Why is the indoor temperature of the camp office at -3℃?


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My take on it is, all those propane tanks all over the place...well they aren't actually empty.  When people fled their homes, they turned the thermostat way down.  If you notice, houses generally are just slightly above freezing.  Just warm enough to keep the pipes from freezing.  The camp office on the other hand doesn't have a propane tank though, so...I dunno.  Maybe it's just designed really, really well, and traps solar heat like magic.

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4 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

The camp office on the other hand doesn't have a propane tank though, so...I dunno.  Maybe it's just designed really, really well, and traps solar heat like magic.

I think the corpse generates heat as it decomposes?

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In fact, indoor temperature for a structure that have not been heated for a extended period of time should be almost as low as outside temperature. Could have a couple of degree over, because of the heat coming from the ground/basement that is entrapped in the building and a little by greenhouse effect from the windows during sunny day. But realistically speaking, an unheated indoor when it's -25°C outside won't be at 2°C, but more or less at -20°C depending of different factors.

But hey, it's a game! ;)

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