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Everything posted by PilgrimReaper

  1. Never been able to find any special rifle 😒 🤷‍♂️
  2. Ugh, I hate when that happens. RIP!
  3. With the March Dev Diary post from yesterday, I realized something: I'm new enough to the game that I don't know what prepper bunkers are! What can you guys tell me about them?
  4. HL logo on the front? Would be pretty cool 🙂
  5. The Long Dark Playlist : One Way Street "PLAYING TRACKS BY Angelo Badalamenti, Kammerflimmer Kollektiv, Carter Burwell, Dickon Hinchliffe, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Alva Noto & Bryce Dessner and more. There are survival games, and there are dying games. With special guests : David Lynch, Bear Grylls, the NY Wolf Conservation Center, youtuber Brittany Vasseur, the National Film Board of Canada, Per Oscarsson, and Professor Carolin Crawford." Thoughts?
  6. Ah, that makes sense, thanks! I'll have to find a way to deal with the weather in FA when I get there though, as I'm pretty much prepped (all level 5 skills, nice clothing / tools, etc).
  7. @LeeandaI'm moving this over here for fear that things get too off topic in the "DLC" thread: I did not know that you could fiddle with the blizzard settings and such in the options! As I can't find this in my current game options, I presume this has to be done before starting a new run, right?
  8. This reminds me of something.... placing a fire doesn't cost anything, right? Couldn't that be used to mark your steps some, and find your way back? Not super elegant, but better than dying, right? 😁
  9. Thanks for this! I definitely plan on coming very prepared, with good clothing and tools, but frequent fog and blizzards make exploring very challenging, it seems. Are there enough roads that one can use them to get the hang of the map, to some extent? Does PV seem like a good point of comparison? I sure do like a cosy base, haha...
  10. Hmm, can you clarify the part about needing a lot of experience in TLD / not comfortable at stalker level already? If I play Pilgrim, TFTFT will "just be too hard"?
  11. Agreed on both the posters and the (tin) mug! 🤩
  12. Hey everyone, I'm one of those "pensive exploration" type, as in, pilgrim is what made me consider playing the game at all, and 2 months and 370 hours of play later... here I am! 🙂 PR
  13. I also have the exact same issue. "TFTFT and Wintermute not working. Both purchased. Main game working.", Mojave, etc.