Sgt Socks

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Everything posted by Sgt Socks

  1. I'm glad you've managed to work it out and the bow is now paying off for you. I had to chuckle though, I'm on PC and still can't get the hang of it. Quite clearly I'm just pants with the bow šŸ˜„
  2. OMG the bears... I'm still having flashbacks... those all you can do is hope they run off after being shot rather than running at you. Same for Moose. @Leeandais right. I usually find that an unaimed shot makes the wolves run off (although I can't comment on Interloper as only play up to Stalker). Aiming always triggers a charge. You can also lead a wolf .... as long as the charge hasn't been triggered you can keep walking ahead of them without them actually attacking. You just need to learn the different types of growl. This isn't guaranteed though, especially if you are slow, and you can't be carrying anything smelly or run as that will again trigger the charge.
  3. I don't think they have become more aggressive, I've been consistently playing since 2016 with few lengthy breaks. There are always certain conditions (like the aurora, carrying smelly food etc) that will cause an increase in aggression, but its always been that way. And of course certain difficulties will always bring more trouble of the sharp toothed furry variety.
  4. The teas.and coffee are vastly underestimated I agree! And plentiful varied resources to make them, they can be a crucial part in our survival. Thank you for making this video to spread the word šŸ‘
  5. I wish I could agree, I *want* to love the bow for all the reasons described. However I'm with @Leeanda . I am absolutely abysmal (and I'm a pretty good gamer and a decent shot). Even with hours and hours of trying (been playing TLD since 2016) I cannot get the hang of it. I've come to the conclusion it simply isn't for me. Plus I just love my rifle, she's my baby šŸ˜Š
  6. I think that sounds like a perfect celebration! Watching the incredible skies and taking in your favourite views? Perfect šŸ‘Œ It's been a while since I've been to Marsh Ridge. I keep dying before I make it! I loved it though, and spending a little holiday in the basin. Good Moose hunting too.
  7. Bloody hell you've got a talent! The detail is incredible. And as a fellow TLD obsessive (my obsession started in 2016!) seeing it brought to life like this is wonderful. I can't wait to watch it develop šŸ‘šŸ˜Šā­ļø
  8. I wouldn't even make it half way through the first day! šŸ˜³šŸ™ˆ
  9. I'M HERE! I bring sweet milky tea and shortbread šŸ§” Oh this has made my day! Proper laughed out loud and can just picture it! šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„ I reckon the wolves up there are just young un's. Your two liked playing peek a boo with you and mine was pawing the ground like a playful puppy šŸ˜ Shame about the very sharp teeth cos it would be too damn cute otherwise. It's going to take quite a while for this image to leave me, I keep grinning šŸ˜ I *always* have trouble with this wolf too. Even though I know he's there and take precautions, I've had more maulings by him than I can count. I think he is a spy wolf because he sure does come out of the shadows at you. I feel your pain! šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø who the hell knows. This is odd. I don't think I've ever had the rifle come out first. When somewhere safe, perhaps try dropping both weapons then pick up the revolver first then the rifle. See what happens. Then do it again but the other way round. Be interesting to see what happens... Gotta love PV! I don't know what you did to upset The Great Bear Gods but they sure do like throwing the weird stuff at you! I've had the occasional strange thing but you seem to attract it like bees to honey! Oh when it starts to bite you'll know it. It bites hard. I play a lot of my games with increased cold over time. 100 days ish is about right. You might find you *have* to spend a bit more time indoors. Or if you can't because of cabin fever, time for that Ravine cave jolly. It does make things increasingly tricky! Although there have been a couple of occasions when it seemed to *start* like that, I kept getting cold even though I had bear coat, military coat, two fisherman's sweaters plus excellent other kit all round way before day 100 (I was lucky with the bear spawn and looting that run). If you are turning into an ice lolly in all that clobber early on something isn't quite right! You need to eat chick. Sometimes we have to take bunnies and deer. However because we are thankful for them, and only take what need when we have to, we can be absolved. I'm not sure... I would have said maybe the animals decreasing over time is showing, but its been like that since the start for you. I think it's likely one of your own personal bugs my darling... Trapper's is one of the most reliable places for *something* to show at least šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I'm sorry, what?! You're *not* in a rush to leave? I nearly choked on my dinner! šŸ˜„ I think you should take a bit of breather. Put your feet up in the lovely peace and cosiness of Trapper's and rest. Enjoy a little bit of pottering gathering wood and such with no fear of being chomped. I think you should absolutely do something special for 100 days... I am brimming with pride! 100 days on your first Stalker run? THAT is something to celebrate. I'll make sure to add extra shortbread and tea bags for the party šŸ„³šŸ§”
  10. Welcome fellow UK TLD fanatic šŸ˜Š Your project is hugely exciting, I look forward to seeing it! Make sure you post a thread in one of the main sections so we don't miss it šŸ‘
  11. Oh no!!!!! I thought your cave painting honouring the Ancients would appease them! Gutted for you mate. And I hope you have made it up with your keyboard.
