Sgt Socks

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Everything posted by Sgt Socks

  1. @ManicManiac So good to see you playing again! I have today been stuck in that little PV barn as well ๐Ÿ™‚ At least PV weather is consistently bad so you know to watch out for it. I can imagine not being able to hear the weather sounds is quite challenging. I am so excited to see Keeper's Pass, I haven't been there yet. I am definitely appreciative of the forewarning about the region. I admire you for doing it without hearing - I find it hard to cope with the shocks of the hostile wildlife attacks with hearing, I'd be a gibbering wreck without! I love the photo of the wolf munching on the bunny, gotta love those moments of good grace from the Great Bear Gods! Really looking forward to seeing more of your Keeper's jolly.
  2. @Leeanda Well my darling, as you weren't enjoying it anymore I won't even express my regret, indeed you have found yourself freed! But 111 days, first Stalker run? Of that you should *definitely* be proud. And without a shopping trolley! I had to laugh about only remembering your stim after you died, that's the sort of thing I would do (although I never use stims). I think trying different difficulties is the best way to work out the bits you do and don't want in your custom games. You said about new challenges ideas? How's about just starting a new game with all the new custom tweaks you want to make? Experience what it's like to play with those new settings, and enjoy some hunting again! While you're doing that you can ponder what you might like to challenge yourself with next. Until then you can simply roam around with your rifle and enjoy shooting everything in sight! It's been a real pleasure joining you on your journey Leeanda, and at times seriously hair raising! Thank you for your fabulous diary, it's been a blast ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿงก๐Ÿบ
  3. Never mate, it just isn't any fun at all!
  4. I have indeed DZ, I spent so long organising my carved statues they had burned down a lot. I was so impressed with the detail ๐Ÿ˜Š
  5. @SpanishMoss Thank you for bringing this across from the dev diary. ABSOLUTELY YES +1
  6. @ajb1978 You're a legend, thank you! I am often amazed at what your mad scientist brain offers us. This one for me is hugely important, having a particular issue with wolf jumpscares. It shows it is definitely worth going for either the wolf or bear coat, which ever is your preference. If there was ever a reason to go to Ash Canyon, alongside the backpack and crampons of course, its the hope of getting the "Wolf Scare Coat"!
  7. You certainly aren't Leeanda. I never have and never will touch them with a bargepole. These forums are the official place for players, people who love the game, people who have literally been with them from the start. OK so Raph may not have the time but SpanishMoss is right, the solution is incredibly simple. Are they trying to say that *no-one* has the time to do a bit of copy & paste to update the real supporters? The threads wouldn't even need to allow direct responses. Surely its a matter of common courtesy, something I really, really had hoped Hinterland would show. It's the communication (or lack of) that upsets me. Not the delays etc which can happen for so many reasons. I know many of us are hugely grateful for the game we have received for such a small price. Many of us are welcoming a new structure for paid access to new content etc. We don't expect greatness for nothing, or the vast majority don't anyway. But loyal players and fans who are going to be mainstay in bringing along this new format are quite literally being kept in the dark and sidelined. It hardly inspires confidence to put your hand in your pocket later on. Please forgive the rant. I love this game. Have for so many years. And I have been impressed with how Hinterland have conducted themselves in such a greedy, poor quality environment that many game makers inhabit. But all this does start to get you down a bit, you know? End rant
  8. Oh well, it was just a thought. Limb chopping it will have to be then ๐Ÿ™
  9. Yes! This needs to be on the wish list! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘
  10. I dont think any of us are as brave as that! Grab what you can when you can. Carry some if you can - if it means dropping some of the other "stuff" we like to lug around by the trolley full so be it, at least you will be warm ๐Ÿงก
  11. @Leeanda P.S. Just thought. Reclaimed wood. When you're zipping through places you can break down small and large crates by hand, make sure you have some on you. It's not the best and more difficult to use as a starter but at least this is a guaranteed source of firewood for you until you can start getting some wood stocks set up
  12. Phew. As long as you have access to antibiotics. My snowball was super scary for a while there, thank god for the shrooms! Get chopping if you can, difficult I know, but I don't want you freezing to death! Ooh you're close to 5! Cook everything and anything, teas, coffee, animals... then you can eat the world! ๐Ÿ˜
