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  1. So it has been suggested before about adding a mountain goat, but I thought I'd share my thoughts on how this would make a great addition to the game. - You wouldn't find these goats in the lower part of great bear where civilization is located (Costal Highway, Pleasant valley). You would only find a mountain goat in a region that's higher up with fewer shelters (Timberwolf Mountain, Ash Canyon, Hushed River Valley). - If you get too close or startle the animal, it will charge at you at full speed. We'll say the impact is the same as getting hit by a timber wolf. After it hits you, it flees to distance itself. A goat attacking you is more of a defensive tactic, its not a carnivore. - Goats are roughly as big as a deer, so the amount of meat & guts you harvest is practically the same. - The hide of a goat can make a unique coat that offers great warmth and protection from strong winds and blizzards. However, due to the material being softer than a wolf or bear, it doesn't provide much protection from physical harm. Its also not very sturdy, a wolf or bear can tear through it more easily compared to other clothing. We'll say its slightly warmer and lighter than a wolfskin coat, but its not as sturdy and protective as one. If anyone else has any other suggestions, feel free to comment down below
  2. I wanted for them to be added for a long time. When I first saw this concept art of Ash Canyon, I thought "wow, this will be so much fun!". Even if it was just a platform you could move back and forth, there would still be a lot of level-design potential in this idea. Unfortunately, this idea was bound to remain on paper, not added in Hesitant Prospect or any following update. But I still think, the addition of ziplines and platforms like the one on the picture would greatly improve the long dark. The most obvious use for ziplines is using them as shortcuts. It might be a long and difficult road to reach some point of interest, but if you want to backtrack after reaching it, that would only take you a few seconds. Hinterland already utilise this shortcut type. There are slopes too steep to reach the top, or rocks that you can jump down from, but can't climb up. But they are a bit unrealistic. My survivor can climb 15-meter long ropes but can't climb a waist-high piece of stone? On the other hand, going up the zipline from the wrong end would be realistically impossible. But why would there be any ziplines on Great Bear? This island isn't particularly known for its tourist attractions. Sure, there's the Mystery Lake camp office, implying that some people would visit for a vacation near a lake, or some ice fishing, but pushing it further would go against realism. Well, ziplines are not only used for recreation, they are also a means of transport for both people and cargo. They would certainly fit a mining region that has many different elevation levels. Perhaps, when you initially explore this region, you can't use the cables, and you'd have to climb ropes and walk in long zig-zags to move further in. But in a mineshaft at the very top of the map, you can find a harness that would allow you to ride on all the ziplines. This would not only allow for faster backtracking, but also further exploration, as some remote and low parts of the region could only be accessible by zipline. Some of the cords could have carriages full of ore and coal stuck on them. You would have to stop your ride to reattach the harness, while the small carriage sways hundreds of meters above ground as you move. A bonus use for the harness is that it would aid you when climbing ropes. It would give you more second chances when you run out of stamina, and if you fall, you will land mostly unharmed. As long as you have a harness in your inventory, you would use it for climbing, with an animation of the survivor attaching themselves to the rope indicating you're safe.