  12. Lol absolutely nothing because with those settings I'd be dead in five minutes flat! šŸ˜„ Thanks chick šŸ§” I actually really enjoyed it. Made a nice change from all the other regions I know so well (apart from Blackrock/HRV), both of which I definitely *wont* be going to. HRV never ever ever and BCR only with no wolves or Timberwolves at all! I can understand why you said AC was growing on you. I definitely don't hate it anymore.
  13. @Digitalzombie Thank you for such a detailed response. I also want to thank you, and the other modders, they really are superb and address the gaping holes in the game. Your candlelight one is fabulous!
  14. šŸ™„šŸ˜›šŸ˜šŸ§” Bleak? Pfft. That would be a two day snowball! Even without Timberwolves šŸ˜… Maybe I should just do it for a giggle at how "long" I survive! I think I will keep the save, I might as well. If I come back to it, then I do. If not, then it doesn't matter. At least I have the option when I decide I want to do a longer run, this snowball would be a great starting point, plus my skills are doing well. I'll have a think which region to do one in next. Depending on which region it is, I'll tweak the difficulty accordingly. For example, ML I would make much harder weather wise because it is generally an easier region to cope with, plus a lot of places for loot etc. I had set everything to medium on this one, which made it easier when it comes to wolves and weather but harder on loot etc. Exploring the region was always the main goal for this snowball anyway, because I had barely stepped foot in it before.
  15. Lol I agree with you here. As long as it wasn't a forced random multiplayer, if you could play with someone or a few people of your choice, that would be pretty cool.
  16. I know, that's why I said please bear with me so I could get them all in šŸ˜‚ The snowball is done chick! That's 50 days achieved šŸ˜Š Not much point in carrying on to be honest. Although I suppose I could turn it into a longer run, I've got some decent gear and good skills. Could view it as an Ash Canyon start I guess. It was a snowball to this point but becomes a normal run thereafter. Hmm. I shall ponder this tomorrow when I'm unable to play. The snowball format was really fun though, I'd like to do another one. I could always keep the save and come back to it later.... Decisions decisions! What do you think? Without your input I wouldn't even have started this!
  17. Omg Omg OMG!!!! Those bloody wolves were waiting for you to finish harvesting it! And three wolves? My stomach dropped into my slippers just reading this. This is exactly why I stopped playing Stalker šŸ˜³ Thank goodness the shot scared them off. That could have gotten very nasty very fast with three of them. Good grief. I snort laughed at this! šŸ˜„ I do that as well, the difficult shots I get, the easy ones I make a complete hash of it. TLD Murphy at it again! (and I vow to make a bow next long run so that you can laugh at my stats, it will make you feel much better šŸ˜) Your cooking is probably up near level 5 now isn't it? You'll be able to munch on the mouldy stuff with no worries then šŸ˜Š Bloody tough choice though, food or tools to help keep you warm. It's not as if the TWM ropes are short either, at least at shorter ones like in PV for example, you can do a couple of runs up and down easily. But in the cold at TWM? Nope. I spend a lot of time doing just this. It's why I include so many scenery shots in my diary. This is such a stunningly immersive game it would be criminal to let these moments pass by. Even some of the moody skies are beautiful too. In fact it's just a beautiful game full stop. Oh this wolf is a proper pain in the behind! Do you remember the comedy moment I had in my first diary? Coming out of the cellar with him *right in front of me* pawing the ground like a puppy? šŸ˜„ He is certainly near the top of the "Most Pushy Salesman" category!
