Luckiest moment on survival mode


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Lost the moose in the fog as I got close to my cave I heard the moose charging me,ran into the cave turned around and the moose was running into the cave.m after me.killed it with my bow and had a moose I could harvest in the warmth of my cave lol 

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3 minutes ago, Goletitout said:

Lost the moose in the fog as I got close to my cave I heard the moose charging me,ran into the cave turned around and the moose was running into the cave.m after me.killed it with my bow and had a moose I could harvest in the warmth of my cave lol 

Thank you🙂 

That was indeed very lucky.  Nothing like a warm dry place for harvesting. 

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Got attacked by a bear, barely survived. Patched my wounds up just as the weather turned for the worst. Blizzard rolls in not long after as I'm trying to make my way back to the closest shelter. Health is down to single digits, I start to stumble around and screen starts to go dark. I couldn't see where I was walking but felt like I was close to the building I was going towards (pleasant valley farmhouse) and pop my only emergency stim, with that short burst of energy and extra health I barely just find it and make it inside to rest. I lived to see another day, I think that was my closest death so far; or at least my most memorable. Ever since then I always carry an emergency stim on me no matter what

Edited by Saws n Sins
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Luckiest moment? Far too many. One I can clearly remember was when I was approaching foreman's retreat in ash canyon, using the narrow mountain pass way, where bear usually patrols. 

Anyways, he was walking too slow and I was getting tired of its leisurely pace, so I take out my rifle and start sending lead up its 'split'. He turns around and keeps charging as I keep reloading and firing. When he's like literally onto me, I send one more bullet and he's down. I entered foreman's, replaced my stained thermal underwear and went back to start marinating steak dinner.

Very tense moment. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

After my epic moose kill ..I made it to mystery lake and was leaving the big red watch tower at the top of the mountain l.decided to take a short cut down the mountain edge and got stuck between a tree and a cliff edge  couldn’t get past the tree or back up the mountain  …froze to death 😂😂😂😂😂  

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/25/2022 at 9:56 AM, Goletitout said:

After my epic moose kill ..I made it to mystery lake and was leaving the big red watch tower at the top of the mountain l.decided to take a short cut down the mountain edge and got stuck between a tree and a cliff edge  couldn’t get past the tree or back up the mountain  …froze to death 😂😂😂😂😂  

Lol, I've done daft things like this many many times!

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Well, one of my luckiest moments happened right outside my Trapper's home. Just when you thought it was safe to go outside....

So I see a Moose! Yay! Get careless because I'm at home in ML. What can go wrong. Get far too close to the Moose, try to run back to the cabin and get stuck when I run into a rock in my panic. Cue Moose stomping and broken ribs. Really not sure how I survived.

Just as I pick myself and rifle up and get a bandage on the bloody bear starts coming at me! I forgot he spawned here this time! Oh crap, I'm in bad shape. Can't run. Shoot it. Make it mad. It charges. Shoot it twice more then just as it is about to reach me my final panic shot takes it down.

I'm turning round to struggle back to the cabin as night is drawing in and lo and behold... Howwwwwl. A frigging wolf charges over the hill towards me! You've got to be kidding me! I stumble as quickly as I can to the cabin, just make it to near the doorway and the wolf is a second from being on me. Boom. One shot. Right between the eyes.

Ye Gods. So tomorrow I have a Moose, Bear and Wolf to harvest. With broken ribs. My heart is thumping like a jackhammer.

I get inside and sort myself out aaaaaannnnnd...

