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  1. 1.) Be able to have an empty Jerry Cans, and little lantern fuel cans. 2.) Be able to transfer lantern oil to, and from a Jerry Can. As well as transfer liquid between 2 or more Jerry Cans. A little bit silly that I have to have 2 Jerry Cans, one with 0.13 gal and another with 0.52 gal and not be able to consolidate fuel into 1 Jerry Can. 3.) Be able to fill Jerry Cans with Water. 3a.) Have different kinds of water containers with different capacities. Water Bottle = 16.9 fl. oz; Milk Jug = 1 gal; Jerry Can = 5.3 gal I think it would be cool to have Jerry Cans act as long term, bulk liquid storage for bases or outposts, be it lantern fuel or water!
  2. Right, but that is at the default movement speed. I mean a speed SLOWER than that.
  3. I would love a "walk" key for us keyboard & mouse users. Set to a speed that is slower than the usual movement speed. For indoors, or taking strolls. Walking could even offer a tangible benefit of slower calorie, water, and energy consumption. I often find that when I am indoors, my character is pin-balling back n' forth as I try to make minute changes with WASD to get where I want to be, especially when I am placing things. In a game so immersive, it feels silly to be bouncing around. I realize I could just use a controller, but I am far more comfortable on KB & M, and would love this little quality of life change! Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read my wishlist request! What do you think? Valuable QoL change? or waste of time?
  4. I'm really enjoying the new features that Fearless Navigator brings, but I have one small request. Add a spray paint marker that marks a shelter/camp/outpost/safehold/etc. The way I play, I like to set up these shelters all around the map. Usually a house, or a cave, or even a snow shelter and I stock them with supplies for topping off my own supplies as I explore around Great Bear or for emergencies. That way I can travel light, and if something happens while on the trail, there's always a place nearby I can duck my head into to wait out a blizzard or recover from an injury. It would be nice to have a spray paint marker that signifies that "This is a shelter, or a safe haven". Currently I just use the marker for "Supplies" but it would be nice to have one for camps too. Nothing fancy, just like a square with a triangle on top. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read my suggestion, have a nice day!