  18. WHAT A FABULOUS ADVENTURE! So here we are at my final day. 50 days survived in Ash Canyon and Ash Canyon alone. I am greeted by clear blue skies and a crisp freshness in the air. I stand outside Anglerā€™s Den enjoying the sky and thinking about everything that has happened during this fabulous adventure. Not being able to leave a region forces you to play completely differently, and I will in my future runs change my settings to make resources slightly more difficult to find. I have enjoyed the challenge. I wont deprive my loot goblin nature completely, but the adrenaline moments of not enough antibiotics, having to be careful what I eat, checking the amount of matches Iā€™ve got etc was unexpectedly enjoyable. Loper is a step too far for me, being that deprived isnā€™t my idea of fun, but the extra challenge Iā€™ve experience here has added to the enjoyment of the game. I still wonā€™t ever spend an extended period of time in Ash Canyon, but that is mainly because it is so far out of the way and I do still struggle with claustrophobic feelings in this difficult to navigate region. However, I now have a much better grasp of the geography and the routes through it, which can only add to long runs in the future. I am definitely glad I did it, and Iā€™m so excited that I made it! It has given me more confidence in my abilities and cheered me up after the despair inducing and abrupt end to my last run. Thank you so much for joining me on this adventure, your company, engagement and encouragement has made this a lot of fun! NOW I NEED TO DECIDE WHAT TO DO NEXTā€¦.
  19. BEAUTIFUL SKIES On day 40 there is a gorgeous aurora as morning approaches, then the early skies are just as stunning. This game really is beautiful. WHAT TO DO NOW? So I am entering the final week and things are getting a little dull. Not being able to leave the region hasnā€™t felt like a weight up until this point, but it does now! Then I remember the other mods I have, DIY by Santana and Candle Making, and decide to have a play! I was going to on my last run but that was, as we know, rather abruptly ended by the freakish bear. Safely away from any bears in my Anglerā€™s Den home, I risk carving the Bear statue again, maybe I have broken the curse! I also carve the other three animals available, the Moose, the Wolf and the Stag. These I place on a table crafted from Cedar wood and provide ambient lighting with three pretty candles. Iā€™ve also kept the Frontier Shooting book for decorative purposes. Doesnā€™t it look great! I also craft some posters for the wall, and make a bear print rug for the floor. I still think Hinterland are missing a huge opportunity by having such limited crafting, and space making, options in the game. A lone survivor would do things like this to pass the timeā€¦ and it is so much better than simply having to click the pass time button. Being able to finally do these things is really exciting, and will certainly encourage me to keep going on very long runs, or give me something to do towards the end of a snowball. Now this feels like home šŸ˜Š
  20. IT WAS *THIS* BIG Now Iā€™ve taken out that irritating wolf at the Bitter Marsh entrance, I figure it is time to go and do a spot of fishing. I donā€™t really need the food, but even I can only handle so much of the pick up sticks game. Iā€™m really fortunate, I only break one line, and get a good haul of fishies to give me some variety in my diet, and enough oil to make a couple more torches. Although I can pull torches from a fire, I like having full ones that last a while, and now the 50 days is approaching I know have enough cloth to use a couple of pieces. That will make sure I have enough matches to see me through to the end. SOCKSā€™ NEW CLOTHES Seeing as my Bearskin coat has deteriorated to 45% following all the wolf encounters Iā€™ve had, I decide to harvest it and recraft using