What did I just hear?

Doc Feral

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For some seconds I was sure my survivor had let out a loud fart while walking. I thought that we hear their stomach grumbling, they yawn at the most inappropriate moments like running away from a bear, so was ready to accept it, then I noticed the warning on the top right corner of the screen. It was just a cotton toque (not worth repairing) which spontaneously reached 0% condition and self destructed, so the ripping sound went off by itself. I chuckled to myself for a while.

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Now that's an interesting mechanic that would be both realistic and hilarious.

*Eats Canned Pork and Beans*

*Affliction Gained: Searing gas pain.  You will fart uncontrollably, attracting wildlife.  Treatment: Avoid beans for 24 hours*

*Affliction Gained: Dutch Oven.  You will be unable to sleep with normal warmth bonus because of the rancid gas being released from your person.*

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