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Times when The Long Dark really wants you dead.

What a run this was. Started in Bleak Inlet and me kind of knowing where things are, I try to head to Mystery Lake. End up getting lost and hypothermia risk, I luckily find a cave, get a fire going and go to sleep. Game wakes me up with a message "You woke up freezing" with a hypothermia risk of 1% so not much of a threat but what do I do? Go back to sleep. I'm like "No don't.. *sigh* Whatever" So I wake up an hour later with hypothermia risk at 33 percent... I clicked on "sleep" again *facepalm" now the hypothermia risk is at a lovely 67 percent. I take my bedroll and haul ass, kind of running in a panic. Run into a Moose on the way but luckily he doesn't see me.

I reach the washed out trailer and sleep a bit more, thankfully it's warm. Wake up the next morning and head out. Oh.. Hello Blizzard. .. Fuck. Me. So I go back in and pass time by reading the gunsmithing book and the blizzard goes away after I finished the book and passing the time for another 4 hours. It's now near night time but I don't care, I have to move because I don't have any food, water, or anything else to do. The Moose is still around but I manage to avoid his detection range.

Here comes the Aurora. Now I'm not sure if moose are affected by the aurora but I didn't want to stand around to find out. I make it to somewhere near the long bridge and here come the Timberwolves. I have a regular flare because I only found one marine flare in the beginning and I was kind of hoping it would keep the wolves at bay but it didn't, Timberwolf comes running, I throw the flare, wolf runs right over it and attacks me. Game didn't even give me a chance to fight back, soon as I started clicking to get the wolf off me, I died. All in 2 days and on Voyageur of all levels.


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