Thunder Storm


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I don’t know what the frequency of Thunderstorms is in Northern Canada but a storm would be incredibly atmospheric and dangerous to be in (like a blizzard)(BLIZZARD THUNDER STORM). I don’t know. I think it would be really cool to listen to or watch in game maybe from the summit of TM and it might link nicely to the Aurora backstory for the game. Lighting strikes the lonely lighthouse which was what caused all the glass at the light to shatter - now that would be very cool. What do you think?

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I have heard thunder, maybe a grand total of twice in my life. I think it's been when there's been a temperature inversion so it's water up high in the clouds but snow when it hits the ground.

Never seen lightning though. 

One thing about the aurora... in the game, aurorae can only happen on clear nights, but in the real world they're not coupled to terrestrial weather, or night time for that matter. Aurorae during other weather conditions and during the day could lead to some very cool atmospheric lighting effects, and make for some very interesting situations wrt animal behaviour during those times. You're cruising along on a nice clear day, and you spot a wolf off in the distance, and notice its fur is glowing green... "time to look for shelter".


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This is from the Wikipedia entry on Thundersnow:


Thundersnow, while relatively rare anywhere, is more common with lake-effect snow in the Great Lakes area of the United States and Canada, the midwestern United States, and the Great Salt Lake. Thundersnow also occurs in Halifax, Nova Scotia, sometimes several times per winter season. Bozeman, Montana also sees thundersnow more often than average with these storms typically occurring in April or May. In the United States, March is the peak month of formation; on average, only 6.4 events are reported per year.[3]

Whatever, I think there is enough artistic license taken within TLD's natural environment to allow this as well, if the devs wanted it. It might be more the case that it's difficult to make it look right in the game? Or they feel it isn't worth the effort? Would there be lightning strikes that affect the world on the ground? Or would it just be aesthetic?

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12 hours ago, Pillock said:

This is from the Wikipedia entry on Thundersnow:


Thundersnow, while relatively rare anywhere, is more common with lake-effect snow in the Great Lakes area of the United States and Canada, the midwestern United States, and the Great Salt Lake. Thundersnow also occurs in Halifax, Nova Scotia, sometimes several times per winter season. Bozeman, Montana also sees thundersnow more often than average with these storms typically occurring in April or May. In the United States, March is the peak month of formation; on average, only 6.4 events are reported per year.[3]


Yeah, I live on the Great Lakes, on the Canadian side.

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I was thinking about this too.. but they are rare in cold climates.

I was thinking that if they did this they should have a little fun: during lightning flashes, they should pop the odd bear/wolf shape in the middle distance - just for a moment. How freaky would that be!? Flash flash! "...was... was that ... something .. up ahead?..."


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