  3. I have been pretty tired or maybe dissapointed of the wolf ai lately. My ecperience shows that there are many flaws and glitches, and it doesn't quite feel balanced to me. Now I'm a rather experienced player and know the games mechanics very well. With a gun of any kind I can deal with a wolf easily. A flare, which there are plenty of, will render them harmless, and the flare can also be thrown at the wolf na dscare it. I don't think that would be my instinct exactly during a wolf attack. And if there are neither of those, you can literally just walk away from them. With that said it really draws all the challenge and danger from a wolf encounter. I'm sure this has been discussed many times before, but here's my take on it anyways. So what I thought of is a pretty simple system. If a wolf is around a player with a flare (Or torch!!!) it will stop like it does currently in the game, however at some point it will charge at you. maybe give it a warning by making the wolf bark for a moment before attacking. I'm not sure but I think there was a mechanic at the early-access stages of the game when you could swing the flare in the air to scare a wolf. I think it is a great mechanic and could be reimplemented in some way. If the player swings with the flare during the wolves charge it will retreat, but not get scared away. However after a few times it eventually will. A wolf would also not just follow you directly if you are walking or running away, but would try to get in front of you to stop your escape and attack from your sides, frocing you to defend yourself. It could also work with multiple wolves at a time, surrounding you. This could make the scene in the intro where Astrid is surrounded by wolves an actual thing that could happend in the game. The wolves will one at a time do their attack, making you really pay attention to survive. This would be a rare occurrance however and would happend only in areas where there are multiple wolves around. To balance this, sometimes wolves would be alone, but can rarely wander in small groups of two or three, like in the intro! Wolf rich areas would still be a thing, but does make you think if you want to go through or around. Lastly, a gun is a gun, but could be hard to make it fit with the mechanics above. Maybe lone wolves follow a similiar behavior as they do now and groups will always follow a similiar behavior like with a flare. A whole group has a chance of getting scared away if a shot is fired or a wolf is killed. And if a wolf gets scared, it won't turn straight back around at you even if you smell. Let me know what your thoughts are and what would you change about my ideas or the games current wolf mechanics.
  4. I've studied game design in the past and thought I would share a concept idea for improving the environmental aesthetics in your game. When exploring large regions with limited shelters and a lot of open space, you see a number of dead bodies out in the open. Its rather interesting that no survivors had any tents with them while exploring and surviving. I think to improve the sense of discovery, you should find some dead bodies near a tent. Most of the tents are ruined, but you might get lucky and find a proper undamaged tent. For gameplay purposes, we can say you can't carry these tents, they are static objects in the world. However, you can interact with them. Like car/trucks, you can use them as cover from the harsh weather, but they don't provide much protection from the cold. You can find 2 types of tents. Small ones designed for sleeping through the night, and large ones outfitted with a mini furnace, a sleeping bag, and 1 or 2 containers with supplies. Story/lore wise, you may find notes about survivors trying to escape great bear and struggling to survive the quiet apocalypse. Who knows, maybe you'll find a large cave system with multiple tents lying in a large open space. This is just a concept idea to help the map feel less empty. Cheers
  5. I think the new variants, most prominently the rifles, need a wider range of possible spawn locations. For both gameplay balance and spice. Right now they are reliably confined to single regions and although some of these spawns are pretty creative, I feel it's not enough. Yes, rifles are fairly easy to find (little less so in the new loot table it seems) but there was always the chance you got unlucky, however with these new rifle spawns you can reliably get a superior weapon by checking just a few places in a region. As far as I know, the Curator's rifle is a direct upgrade, and while Vaughn's and Barb's have some more downsides I still think they're far superior. +.5kg for a more precise sight and extra durability? -1kg and more responsive firing for a little less durability? And I can reliably find them with just a short trip? Sign me up! I also feel by confining them to single regions they don't tell their respective stories as well. Barb was a well-weathered trucker? To me she's just the CH lady whose rifle I stole, etc. Have the entire Great Bear road system as far as FAF be potential spawns for Barb's, have every hydro dam and wood lot be one for Vaughn's, make the thief who stole the Curator's flee into ANY of the northern mountain regions, AC, TMW, BR! And I can go on. Finally, I really think the Woodwright's Bow should be repairable. Make it so when it breaks the string snaps, and force the player to wait until its fully broken before repairing it at a workbench for balance. These are just my opinions ATM, curious on all of your thoughts. Even still I really love the new item variants, especially V's rifle, even though it's a raggedy thing.
  6. I've mentioned this about a year ago now. Just want to refresh this idea. Title is self explanatory. It really bugs me that I can't wear a scarf because I have 2 headgears on and most of the clothing aesthetics expose your neck. I would never consider a scarf to be a head wear item IRL. Also, Merry Christmas to all the players and to Hinterland studio!
