good lord, the music is perfect.


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all in the title.

since i managed to FINALLY craft all the clothing items at the work table on my 40 day stalker run, i've been able to stop fretting about the cold long enough to just sit back, relax and explore. and the music, when it kicks in from time to time, is absolutely beautiful.

question for the hinterland team; who is the genius behind the music of this game?? is there a soundtrack available for purchase?

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I agree, the music is hauntingly beautiful! :)

I agree. I love the music and wish entering indoors wouldn't interrupt it - I often wait for the music bumpers to end before transitioning to a new area.

I also like that it is used sparingly.

I often wait as well, that's how much I love it :)

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Cris Velasco and Sascha Dikiciyan are our two composers. I believe all or most of the ambient music currently in sandbox was written by Sascha. They have some amazing credits between the two of them, including the Mass Effect series and Borderlands 2.

Side-note: We will have a soundtrack available to purchase from our store once the game is complete!

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I don't know what triggers the music but when in caves it would be really cool to have music trigger more often when your source of light extinguishes... even with light it makes my pulse raise a little when it sets in although I've been walking through that cave/mine many times before and I know that there is nothing to fear. :D

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  • 4 months later...

Count me in on the music. Another reason to look forward to the release of this game!

Though I am deaf, I have just enough hearing to appreciate music, though perhaps not quite the same way as others. But I love that it is used sparingly, and that the silence is just as effectively used. Normally I play games with the music turned off because a) it plays too much and b) it interferes with my ability to hear the environmental sounds, especially approaching enemies. Not an issue in TLD! My hat's off to the wonderful balance between the silence that lets me hear the environment so clearly, and the haunting music that often enhances my mood. 

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  • 6 months later...
On 11/17/2015 at 11:12 AM, sierra 117 said:

Yeah i agree the music is cool, but there is one part of the really deep bass songs that i think sounds like a plane diving /falling to the ground. Or atleast thats what i like to pretend

I like to pretend its a train horn.

I think the best description i can put on this soundtrack is Similar to how @cowboymrh descrbes it,

hauntigly lonely and gritty, but beautiful and eye opening at the same time

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