  13. Oh that's just bloody sneaky. Not a lot you could do in that situation! ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ I know exactly what you mean! It gets on my nerves too, and no matter which way you turn its nearly always a headwind! โ˜น๏ธ Very much like where I live in real life! It is good there is such a detailed custom function, allows everyone to play with their own preferences. Sometimes you have to take the risk. I was incredibly unlucky to get them with only 1% risk. Just bear in mind that if you do get them you will need 10 doses of antibiotics or reishi teas to recover. How close to level 5 cooking are you? It might be worth harvesting some of the wolf meat in 0.5kg steaks and cook them, to help level, and the meat can be stored outside for when you are able to eat it. I know that's not always possible, especially when the sticks seem to be absent, but if you get the chance it really does help. Hehehe... I knew you would ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘ Do you not have a hatchet or hacksaw? I always carry one or the other no matter what. Admittedly I think you have a stick bug (even on Stalker I never had the trouble you're having) but you do need some way of getting firewood no matter where you are. The cold is more likely to kill you than the wolves in many ways. I will be crossing my fingers for it to snow sticks overnight! ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿงก
  14. In my diary you changed this for me to be The Destroyer of Wolves. We need that for you! Especially as you do insist dancing with them so frequently ๐Ÿ™ˆ Of course it was Bruno ad Rufus, those two definitely have a taste for Conan Steak. Although you were lucky the earlier wolf didn't get you! Stealing his stick from under his nose? That's like taking food from Socks' plate - it's asking to get a fork in your hand! (Although I did laugh at you getting caught on the fence ... a bit like when I decided it was a good idea to try and shoot a bear behind one and just shot the wood! ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜„) Hmm... that phrase sounds familiar, someone else here uses it a lot instead of what she actually says ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜ BRING ON NATIVE 5!!!
  15. @piddy3825 Thanks Piddy! I've been trying to find something new to watch and this sounds great. Especially as close as it sounds to our beloved game ๐Ÿ˜Š This film also sprung to mind. Not quite as aligned to TLD as yours but it came to me for a reason. Similar feelings evoked. Arctic - Mads Mikkelsen
  16. Fabulous! Thank you for pointing me to it @BareSkin. I will definitely have a look ๐Ÿ™‚ (Ps I love your avatar! As you can see from mine I am a fellow fan)
  17. That's one of the reasons I love this game. It offers something for everyone and every play style. Except our shopping trollies of course โ˜น๏ธ
  18. @ManicManiac I'm keen on trying to catch up on @Sgt Socks adventure too. Bless you MM ๐Ÿงก There is plenty there to keep you going when you have the time. My first diary was shorter than expected, but an epic ending! The second is detailed because I was excited to explore Ash, barely having set foot there before. I am off on a long run atm but am simply playing it this time rather than documenting. But with the little time you have there is plenty of material for you. Means a lot you wanting to read it. I had an unpleasant post on my second diary (removed by Admin) which shook my confidence. Anyway, your diary along with Leeanda and Conan inspired me in the first place. A coffee will always be waiting for you when you have the time join me at my campfire ๐Ÿ˜Š
  19. I don't know how you do it. I'm feeling uncomfortable going straight to AC & TWM when I haven't thoroughly looted every single place on the way never to go back ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ The only places I go back to are ML/PV, and PV only for the times I've lasted long enough where I needed to craft ammo in Bleak. And ML is my home where I lug everything to (except the few things I leave in PV). We are funny beans aren't we ๐Ÿ˜
  20. ๐Ÿ™ˆ thats usually how I die! I'm not even going to try and help you decide because you'll only end up doing none of the above! ๐Ÿ˜„
  21. Really? Oh suddenly I feel much better! I would last literally five minutes trying anything you do but my best run was 337 days. Shows this is a game which allows all kinds of players to excel.
  22. Basically, if you can help it (especially on Stalker) you shouldn't carry any form of scent making items in your inventory. If you are forced to then just be extra aware.
  23. This will be it chick. The stink meter is a good reference but even one small piece that doesn't register massively increases the risk - especially on Stalker where predator sense of smell is off the charts. This is the write up to illustrate: While the gauge has three different indicators, scent doesn't actually have hard breaking points. For example, carrying a single piece of freshly cooked meat will not register on the scent meter, but will still provide enough scent for predators to track
  24. ๐Ÿฅณโญ๏ธ !! CONGRATULATIONS !! โญ๏ธ๐Ÿฅณ I'm so glad you got an aurora for your celebration. You really should be chuffed with yourself. 100 days on Stalker is no mean feat, especially on your first try. Extra special shortbread on its way to you! ๐Ÿ’ What an absolute nightmare you've had! I'm so glad you're alive. Just thinking... we're you carrying meat on you? That could explain the wolf deluge. If not, we'll, sadly that is Stalker. You only have to breathe and they attack you ๐Ÿ˜ณ