  7. I truly dislike how pitch black it becomes indoors. Your vision is limited, you can't craft/repair/or research books in the dark, and you have to use 1 of your light sources just to see where your going. Even with daylight, I'd have to use my lantern just to help me find items hidden in the room. Not sure if the team is planning some changes to the overall lighting, but as you read the title, I thought of a alternative solution to make darkness & night time less bothersome. Candles would be static objects found inside of some shelters. Using matches or a lit torch, you can ignite the candles to provide some additional lighting in the room. If your someone that spends a lot of time in the dark, you'll have more freedom to perform different actions during the night. We've already seen how candles are used in Wintermute chapter 3, so implementing them into survival shouldn't be too complicated. In addition, to add some negative side effects, the candles will eventually burn out after a said period of time (3-5 hours give or take). You won't be able to reuse them, unless you extinguish the candles yourself and save them for later. Perhaps there could be a feature that allows you to find more candles and replace the ones that burnt out.
  8. Please let us adjust the volume of the radios during an aurora! The classical music is fabulous. I just can't hear it unless I crank up the Sound setting (which makes all the other sounds TOO loud). Thank you.
  9. I was playing a long time yesterday and I happen to watch a wolf kill a deer. The thing I noticed was the wolf kind of just bit the air a couple feet away from the deer and then the deer fell over and randomly a giant hole appeared in the side of the deer. This broke the immersion within the games world and made me feel more detached. This is the first time I ever have seen a wolf kill a deer. What I’m suggesting is that take down animations are added for wildlife that is hunting. For example I would like to see the wolf enter a chase with the deer, and quickly jump biting its neck causing it to fall down. This simple animation will add a new immersion into the long dark. I would have a different animation for the bear considering it is much bigger. I would also add in an animation for a wolf attacking a bunny. Maybe it just runs up and snatches it in his mouth and runs off with it. anther thing that has bothered me since Mooses were added and I’m not sure this has been changed but when a wolf and A moose are passive to each other. Shouldn’t they fight each other if they came into contact for granted I did see this A long time ago and could have been changed, but I doubt there is any form of attack animation. If not I would like one to be implemented. If so I would love to see it. these are the things that I noticed that really broke the immersion of the long dark. I am open to feedback and would be happy to know if anyone else has noticed this.
  10. In The Long Dark, I have always loved the idea of the Aurora borealis powering up electrical technology. But I feel like this could be expanded upon. The addition of the flashlight, I started thinking that more electric devices could be added to the game. One of my ideas is make appliances such as the oven and the microwave usable during the aurora borealis. This could be used as an alternative to cooking in survival Mode. I would have the electronic appliances cook your food faster than a wood-burning stove would, just to make the Player want to use these appliance. I would have the heat pad usable to boil water, make tea, and coffee. And have the microwave cook foods the fastest, but diminish the amount of calories given. And finally, when the power is on do to the Aurora borealis, can we have running water inside of building, after 2 hours of the lights. This would be a Detail that could help survivors get fresh drinking water. these are my ideas that I would like to see introduced to the game, I am open to feedback.
  11. I'm sure the team has an idea of what they plan to release for the next 12 months, but I thought it might be fine to discuss some wishlist items and speculate what it could add to the game and maybe offer some Suggestions to the dev team. As a person who lives in Canada, in what is considered "a remote area", a lot of people have gasoline generators. It would give another use for the jerry cans that we find throughout Great Bear, but also makes you consider when and how to use it. It could also introduce crude oil, which come from dead animal remains. However, on one hand, it takes special refinery equipment to turn the oil into gas and specific knowledge how to do it safely. On the other hand, if Mackenzie and Astrid can craft gun powder, bullets and use specialized equipment, they can handle turning crude oil into gas. The generator could also have a condition and needs repairing, otherwise a low condition generator could cause carbon monoxide poisoning. Besides a gasoline generator, they could introduce a solar generator and/or battery. Which could also lose condition as well. Finally, bone tools would be a nice addition. They obviously aren't as great as the tools we have now, but thinking long game, you'd always have access to bone tools from the animals you kill and it would save the better tools for when you really need them. Or even making some bone weapons, like bone arrowheads. Might be nice for Interloper considering resources are scarce.
