Sgt Socks

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Everything posted by Sgt Socks

  1. I'm a more cautious than YOLO player so will definitely spend my time getting equipped first before heading out. I may end up having two parallel runs for the first time. One, a (hopefully) long personal best run making the most of new features for mid to late game enjoyment like space customisation and crafting. The second, get geared up as fast as possible then head out to explore. This run I wouldn't worry about dying in a ridiculous and epic fashion nor would I mind trying again in the same way to learn the new region. I wouldn't want to take the same risks with a more permanent attempt at survival in a long run. Either way I won't go without the technical backpack and hopefully the moose satchel... travois or not I need the maximum carry space for all the lovely shiny things I'll never need ๐Ÿ˜
  2. Don't blame me, you're the one doing this insane challenge! ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜„ And you know I'm a big softie so I can't be discouraging and mean for too long! ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ
  3. The aurora is beautiful, but I'm really drawn to this gorgeous shot. There is something so soothing about a fire warming the darknesss. Cracking photo Conan. Ye Gods. That is a very good question Conan! TWM for the first time on Interloper with additional challenge rules? I don't think you need our discouragement Conan, more like our assistance in pleading your case to the Gods of the Mountain! I wouldn't touch these conditions with a bargepole and I know TWM fairly well. Sod the discouragement, bloody good luck my darling!
  4. But does there ever stop being something to do in TLD? Each new run brings something different, and as corny as it sounds, the journey itself is the purpose? Of course it depends very much on your style of play. If you need specific achievements to go after then yes I can see why you would feel you've done everything. I hope the new game helps you regain that desire to go on run after run just for the pleasure in doing so.
  5. Its not so much the difficulty thst bothers me. I'm sure I'd get the hang of it eventually as I am still a decent gamer. The problem is there's so little loot - a committed loot goblin like myself finds that most unappealing. I do have my loot set to Stalker levels and that feels about right for me. I also don't want to have to continually stop and start to keep warm. I love wandering about in the world enjoying the scenery; until a wolf of bear makes an appearance that is. I probably will have a go just for the hell of it, but I seriously doubt it will suit me ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ
  6. I'm actually the opposite. Even though I was hoping this run would be a personal best in duration, I feel liberated by knowing it will disappear in a way not of my making. As a result I'm enjoying running round like a lunatic doing as much as I can. Sure it is encouraging me to be rather reckless at times, but I'm grabbing the opportunity to go for it and damn the consequences. I've learned quite a lot about my skills and what I'm capable of. I think if I had to start a new run I would feel more like you Hozz. Although I might do something insane like try Interloper ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜
  7. **rummages in cupboard, throwing stuff at Conan's head... grabs torch** Mine! Mine! Or I will help you not!
  8. Thank you for explaining Jeff. Still makes my head hurt ๐Ÿ˜ณ I'll stick to knowing I rarely pull a decent torch ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜„
  9. Ummm.... could you please explain for the mathematically dim (me)?
  10. Not sure Conan. I seem to have the same rubbish luck with torch quality I usually have. I'm always amazed if I get anything around 40% ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ
  11. You asked for the discouragement, be careful what you wish for Young Padawan ๐Ÿ˜
  12. @jeffpeng is right sadly. You can play a custom survival game with "Endless Night", and I believe the Darkwalker is in the Challenges section (please do correct me if I am wrong). However, the actual events cannot be replayed.
  13. I won't be commenting any further. Opinions are divided, that is the nature of things.
  14. I have debated long and hard whether to respond to this, however it does need to be said. This and your previous posts have been hugely disappointing in their attitude. Everyone here has been overwhelming positive in their responses to the update, and expression of concerns have been considered and intelligent. Had they been insulting or unjustified then I could understand your responses. If you want yes men you won't get it here. What you will get are people who hugely value you and all at Hinterland for the magnificent game you have created, one of the best in my 35 years of gaming. However, having true support also means being able to listen to constructive criticism and concern without resulting to out of place and unjustified anger. To be frank, the need for reflection on how to respond does not lie here. We are excited about what the new game will bring; the talent, creativity, excellent ethics and hard work at Hinterland deeply appreciated. This has been said throughout the thread, so it is intensely saddening for such responses to an adult conversation being made. All that said, my heartfelt thanks to the team and roll on December.
  15. Go go go! ๐Ÿ˜ Embrace the YOLO on our last runs in "Old TLD"! (Great shot)
  16. May the bears make porridge from you, and the trestle on Raven Bridge deliberately break under your feet.. May the wind always be in your face as heavy snow constantly falls... @Leeanda I'm rather enjoying this mischief aren't you? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜„
  17. I don't have any old saves fortunately, mainly because once I really fall out of love with a particular run I delete it. I am well known for having a trigger happy delete finger, not always a good thing! ๐Ÿ˜ณ I really do feel for people who have very longstanding saves, or who are part way through a major challenge and simply won't make it because of the timing. Even though I understand the reasons why, it does suck. I was intending my current run to aim for a personal record, but now I'm just going hell for leather and doing things I wouldn't normally give the time of day. On the plus side it is showing me things I didn't think I was capable of. On the negative I am often finding myself in reckless, unwise situations! What does it matter though when regardless of my action the run will be over in December? It is rather liberating to embrace YOLO-ing for a change instead of careful caution. I am sad that I'll lose a run I have become emotionally attached to, but am looking forward to *truly* starting again. I'm hoping the changes to the game will finally enable me to find a run with the right balance of challenge, suited to me. I still haven't quite managed to do so with the game as it is. So fingers crossed! I'm ready to hold my nose and jump right into the deep water, then worry if I can swim!
  18. Well.... I'm not so sure discouragement is the wisest approach if such swift deaths ensue! ๐Ÿ˜„
  19. @conanjaguar Ooh... @Leeanda has inspired me. Behind the cloth in Grey Mother's may you find.... nothing. There will be a salesmen convention on your frozen corpse. You asked for us to discourage you ๐Ÿ˜„