the cured bear pelt I got from the bear near the mine. Iā€™d rather do it this way than try and repair it ā€“ if the repair fails then Iā€™m stuffed! I also decide to finally get round to crafting the wolfskin coat, things are a bit chilly and I like wandering around first thing in the morning. Yes both these things take a long time, but one needs something to do after all! Plus it means I can be less anxious when outdoors, the wolf coat does sometimes scare wolves off and even if it doesnā€™t, by putting it over my precious bear coat it will get torn rather than the bear one. PLACING ANYWHERE & ITEM PILES MODS These mods are bloody marvellous! Iā€™ll never play without them again. They make it so much easier to organise your stuff, make your space look how you want it to and stops you having to pick up (say) 50 individual sticks for the fire. That in particular really irritated me about the game. Remove Clutter is also a good addition because you can get rid of most of the, well, clutter that is littered about and often gets in the way. You canā€™t use Item Piles for everything, you canā€™t do it with single lichens for example, but it does cover the most important bases. Everything is so much neater and easier! Illustration This is what a pile of ten normal sticks looks like, and you have to pick them up individuallyā€¦ This is what a pile of ten sticks looks like, combined into one stack using the modā€¦. And you can pick the stack up as a single item, rather than ten single sticks! This may not sound like much, but once you start using it, you realise how vastly, enormously, mahoosively better this is! And as you can see here, both of these mods mean you can make nice neat piles of things, making the homes space so much more welcoming and easy to navigate. Plus these piles of individual logs etc contain much more than first meets the eye, thanks to being able to ā€œmergeā€ items on top of each other. I bloody love it!
  21. The next couple of days are spent cooking all the Moose steaks; I use both the single stove inside and a campfire I set behind the cabin out of the wind. I love the campfire outside, it is really rather atmospheric against the cabin and night sky. WHO ATE ALL THE BUNNIES? As the Moose steaks are finished cooking, I make my way back to the bunny snare area and where I left six carcasses before the yo-yo visits to Homestead and Bitter Marsh. I get to the glade andā€¦ there are NO BUNNIES! I look around totally confused, they have vanished! Knowing the Great Bear Wolves donā€™t steal the food you leave outside I am baffled, and really annoyed. I may have snagged a Moose but I canā€™t afford to lose 6 bunnies! Grumbling, I pick up and reset the snares hoping things will return to normal. I am now entering the final stretch, and it is going to be a case of settling in, becoming a period of routine daily tasks to pass the days with as little drama as possible. Iā€™ve had quite enough drama on this adventure! Iā€™m the kind of strange person who enjoys routine, and Iā€™m looking forward to playing pick up sticks, chopping firewood and other housekeeping tasks. Iā€™m also looking forward to having a little wander round the immediate area to see if there is anything Iā€™ve missed. Iā€™ve still got a few revolver rounds and enough flares to (hopefully) avoid too many more wolf struggles. I now have a solid stock of cloth following my return to Minerā€™s, Foremanā€™s and Homestead but that could all change if I have a run of bad luck. THEN I REMEMBER THE PARASITES AND THE ANTIBIOTIC SITUATIONā€¦. Oh my god oh my god oh my god. I am four doses short!!! I NEED TO FIND SOME MUSHROOMS!! And fast. I remember when I ended up at the very bottom of the map, near the TWM Echo Ravine entrance (I incorrectly referred to it as Keeperā€™s Pass earlier) there were a lot of natural resources. I had to leg it away from there fast