  12. Fokka


    Rushlights were a common method of indoor lighting in certain parts of the world before kerosene lanterns due to low cost and high fuel availablilty. Basically a holder where you put a thin long splinter (sometimes with something combustible like tallow to increase burn time) and a tray to catch ash and any unwanted sparks. For the game I think a smaller variant with tray and holder being combined would be optimal. In-game: would take 10 scrap to forge and 5 hours of work, weight 2kg. To fuel it, fir firewood needs to be split with a hatchet for 30 min resulting in 10x0.05kg splinters. Each would provide 15 min of burn (2.5h total time). However you can soak the splinters in lantern fuel (in stacks of 10 splinters, consuming 0.1-0.2l and 30min of time), that would make them burn 30 min each, resulting in 5 hrs of burn from 1kg of firewood. Can be started by any firestarting tool, always has a 100% starting chance, doesnt count towards firestarting exp. Provides minimal light in a small area - enough to read, mend clothes, or craft. Has 2 hours fuel cap. Application: stationary light source for bases, since any wind puts it out and weight makes it prohibitively heavy for constant carry. IMO it fits well within the low-tech nature of the game and would benefit those who get through the effort of obtaining one. You dont need a whole fire set up just to read a book, that always irritated me in TLD. Picture: 17th century rushlight.
  13. Make it to where the the random non-skill books we find are able to be read to either mitigate cabin fever while reading or reduce the time added to the hours spent indoors count by 50%. Each book would only have X amount of hours of reading time and either cannot be read again or can only be read after x amount of days have passed. With the mentioned improved base system can you also add in functional book shelves. Make it to where it can have items stored in it like a container but limited to only books. The book stored in the shelf would be neatly lined up on the shelves.
  14. Right now, in the carcass harvesting menu, the game "remembers" the last option you picked. If you picked no tools the last time, then the next time you go to harvest a carcass, it'll also show no tools as the default. Same with other tools like the knife and the hatchet. Whatever you chose before is the default the next time you enter that menu. That's awesome! I just want to see that behavior proliferated to ALL of the other "tool/crafting" screens. If I'm going to craft a snare with my Quality Tools, I'd like that to be the default the next time I go to do the same thing again. Right now, it appears to default to no tools. It's a minor irritant for me that it'll work one way in the carcass harvesting screen, and another way on all the other screens!
  15. I'm sorry for my English, it's not my native language. It would be great if a mechanic appeared in the game that allows the player to fully open the location map using a quadcopter!!! Animation of lifting up to inspect the entire location from a height is an ideal option! You can do with the mechanics of using coal from a campfire with a soundtrack. In the story mode, Jeremy the beastman can tell the main character about his location. Let's say the forest brothers monitored the movements of the employees of the hydroelectric power station and organized their actions in their absence. Hints about his whereabouts can be left in the notes of the hiding places of the forest brothers. Or the prison guards used them to search for escaped prisoners. In the third episode, Father Thomas will tell the main character about this. A group of geologists was working in the valley, exploring the area from a radio tower. You can make a challenge out of this mechanics. The player is given the task to find parts of the drone around the world and assemble it - the body, the propellers, the engine, the motherboard, the battery, the control panel and the battery to it. In the second part of the test, you need to reach a certain point in each location and launch the drone. After opening the map of the whole world, the task will be completed. The player will receive the "cartographer" feat icon - coal from the fire will draw a radius greater by 100%. In survival mode, a lost and broken drone can be located in any location. We find and repair it on the workbench with the help of tools. Limit the number of drone launches and its capabilities, depending on the level of difficulty with the help of batteries. Alternatively, use existing car batteries. At the most difficult level, the player can only find 3 batteries, and the drone can only draw terrain. At a simple level of difficulty, the number of batteries found is unlimited, and the drone can draw key points on the map, transitions to other locations and small objects (carcasses, firewood, plants). Using the car's batteries will give the player a choice - open the map or make more bullets. A question for everyone, developers and players. What do you think about it?
