Screenshot for Screenshot Saturday

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I have a six hundred some odd day run going in a custom mode. I've spent most of this run up in the mountains; lots of time in TWM, AC, PV, and BRM, with one period of a month or so when I walked down to CH to loot the joint, for cloth mostly. This run started in HRV, but I was out of there after about four days, and it wasn't really much more than a few more days after that before I was down making arrowheads in FM, which I followed with taking the whole ML -> WR -> PV -> TWM -> AC (pack and crampons) -> TWM (summit with pack and crampons) -> a few months at mountaineer's living the good life. Getting myself there took about a month all told I guess. Since then I've been mostly splitting my time between mountaineer's and bricklayers, which are actually quite close to each other. 

I eventually got bored (plus I need to leave those regions be and hope that maybe some animals will come back; they're getting pretty empty) so I went down to ML to hang out for a bit at Trapper's. Hadn't been back there since the very early days of the game, and of course in other runs I've spent many many happy days at Trapper's.

Anyway, after about a month maybe there, I got bored again, so I have returned to HRV. It and MT have tons of deer and other wildlife; I have not been in either of those regions I reckon since about day 8 of the run, and it's now day 630-ish. I'm going to be interested to see how the animal population plays out; will they respawn like earlier in the game, or will it be like it seems to be in TWM where a new bear hasn't appeared in two or three months at least; it's like at day 500 the timer clicked over and now the respawn times are insanely long... or all the bears are dying off.

Anyway, been a few days now in HRV and I forgot how much I love this region.

On my way in I was pleased to come across an old friend:


Second night the aurora came out to play:


Went wandering over where you can scramble up the rosehips to get to Monolith and looked out across the valley; really truly a spectacular place:




Really one of my favourite regions. You guys really outdid yourselves with this one, Hinterland.

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Hi guys, I've only just been told about this thread so I hope you will forgive the first few not being in "screenshot mode" (I actually like seeing my HUD but have taken them off the later ones as I know that's the 'rule' of this thread).  I wouldn't have included the non screenshot ones but they were such a rare capture of a stunning aurora in TWM I had to include them.  The rest are of Pleasant Valley.

TWM Night 02.jpg

TWM Night 03.jpg

TWM Night 04.jpg

PV 01.png

PV 02.png

PV 03.png

PV 05.png

PV 06.png

PV 07.png

PV 08.png

PV 09.png

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This one cracks me up (please forgive the HUD, I took it for my "Encumbered Diaries" thread but had to show you guys).  I'd already had a close call with this wolf on Skeeter's Ridge.  I threw the flare, he ignored it and charged, I dived into the basement.  I decided to go straight back out new flare at the ready hoping he had wandered off as a load screen sometimes does. 

However, I burst out laughing.  He was there, right in front of me, back to me... pawing the ground like a puppy!  😂😂 I almost forgot myself and reached out to stroke him!  One of the most surreal and funny experiences I've had since starting to play in 2016!


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2 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

Burying the dead TLD style

no one deserves to just be left like this


I try to bring them a little dignity


or maybe just turn them into storage...



PS Did you mean the last one to look like boobies, or bottom cheeks? Whatever floats your boat I suppose! 😁

Edited by Sgt Socks
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On 10/3/2022 at 12:39 PM, Polarizon said:

Finally finished escaping the prison last night. Note I did edit some of these photos. 

c87e8add-0c0a-4e19-a485-002db2aba921 (3).jpg

c87e8add-0c0a-4e19-a485-002db2aba921 (2).jpg


c87e8add-0c0a-4e19-a485-002db2aba921 (1).jpg








Very vibrant! There are some great shots here, thank you for sharing your adventures. 

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