When do you repair clothes?


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It depends. The best time is when the amount of repair percent perfectly matches the missing condition to bring it up to 100%. What that time is depends very much on the item in hand. Check the wiki to shortcut figuring out what they are.

N.B. that you can repair really small items like the toque or socks from nearly zero to perfect, but you shouldn't wait that long because if you've got a 20% condition tuque and tangle with a bear you can pretty much guarantee that the toque's going bye-bye.

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Below 80% is what I do too. However, when it comes to animal clothes, I don't know. For the rabbit gear, probably under 80% since rabbit pelts are so easy to get. As for deer though, I usually wait a little longer. 

I have no idea when to repair the bear coat though. I manage to get bearskins pretty often, but if I wait long enough for the repair to reach 100% without excess, I lose a lot of warmth (for the time before repairing). Sorry if that was hard to understand, I didn't know how else to word it. 

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Once I get below 80 I start to think about it.  Once below 70 it probably goes up a bit more in priority.  Then the activity has to sort of line up with your other priorities, like if you're waiting out bad weather or some such.  Obviously if you have a nicer item with it in really low condition you want to try to more actively find a time to get it done.

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Typically I repair at 80% for clothing items requiring cloth or leather.  If I am at a location with an abundance of cured rabbit, deer and wolf pelts I may mend at 90%. I end up with a surplus of wolf pelts at my main bases.  Most short trips are thus made wearing two wolf coats versus the Bear Coat/Expedition combo I use for longer treks.

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4 minutes ago, Dr. S. said:

I usually go by warmth rather than percentages (with the exception being clothes damaged by wildlife). When playing interloper I like to keep close to +25C, so if I fall to +23C or so I’ll do some repairs. 

I'm the same. I try to keep above 30 C in my current stalker run. If I dip below 29 I'm definitely doing repairs

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On 1/4/2022 at 7:38 PM, Grignard_TN said:

Also, the ear wrap I always repair at anything below 90 because it can be destroyed so easily.

You can wear it at the inside and the moose hide satchel on the outside. So only the satchel will get damaged. But its very robust, so it can stand some beating. The only thing lost is the marginal wind proof of the ear wrap. This works really well if you wanna protect your eventually last ear wrap.

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Thats the reason there is a point to not tear down dublicates of your best clothings.

Lets say you have only 1 clothing item at 90%. Now IF you wanna repair then you only gain 10% for one cloth.

But if you have multiple items of that one type, e.g. one at 90% (wearing), one at 80% (stored), and one at 70% (stored), you have the opportunity to repair the lowest one up to 100% with only one cloth, wear that and store the 90%er.

There is another reason to have mutliple items for the same outer clothing spot. This also is true in some cases for both socks and underwear and second trousers (breaking into ice). You have now the opportunity to change all your wet/frozen clothing and you are good to go without having to wait to dry them.

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Given the over abundance of clothing items, cloth and repair kits in the game it kinda makes sense to keep your  most desireable items in good condition when ever possible.  I don't keep any set schedule but look to my warmth gauge on my hud to give me an indication of my clothings deteriorating condition.  I do however, assess my clothing after each wolf struggle or bear mauling only because boots, gloves and hats seem to take the worst wear and tear from those kinda wildlife encounters.

Considering now that we can repair crampons, I just recently noticed how quickly a pair of crampons can deterioriate when they are worn during multiple aggressive wildlife entanglements.  keeping your gear tuned up by investing a couple of pieces of cloth regulary is probably a good thing all things considered.

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