  16. Although it has been a long time since old man's beard wound dressings included a bandage perhaps it should be revisited. In early access, old man's beard wound dressings were THE way to use bandages until, as it happened, someone got burned and old man's beard wound dressings were found to not be bandages. A big problem for those of us who did not know that some injuries required a bandage not a wound dressing. Currently old man's beard wound dressing is one of the few crafted items that get heavier when crafted from three old man's beard lichens (0.03 -> 0.10 kg). It might be enough to include in the crafting of old man beard wound dressing to a warning about what it cannot be used for such as burns and maybe sprains otherwise make it work just like a bandage and the antiseptic effect just gets lost. A player can make a choice that they may come to regret. Alternately maybe dispense with old man beard wound dressings and just have the character have old man's beard lichen in inventory (save the extra weight) and using three has the same effect as antiseptic treatment. By extension, using less than three, i.e., one or two, can have a chance of not working. Maybe using less than needed number of ingredients for things like reishi and rose hip tea (slightly different names like weak reishi tea, weak rose hip tea) might have a similar danger of not working but better than no chance because one does not have enough to begin with.
  17. In case a player does not know, the old style campfire (OSCF) looked like the current campfire (new style campfire, NSCF) without the rock perimeter. The NSCF allowed for multi-tasking since cooking and water making became separate actions not something the player had to do in the HUD which allowed the player to do other things while letting food burn and water to boil away. What is proposed here is to rework the OSCF into primarily a source of warmth. The collateral effects would include thawing and drying clothing and warming appropriate beverages and (opened) canned food by placement near or within the area of effect of the OSCF. Because the OSCF does not have player specific tasks - it only provides warmth and collateral area effects - the repurposed OSCF would not tie the player down to watching the fire as before. It would be possible to place an OSCF next to a frozen carcass to thaw it or keep the character warm while harvesting the carcass. An OSCF could be placed in more "difficult" locations (within limits) than a NSCF because of its simpler function. The OSCF could become an associated benefit to fire starting skill. Although more complicated to add to the existing fire starting skill, one way would be to have OSCF be a "separate" skill that has to be leveled up and when it matches the fire starting skill would then merge with it and then advance as fire starting skill advanced. The separate leveling up of OSCF would likely be easier than leveling up fire starting skill but if the two merge then the more difficult thing should probably control. Benefits would include (level dependent? also at dev discretion in implementation): Placing an OSCF on steeper slopes or more constricted spaces than a NSCF. An OSCF can be used for warmth, thawing carcasses, thawing and drying clothing, and warming certain beverages and foods (but not cook or brew them). At higher levels, starting level 4 or at 5, an OSCF can be "constructed" into a "small pit" (on snow or soil) as a mostly but not completely "wind protected" fire. This can be also associated as a separately constructed add-on to a snow shelter to provide warmth to the occupant. The OSCF is perishable. It will automatically go away once it burns out and enough time has passed, say the second dawn or 48 hours, after it was last used.