however because of the aggressive wolf hanging around. Fortunately I now have my revolver, so I am going to journey back there (through Bitter Marsh yet again). Iā€™m not going to mess about playing chicken with the wolf, Iā€™ll just fire to get rid of him. I should be OK with bullets but Iā€™ll take three flares as well, just in case. I donā€™t know if there are mushrooms there but if there isnā€™t I know I didnā€™t fully explore the western side of the Bitter Marsh basin. If there arenā€™t any there, Iā€™ll have to try some of the smaller canyons leading off from near Anglerā€™s. I thankfully avoid the wolf at Bitter Marsh entrance without using any precious bullets and make my way down the western side of the lower basin. I find two mushrooms along the way. I need to find six more, making a total of four reishi teas which are equivalent to a dose of antibiotics. Iā€™m filled with nerves on all sorts of levels, nervously glancing at the ever increasing red section on my fatigue icon, hoping the damage disappears after all the treatments. Eeek! IF I manage to find all four doses! I now make it down to the right area, and the wolf makes me leap out of my skin by coming at me from nowhere, growling like a demon wolf! I fumble the controls in my panic and he mauls me, but I manage to hack him with my hatchet and he runs away bleeding. Iā€™m not going after him this time, I have to find mushrooms! I quickly bandage and apply antiseptic, swearing like a sailor. Howeverā€¦. ā€¦. MUSHROOMS GALORE! Oh my goodness, I cannot tell you how relieved I am! I was absolutely freaking out about the parasites (1% chance my arse) when I realised I didnā€™t have enough antibiotics. With the two mushrooms I found on the way, I find eight in total here. That makes 5 doses of antibiotics. I collapse in a heap for a moment, the stress ebbing away. I just need to make sure I donā€™t get food poisoning or any other afflictions. I thank the gods again for the Moose because his meat has taken a huge weight off my shoulders. Iā€™ll have no issues with the cattails, the rabbits, deer or the MRE. Fingers crossed this panic can now be discarded. On finally arriving back at Anglerā€™s late in the day, I hurriedly prepare all the reishi teas, ready to take first thing in the mornings when the antibiotics have run out. PHEW. I dodged the proverbial bullet there. Lesson learned! Always make sure you have at least some kind of antibiotic treatment in your first aid kit, just in case. Now I pass the days doing all my little odd jobs, enjoying my pick up sticks game. I have no idea why I like it so much, but I do! Plus snaring and cooking rabbits, if I end up with too much food then thatā€™s better than not having enough. I know the Moose will probably do it, but not having enough food is a genuine anxiety for me, going back to the days in real life when I really couldnā€™t afford to feed myself properly. THE BUNNY TRIANGLE On one of the days I amble over to the rabbit glade to pick up any caught in the snares. Iā€™d left a couple of spare snares there to save me going backwards and forwards if one ended up ruined, and so I wouldnā€™t forget the correct placement. I get there and my brow furrows. Umm, where have the spare snares gone? Theyā€™ve vanished too! So this weird Bunny (Bermunda) Triangle has swallowed six rabbit carcasses and three spare snares! What the actual *bleep* is going on?! Oh well, Iā€™ll just have to leave spare ones outside the cabin and go back for them if I need to. Itā€™s not far. Up to this point no weird disappearances have occurred around the cabin. I collect the two bunnies snared and walk home, grumbling, growling and filling the air with a very blue cloud. THE PERFECT ACTIVITY TO CURE BOREDOM On day 38 Iā€™m starting to get very bored. So I decide to go and play chicken with a wolf! And I won! I am The Destroyer of Wolves Mwahahahahaaaaa!
