviously you need nails to build some items and while some can be found in lockers, I'd like to suggest that maybe nails could be salvaged when breaking down pallets and crates? Now I did avail myself on the option to forge nails but it seems a little out of balance that a single nail would take one full piece of scrap metal as well as two hours of forging time. An arrowhead is bigger by comparison and you can make two from one piece of metal in a quarter of the time. that might be something you may wanna tinker with and fix the time? The times needed to craft although doable seemed a bit out of balance, but not a deal breaker in my opinion. The biggest single down side is the crafted objects don't snap or mesh so you can't place anything on them without serious effort. I do use the "place anywhere" mod and without it, I would not have been able to place any objects on the shelves or the table tops. That aspect for me is my single biggest complaint. The gun rack is cool and I will continue to make them, however the rifle wouldn't snap and I had to monkey around trying to finally get it to look decent in the rack. The wall hook looks and works brilliantly. Previously I used a stick to simulate a wall hook, this little baby looks just like it was meant for this purpose! If this item was the only thing available from this mod, I'd be happy beyond measure! The carpets, tables and chairs all look outstanding, except for the fact you can't set anything on them without engaging in spacial gymnastics. If you could add the wolf pawprint rug to the crafting mix, then I know one player in particular who would sing your praises! Just a thought... As to the furniture, no offence but if a player cannot just set something on the table quickly and easily then it's not worth the effort to collect the materials necessary to build the items. What about using the reclaimed wood from pallets and crates to craft? planks even? just a thought. I wanted to place a candle on the shelf over my bed, but gave up in frustration as there was no way I could get the two modded items to work together using a third modded placement mechanic. It took a disproportionate amount of time just setting this can of peaches on the shelf. I did use a new crafted cushion to fluff up my bed, that old pillow underneath has definitely seen better days! All in all, 👍👍, I give it two thumbs up as everything looks great and is moveable. Like I said, the only downside at this point is the fact you can't set anything on the new furniture. At least not very easily.
  12. yeah, wool rug would be nice. These one's are cotton, probably cause of the price. But if there's one company that's making them, then there are probably more and maybe one of them would make one a custom wool rug? Don't hurt to look or ask, right?
  13. yeah it is a pretty unhospitable spots. fair amount of firewood about and I did have some coal on me. It is/was wind protected so staying warm wasn't too bad. I brought my own bag cause a 2C spruce bough bed wasn't going to cut it very long. I took a 2 hour nap, brewed some fresh coffee and got the heck outta there as soon as I was able. Was suffering from Hypothermia by the time I made it to the trailer in Keeper's Pass South!
  14. That's an interesting bit of trivia. She started her YouTube channel about a year before TLD was released. I guess the Dev team liked watching her play Minecraft? eh?
  15. Found an interesting but gruesome video on YouTube True stories about bear attacks;
  16. looks like something you should be able to buy at IKEA... I did find this place where you can get a custom rug made from a picture
  17. Interesting find retrieved yet another flare gun and 5 shells Somebody let @Leeanda know as she's collecting flareguns and shells so she can complete her moose challenge! Where am I?
  18. mean while back at BlackRock Prison as I am looking for medical supplies in the abandoned infirmary I discover at bunch of medical equipment more often used in laboratories and typically not necessary for patching up scrapes and bruises... I also found a huge assortment of technical medical journals dealing with some rather exotic subjects like gene splicing, recombinant DNA sequencing practices and notes on secret "cloning" projects being performed by the resident medical staff the read was rather technical, I must admit, but I was able to grasp that the team there was on the verge of a major breakthru before being forced to abandon their work and flee during the prison uprising. One particular entry caught my interest which lead me to checkout the prison motorpool.
  19. lol, @I_eat_only_wolf_meat, I channelled my inner convict and Mathis showed me the way. I was always told the beds in the prison infirmary are much cleaner and softer and the food is usually better as well. and my toilet water was so sparkling clean, I thought I was drinking Perrier!
  20. and sometimes the moose wins... this bull moose took me by surprise and stomped the living crap outta me! The brute knocked me nearly senseless, so much that I had double vision the whole time as he was kicking my ass three ways to next Sunday! I am now blind in one eye and I can't see outta the other and the wolf patrol nearby has begun to howl. I'm not sure but I think I hear a fat lady singing...