  18. JoeBar

    Ten thoughts

    Just ten ideas I've had while running in the snow... 1. Meat conservation: to make the stone caches more useful, they should become the privileged way to conserve meat outside. So, why not make the meat stored outside attracting predators (+ they could also steal your meat) ? 2. Meat conservation: Salt would be a great addition (this was suggested before) 3. Possibility of an affliction (bronchitis ?) if you stay with wet or frozen clothes for too long 4. Degradation of carcasses to bones (so they don't completely disappear) + ability to use bones for crafting ? 5. There are pipes here and there ; cutting a section of it so we could syphon car tanks ? (but it would make fuel too easy to find...) 6. I frequently ask myself "where are the cups for tea coming from ? How are we able to transport drinks in a backpack ?" => hopefully will the thermos make it more realistic... (so you're not able to transport drinks without having one...) 7. Ability to forge a prybar 8. Possibility to craft a rifle with a bayonet (and fight the bear with it ?) 9. Ability to put all the fuel to a single container + empty a lamp in a container 10. What I miss the most is a sense of volume of objects : stored wood, for example, should take more space according to its volume. What do you think of it ?
  19. Fishing in TLD is very underrated. The game only has 5-6 (not accurate) regions with fishing huts available to go fishing. Not only that, there are locations in different regions that have spots suitable for fishing. The main issue is that players are limited to only being able to use the huts, there is no other way to go fishing to stock up on food. What if there was a drill you can acquire to make your own fishing holes over a body of ice. Doing so will give the player more opportunities to go fishing instead of relying solely on hunting & scavenging. To balance this advantage, you will be exposed to the cold & predators. Without a shelter to protect you, your choice to fish out in the open becomes a more cautious approach to harvesting food. The drill will have durability, but you can repair it using scrap metal and a toolkit. If it still feels OP, then we can say fishing huts have a higher chance of successfully catching fish compared to your own fishing holes. I'd very much appreciate if this concept idea was acknowledged. Cheers
  20. If I am about to charcoal a location to map it, the game will tell me that I cannot due to low visibility when I try. The game won't let me waste the charcoal and time. The game will tell me, before I spray, if a particular mark would not show up on the map, for instance arrows or if it was indoors, so how about telling me about marks that would normally show up [on the map] but not in the current "low visibility" conditions which can be quite ambiguous to my eye - I can pretty clearly see the high rock formations along Desolation Point near Hibernia, light snowfall, no fog, I could craft as there was enough light to see to craft or use tools, and the gate truck cannot be marked because it is "low visibility" which the game tells me AFTER I spray. Tell me when I pull out the spray can so at least I know that, at that point in time, I can or cannot make a mark. It should be my decision that I can still proceed to spray the mark but now know that it won't show up on a map though I will be able to see it if I walk by that spot again. We tend to have lots of spray paint but having the effort negated by something I, sometimes, cannot perceive is really annoying. At the very least, have the mark appear on the map even if no other "mapping" information would be included. That has some negative aspects, but better than the dumb message after I do the action.
  21. As I said, we have improvised cloth gloves and hats, but we do not have a crafted option for the sock slots. In real life, several armies have been relying on foot wraps for centuries, including Russia and Finland. They are easy to manufacture and cheap to replace. There are crafted options for every other clothing slot besides the long underwear and socks, but because the legs have more option slots, you can make up for it. I do not really have an idea of what stats to give them, but I would say they should be on par with regular sport socks. Perhaps you could "craft" them out of two pieces of cloth, one for each foot. I don't know, what does everyone else think? I am sure this is not really an original suggestion, I am sure many other people have had the same idea!