  22. Once I have taken a photo to commemorate this marvellous moment, I almost collapse with spent adrenaline. I realise I have been holding my breath! As the day is progressing too fast I quickly harvest half of the meat and his hide, as much as I can safely carry weight wise and still move at a relatively normal pace back to Anglerā€™s. If I hurry up and the weather holds, I can probably still finish harvesting him today even if it does go a little into the night. I have to fire off a couple of shots at the wolf at Bitter Marsh entrance, he obviously likes the smell of my Moose steaks but he can keep his grubby paws off them. I finally get back to near Anglerā€™s when an unpleasant first happens to meā€¦ Iā€™VE GOT INTESTINAL PARASITES! Iā€™m stunned. I had a 1% chance of getting them, so basically a 99% chance of not getting them. Insert extreme expletives here. Of course I get them, of course I bloody do. Cursing my appalling luck I get back to the cabin, drop all the meat outside and the hide inside to cure and take some antibiotics. Then I gulp. As this has never happened to me before I didnā€™t know about the recovery. You have to take 10 doses of antibiotics, or a reishi tea, once a day for 10 days (I forgot to take this screenshot immediately). Panicking I check my first aid kit, and I have only got 6 doses antibiotics, and I havenā€™t got any reishi tea at all, having struggled to find many in Ash. The few I did I used to make soup. OK Socks, OK. First things first. We need to finish harvesting the Moose. That meat doesnā€™t give you parasites and it will set you up solidly for the rest of this journey. I am on DAY 23 so have another 27 to go. The Moose will pretty much feed me for most of the rest of that. The day is getting late and the wind is getting up, I am going to have to leave the rest of the harvesting until tomorrow. I rehydrate, eat some cattails and settle into bed for a restless sleep, worrying about the revolting parasitesā€¦ I wake very early and leave for Bitter Marsh just as the sun is rising. The wolf at the entrance is obviously off on a jolly somewhere else as he doesnā€™t bother me this time, thankfully. I finish harvesting the Moose and make my way back to Anglerā€™s, this time the wolf does try to muscle in on dinner again but I shoot at him and he runs away yelping. I dump the rest of the meat outside, the guts inside and check the wood situation. There is a lot of meat here so I am going to need to get some more firewood before I begin cooking. Then I remember that before all this drama I was heading back to Homestead to get the second cooking pot. For chuckā€™s sake. Sighing again I start trudging back to Bitter Marsh then Homestead to get the pot, it will significantly cut down the cooking time of the Moose. Thankfully the wolf doesnā€™t seem interested on chewing me without the Moose steaks this time and I finally arrive back at Homestead. Unfortunately I am quite tired, the parasites attack your stamina and it gets worse over time. It is now also late in the day. I realise I am going to have to stay here tonight. Fortunately Iā€™d left some water here, and I have a few cattails on me to keep me going. I leave very early in the morning and avoid the wolf by skirting around the edge of the cliff, Iā€™m lucky that he is far enough away not to notice me this time. On my way back I chop as much wood as I can carry. My hatchet breaks, having been used to capacity. I do have another one so Iā€™m not concerned, and Iā€™m really happy to notice that on harvesting it I not only get a fir firewood, but also a piece of metal! That means I can craft another three fishing lines. Yes the Moose could well feed me for the rest of the 50 days but I want to do some fishing just to make sure. Besides, it gives me something else to do now the exploring has been done.
