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Everything posted by PilgrimReaper

  1. Alright! Must just be me, on this particular run, not sure why. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Very nice indeed! However, isn't Transfer Pass supposed to connect to all 3 new FT regions, including Mountain Pass?
  3. I suspect that there are no polaroids / vistas either... can anyone relate?
  4. I personally can't be bothered with acorns, as it stands... curious to see what else can be made with them though.
  5. ML also fully stocked for me on 2 consecutive runs.
  6. On this topic, am I correct in understanding that the FC achievement will trigger if all relevant locations are surveyed outside of BR and TFT...? Or do you also need to survey those, and there just isn't a list available for these regions? Thanks!
  7. So has anyone else found and repaired transmitters that weren"t part of Signal Void, but still show in the transmitter list and cover regions that weren't included in the first tale? I found one, and I guess the other should be in one of TWM or AC...
  8. This might be just cars, because I found a memento note + key in DP on the Riken. However, like you, nothing in cars at all.
  9. Would love to see this one updated with the Far Territories!!
  10. Same here!! Also, I previously had zero interest in visiting HRV, then had to go in the context of the tale, and now am looking forward to exploring it more.
  11. Thanks! It's so much work for such a small reward, I'm curious to see in what other ways acorns could be used in the future to prepare food, as was announced by HL...
  12. Thanks! I got the gear from Quonset in the end. My PV prepper hatch was empty (my ML was full, these are amazing indeed!). I did find the technical balaclava in a supply cache though! Now back to FA...
  13. Yeah, that's what I meant when I said I couldn't find any in PV. Not just near the transmitter, but in the region as a whole. Checked the Farmstead, the Outbuildings, Thompson's Crossing, the abandoned bunker, the plane crash... nothing. Tempted to check in the connecting mine to CH at this point.
  14. I mean, fine, but if there's tons everywhere, which I noticed, I thought "why bring them to PV"? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyway, I'll figure something out.
  15. Since this seems relevant to the topic... not sure why I can't find ANYTHING (well, except car batteries and scrap metal, that is) in PV to fix the transmitter. Starting to think it's an overlook on HL's part, as fuses and wires showed up fairly randomly in other regions, one would always end up stumbling on some...
  16. Thanks! (Also @Boneviolin). I'm on Mac though, so I'll have to settle with being an untidy survivor...
  17. Same here, and I'm... puzzled to find this puzzling (!). Have you figured that one out yet?
  18. Sorry if this is a silly question, but how do you place things neatly like that...? I've only ever "dropped" stuff, and haven't found an option to place food items like I would the storm lantern.
  19. It enables you to use the handheld radio during the day / not during an aurora.
  20. This week brought the Free Runner feat and the Living Off The Land achievement 🙂