  22. With all of the speculation going on right now about what sort of "fauna" Hinterland are going to add in the Tales from the Far Territory, I'd like to present my idea for a new forest animal. It seems like the wildlife in the long dark is overwhelmingly hostile. Timberwolves, bears and moose want nothing more than to see your lifeless body. Boars and cougars that are being suggested by the community don't sound very friendly either. I wouldn't be surprised if in the next update, even the rabbits would start to attack us. I wouldn't want foxes to pose any danger. Sure, any animal can hurt you when provoked, but generally, foxes are scared of people. And if one were to attack you, it wouldn't be nearly as dangerous as a wolf (and you fight those regularly in TLD). No, I'd like foxes to be harmless creatures, who still wouldn't mind stealing a rabbit you killed. Observant and agile, they would be nearly impossible to hunt in the same way you hunt dear of wolves. I can even imagine them dodging your aim, once they become aware of you. When you aim at a wolf, it tries to flank you, but its path is predictable and you can easily line up your shot. But foxes would do anything not to have the end of your boom-stick pointed at them. So, how do you hunt foxes then? You'd have to use decoys, a rabbit, a fish, or a piece of meat will surely make a fox lower its guard. No, it won't come anywhere near you, but it will become careless enough for you to take a shot. But you better be quick! Once a fox grabs your decoy, it will run away to safety. Why would you hunt them? A fox's fur could be used for a long warm scarf. I do feel like scarfs are not treated fairly in the long dark. I can't recall a single time when I'd leave my home wearing two hats, but going outside in winter without a scarf? That is not a good idea. Still, in TLD scarfs are an inferior type of clothing, which can be fixed with this addition. The relationship between foxes and other animals is simple. They hunt rabbits and avoid everything else. If you find a fox running through the forest, it might be smart to follow it instead of pulling out your gun. It will either lead you to a rabbit growth, or to its den. I suspect, with the new animal spawning system, rabbit growths will become more random, and thus, harder to find. If you're quick enough you can flip the script and steal a fox's kill by scaring it off with a stone when it kills a rabbit. Fox dens are little holes hidden between rocks, or under the trees, inside them, you can find some rabbit carcasses. You shouldn't expect a lot of meat to be left, but the guts and the pelt might still be intact. What do you think about this idea? I'd love to hear your suggestions for how foxes could function in the long dark.
  23. I think that rifle variants are nice and usefull, but maybe it would be worth to make at least Curators rifle as different type than bolt-action? Like break action single shot, where fired casing is automatically extracted, but only when rifle is better than 50 % cond. Otherwise, manual extraction by hand is needed. That means rate of fire is changing due its condition. Like different stats are nice, but all of them are bolt actions, which is little bit boring.
  24. Not really, I was thinking more like a rock-lined fire pit (RLFP) that the character can craft/construct taking a significant amount of time to "collect materials, dig the fire pit, and construct the rock lining". It requires no materials (I guess) but a lot of time on the character's part. This would be something similar in concept to the snow shelter - a character-constructed item that fits, so to speak, on the ground. Some limitations would be that it cannot be "built" on ice or rock. It has to be on snow and a decently thick snow layer (if soil becomes a possibility then it could be on soil). It also requires a certain amount of space (as set out by the graphic footprint). The outcome of this many hours long effort would be a wind-proof "fire barrel" that has two cooking surfaces by default and pretty much the other effects of fire barrels like certain drinks placed nearby get heated up. The RLFP is wind proof, prevents accidental stepping into an active fire, but does not constitute a barrier to predators (so cannot be used to block a predator path). It might be a barrier -can't walk through a fire barrel so cannot walk through the RLFP- to the character so be careful. A possible accessory would be a crafted/forged grill that for the RLFP only doubles the number of cooking surfaces to four. The grill would be pretty heavy (surrogate for being unwieldly) so not something to be routinely carried except on purpose. A possible variation of the grill might be that instead of two more cooking surfaces, it allows for two can-sized cooking surfaces so while cooking, water can be made. The idea here is for a semi-permanent fixture so a character might then have a wind-safe cooking place if willing to put out the time and effort. For instance at a place like the house on Jack Rabbit Island in Coastal Highway, it would be nice and probably quite OP. It may require maintenance and breaking one down does not provide any advantage to building the next one. Given the lengthy time to craft/construct the task should retain the previous progress, more or less, but the RLFP won't be functional until the task is completed.
  25. I found this while looking at the new roadmap, thought it could be more concrete evidence of what the trader may be... (Notice the boots hanging under the rifle) (Now look at the icon for the Trader) I'm super excited to see what great work hinterland comes up with next!