  23. BACK AT ANGLER'S... After getting back to Anglerā€™s, I am worried about my food levels. I have gathered quite a few cattails but and I have the MRE, but I have to survive 50 days. I really donā€™t like eating the predator meat. Although the risk is very low by only eating one steak it should be reserved for when absolutely necessary. The exclamation mark on my HUD reminds me that I am currently running a 1% risk after having to eat that bear steak after the massive climb down from Fire Outlook. Suddenly I realise Iā€™ve left the second cooking pot I found (the random one by the funny snow boots sticking out!) at Homestead. I sigh, because I wanted that second pot to go on a fire outside. Having a single stove in the cabin is great, donā€™t get me wrong, but itā€™s a bit of a pain if youā€™re trying to cook a lot of rabbit or boil a lot of water. Itā€™s also harder on the firewood supplies. Therefore, I drop off everything I donā€™t need, reload the revolver I was delighted to find (so I can get rid of the wolves before they get a chance to chomp on my leg) and start walking back to Homestead. I manage to avoid the pesky wolf by the entrance to Bitter Marsh, and am walking along in rather misty conditions when I see something in the distance. I blink twice, wondering if I am seeing thingsā€¦ Iā€™m not! ITā€™S A MOOSE! I turn round, and run back to Anglerā€™s as fast as I can, hip firing to shoo the wolf away so I can get my rifle before the walking meat locker can disappear. I grab the rifle and turn round to yet again head back towards Bitter Marsh (I feel like Iā€™ve turned into a yo-yo!). When I get to where I saw the moose he seems to vanished into the mist. I am momentarily devastated but continue looking and, with great joy, I see him in the distance. Now I stop and gather myself. A deep breath to calm my nerves. Moose are not to be messed with. Bears are hugely dangerous for sure, but the Moose are grumpy and if they stomp you and you survive, the broken ribs are an absolute nightmare. I creep closer, getting more anxious the nearer I get to him. Even though I found five extra bullets I still only have nine in total, and these big buggers can take a lot to kill. Occasionally you may be lucky and get a critical, one shot kill, but in my experience that is pretty rare. More likely youā€™ll be using up to five shots, if all of them hit. They donā€™t bleed out either, you have to make sure you kill him then and there. It is still misty which doesnā€™t make this any easier. I get as close as I can without alerting him to my presence, and offer a prayer to the gods for him to run off when I shoot him, if there is no critical. They never take long to come back and it is by far the best option to slowly stalk and take him down than try to get away if he decides to charge. The chances of not getting stomped by then are pretty much nil, and there is nowhere here for me to escape to anyway. Crouched I manoeuvre into position where I can aim for his head, the best chance of a critical, and of doing the most damage if not. Of course you have to make sure you donā€™t hit his antlers as this wonā€™t hurt him and is likely to really annoy him! Once ready, I breathe deeply. I raise the rifle. I wait for him to stop. I aim, and FIREā€¦ I hit his head but no critical! Thankfully he runs away, making that rather unnerving Moose sound. I slowly move forward in the direction he ran, then when he turns round to start back on his route I stop and crouch again. I wait until he is as close as it is (sort of) safe to be, and am pleased to hear the injured sound they make when youā€™ve wounded them. I then raise the rifle again. I breathe deeply, I aim, and FIREā€¦. I hit him again, but still no critical! Again he runs away, and I repeat the stalking process. This mist is really getting on my nerves! I crouch. I wait. I raise the rifle, breathe, aim and FIREā€¦ I hit him but NO NO NOOOOOO! He is running towards me! I kind of freeze with no idea what to do, it looks like he is running in the same manner as when he runs away but he is definitely heading at meā€¦ what do I do? WHAT DO I BLOODY WELL DO?! All of this happens in the blink of an eye and then he is on meā€¦ ā€¦ but wait, he has run right over (through?) me and is heading off in the opposite direction. No damage, no nothing, oh I think this is a wonderfully fortuitous bug! I turn round and indeed he is running ā€œawayā€, it just so happens it was THROUGH ME. I gulp and try to calm my breathing. That definitely made me need a Tena! I am NOT letting him go. I need the meat desperately, and his hide will either allow me to craft the satchel or cloak. I am incredibly nervous now, given that weird experience with the last shot. Fortunately the mist is starting to clear. I patiently wait until we are aligned, I raise the rifle, breathe, aim and FIREā€¦ I hit him again but HELLLLP! This is definitely a charge and he is roaring his Moose roar. I bring up my rifle fast, speedily take aim and SHOOT, ANNNNNNNDā€¦. HEā€™S DOWN! I got him I got him I got him!!!!!!!! (cue Mad Spaniel Running Around With Joy!!!)
  24. Tickle Streaker!!! Brilliant! šŸ¤£ Well, I never even try using a bow anymore. I spent so many frustrating hours with it that I threw it in the bin. However, I'll make you a promise. For pure entertainment value, in my next long run, I'll craft and use one so you can see my truly horrendous stats with it šŸ˜ Just about to do my last few entries for this diary...bear with me.... šŸ„°