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Everything posted by Admin

  1. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We appreciate the opportunity to investigate.
  2. Yes please. We can investigate either way. Thank you again for your patience!
  3. Thanks for the suggestion!
  4. Likely because the other comment got deleted. Thanks for reaching out!
  5. Thanks for posting. We're sorry to hear you're encountering this issue. We would be happy to investigate this for you try and improve your experience. Please file a ticket via our Support Portal:
  6. Thanks for the suggestion, and please, keep them coming!
  7. That's an incredible milestone! Congratulations.
  8. Sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue; we understand how frustrating this must be. Can you please file a ticket via our Support Portal so we can best assist you? We appreciate your patience.
  9. Thanks for sharing your suggestion. There are no current plans to alter this further in the game, but we will certainly provide an update if that changes. Please don't hesitate to reach out with additional recommendations!
  10. There was a fix for this issue, but we're hearing a couple continued reports. Can you please confirm whether you filed a report via our Support Portal? Additionally, if you could send us your email via private message, we could investigate further. Thank you for your patience.
  11. Thank you for the suggestions.
  12. Thanks for sharing. We're still working on this bug overall, but we appreciate the update!
  13. If it's helpful, the full list of system requirements can be found here: Good luck!
  14. Thank you for filing a ticket. This helps us track the severity and frequency of issues. We appreciate the opportunity to investigate further.
  15. Thank you for the feedback and response to this Diary. The term "Season Pass" is causing some confusion, and we are working on a more accurate name that properly encompasses the nature and spirit of our new update and DLC system. Some important things to note are: - You will not lose content you already own. - DLCs will not be mandatory. - Katie and the team are still working from a Roadmap that Raph developed with them, and Raph is still actively involved in reviewing and guiding this work. - We will release more information before changes roll out. We appreciate your patience and support.
  16. That's an excellent question, and we'll have more to share in the coming weeks. We want to make sure that the information we share are as accurate and detailed as possible.
  17. Welcome! Please don't hesitate to share content on these Forums; we look forward to hearing about your experiences on Great Bear Island.
  18. Blackrock isn't included in the Faithful Cartographer Achievement, and will not be included on the list of Surveyed Locations. Thank you for your question!
  19. Thank you for the feedback. There are some great suggestions in this thread. If you're finding that you're still experiencing difficulty, please don't hesitate to reach out via our Support Portal for some assistance:
  20. Thank you for posting. Have you filed a ticket via our support portal? This helps us to investigate issues and track frequency/severity. This could potentially be related to other known issues, but it would be helpful to gather more information before making an assessment.