The removal of Insta-Kill areas.


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Title says it all but why should they be removed. Well this is my way of coping after I lost a run I have had going for over a real life year. I couldn't find a rope to get to the bottom of the ravine so I made the amazing choice to mountain goat to the bottom because how bad could it be. After starting the game gave me the message. You Died From Massive Internal Bleeding After Falling.  If anyone wants to avoid this I found a video on Youtube on all the kill boxes by Bashrobe. Please dont make the same mistake I did. Anyway im going to go cry in a corner about my bad life choices I made in a game.


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I'm all for it, and so are a whole army of bled-out Wills and Astrids out there. Sorry to hear you lost your run after all that effort, that sucks. Fixing this issue should be a priority in a game that wholeheartedly encourages exploring.

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Yeah... I think finding kill-walls in some really unexpected places is the primary reason I've stopped trying to explore via extensive goating.
The most flabbergasting kill-wall is one I found on the rock formation behind the trailer at the Train Unloading Area in Coastal Highway.

As a result of losing several runs over the years due to finding instant kill-walls, I don't really test map boundaries anymore.  I get kill-walls to protect the extreme edges of the map boundaries...  but I'm not so keen on the ones found anywhere inside what is otherwise a part of the intended playable area.


Edited by ManicManiac
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Invisiwalls are better, but they're really annoying. The level should just be designed well so that they're not needed at all. Don't want people to go down the hill? Make it 90 degrees or make it an overhang so there is no ground below. Or put a few of those impassable twigs in the way of the cliff so we can't get to it at all. You guys already used a few bushes to stop us from getting around in that new mountain zone.

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I agree to get rid of the kill walls. For a place like Ravine, I would much prefer a slippery surface where you can't grip onto the steep snow or rock, so you end up actually  falling, or at least taking a lot of damage.

The kill walls in Coastal Highway make no sense at all though. It got me once and it was super frustrating. 

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On 1/27/2024 at 10:57 AM, conanjaguar said:

Agreed. But if we're going to keep the instakill areas, an obvious indicator would be appreciated. Something like a slippery patch of ice, for instance.

I don't see any purpose they serve.  Get rid of them and make invisible walls.

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22 hours ago, odizzido said:

Make it 90 degrees or make it an overhang so there is no ground below.

I don't think this would work.  #1 - it would look weird having cliffs everywhere to discourage players from entering an area, #2 - I can imagine many people falling off and dying and complaining (like what happened in the FA - ZoC transition cave before they patched it).

Edited by hozz1235
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