I have a piece of meat in my pocket. I forgot to drop it when I went for the Moose. Socks. You are an absolute idiot at times. You really are.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Journeying from Ravine down to the fishing camp in Costal Highway, got intercepted by the bear. Got myself on ledge on one of the rock outcrops where I thought I could pop him but he couldn't get at me. Wrong. Got mauled. But in the process 'luckily' fell onto another ledge where he couldn't get me. Only now the weather's turned and I'm starting to freeze and the bear is still trying to get at me. The only way off the ledge where I'm safe from the bear (other than a deliberate fall that's going to cause further injury) is a short hop onto the ledge below - which the bear can definitely get to. I jump. I wait. I hear the sounds of his grunting begin to fade but I can't see him. I wait. No more bear sound. I wait. I edge around the corner of the ledge and come face to face with the fully healthy bear. In my panic I manage to squeeze the trigger on the game controller - it's entirely down to panic, not even a reflex action. I pop him right between the eyes - first one shot kill. 😏

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On 9/28/2022 at 5:49 PM, past caring said:

Journeying from Ravine down to the fishing camp in Costal Highway, got intercepted by the bear. Got myself on ledge on one of the rock outcrops where I thought I could pop him but he couldn't get at me. Wrong. Got mauled. But in the process 'luckily' fell onto another ledge where he couldn't get me. Only now the weather's turned and I'm starting to freeze and the bear is still trying to get at me. The only way off the ledge where I'm safe from the bear (other than a deliberate fall that's going to cause further injury) is a short hop onto the ledge below - which the bear can definitely get to. I jump. I wait. I hear the sounds of his grunting begin to fade but I can't see him. I wait. No more bear sound. I wait. I edge around the corner of the ledge and come face to face with the fully healthy bear. In my panic I manage to squeeze the trigger on the game controller - it's entirely down to panic, not even a reflex action. I pop him right between the eyes - first one shot kill. 😏


Omg I lived every moment of this with you! Me and the Bears have a "special relationship" so this tickled me no end.

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17 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:


Omg I lived every moment of this with you! Me and the Bears have a "special relationship" so this tickled me no end.

Thanks - I think I actually screamed out - loud enough that my partner came running up the stairs. 😁🤣

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4 hours ago, past caring said:

Thanks - I think I actually screamed out - loud enough that my partner came running up the stairs. 😁🤣

I'm proper laughing, there was even a little snort in there 😁 I'm glad it's not just me, although mine is more exceptionally blue expletives 🙊 Just as well I live alone, there isn't anyone to witness it 😄

@past caring thank you for cheering up my day no end!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jeffpeng

I guess my luckiest moment was quite a while back in PV at the cave near the Winding River transition. Crouched, aiming my bow at a wolf when my son comes storming in, pulling at my arm, and that shot goes wiiiiide. I pause the game, attend to my son (it was Pokemon related, that much I remember). When I get back to the game I immediately write that arrow off, deal with the wolf, and have a sleepover at the cave.

Next morning, on my way to Signal Hut, not too but still yet astonishingly far from yesterdays incident.... I find another wolf. With an arrow stuck in its head.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Amazing! I consider that double lucky - killing the moose with a single arrow to the head (and in what must have been a surprise moment - I mean often do they chase you into a cave?!) - but also lucky that you were recording so can relive the moment.

My luckiest was also my unluckiest. I thought I was recording and was so excited about what had happened, that I ran to save and look at the video, only to realize that I hadn't hit the play button. But I still have an awesome memory of bear hunting on TWM...up over the cave clinging to the ledge when I realized he had come up around and was now charging me, so I dropped down to the next rock on the ledge and the bear FLEW over my head. I am not kidding - he just kept going.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was walking through Mystery Lake, maybe 30% condition left, a rifle with a few bullets but I'm half frozen so I can't aim for shit. I hear a wolf growl, and immediately jump into the first shelter I can find- the train car at the Train Loading Area.

The wolf runs right at the door...


...sticks its head right through, and stares at me.

I was worried it was gonna stay there, but it walked away after maybe 10 seconds. Still consider it my luckiest experience to date.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Over 100 days into an interloper run. Carelessly thinking I was warm enough, I slept in the cabin in Timberwolf mountain. A blizzard started and when I woke up I had 2% health (down from ~85%). If I'd slept for another minute or two I'd be dead. If the blizzard was a fraction colder or started a few minutes sooner I'd be dead. The RNG gods were on my side that day

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