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Everything posted by conanjaguar

  1. Finally, my PC has been repaired! Back to Great Bear I go! Only... I've probably gotten rusty over my absence and I don't want to risk losing my current run to a dumb mistake until I'm fully ready to tackle it! So, here goes on Wintermute, Hardened Survivor difficulty: *** The Joker. Figures. That smug little wolf face ruined a perfect run of solitaire. I pour myself another shot from the half-empty bottle of whisky that sits on the desk in front of me, take a sip, and relish the slow burning feeling. Booze may not actually make you warmer, but it feels like it... which is good. It's cold in here, has been for a few weeks now since the heater conked out. Maybe I should light a fire? Yeah... a nice warm fire would feel good right about now and give me something to do besides play cards and get hammered. I check the area around the desk and find some old newspapers, a few cedar logs, and a box of matches. Perfect. I get ]on my creaky old knees and light up the equally creaky and equally old wood stove. This baby is an antique, I picked it up at Bubba's for just a few dollars and its worth every penny of it. No gas, no electricity, just fire. I spend a few minutes walking around the hangar, grumbling at the cheap electric hotplate, and reminiscing about the good old days. My beloved floatplane, especially, was a major part of those days... I'd sure love to give her one last great adventure.
  2. PROJECT: SURVIVAL DEV DIARY 2: Stat Rework The original PlayerStats script that controlled the player's stats was 300 lines of code... a nightmare to deal with both in debugging and adding new features. Before I did anything else, I had to split the script into separate ones controlling each stat to address this issue. Hopefully that will also make it easier to add new stuff down the line. An idea I had recently was to not have any visible measure of how "full" each of these stats is, but rather a single-word descriptor like "full" or "hungry" with pluses or minuses next to it to indicate change. This is a double edged sword mainly because it will eliminate the precise calculations TLD scientists are familiar, but it will also add a touch more realism... you never know exactly how many calories are in your belly in real life, do you?
  3. Yeah, that could work. Alternatively you could just splash a bit of rum in the batter, that should work as well. Now I'm hungry 😋.
  4. PROJECT: SURVIVAL DEV DIARY 1: Movement and Stats First off, I created a new Unity project and got a character controller working. It's not much: you can walk, run, crouch, and jump. Yep, that's right! Jumping will be a thing! I also created the core script that will keep track of all the player's stats: warmth, hunger, thirst, stamina, and fatigue, making sure to keep it nice and modular so it'll be easy to work with further down the line. Running and jumping drains your stamina, and like in TLD, hunger and fatigue decrease at different rates depending on what you're doing. How fast you freeze or warm up depends on feels like temperature, which I have separated from ambient temperature because connecting the two could bring up some nasty bugs. That's all for now! I need to make an inventory next so the player has a way to... well, do just about everything.
  5. I've been debating for a while where the best place to post this would be but I finally decided on Fan Creations because this is very much inspired by TLD. Imitation is the best form of flattery, as they say. *** PROJECT: SURVIVAL INTRODUCTION So what is Project: Survival? Well, it's a game concept that I've been tossing around in my head for a while, but have never quite had the confidence in my game development skills to attempt. Until now, that is. The vision is for a survival game that is very much inspired by TLD in its gameplay and visuals, but expands on and encourages real-world survival strategies as well as featuring a limited building system. That's very ambitious, especially considering I'm doing this on my own and have exactly one game to my name, but I'm confident I can pull it off and go for an eventual Steam release. I'll be posting dev diaries on this thread every month or so, so stay tuned if you're interested!
  6. conanjaguar


    I never did like the Camp Office, it's too cluttered for my tastes, but to each their own . Paradise Meadows would be my pick, just for the atmosphere... and the 6-burner stove of course!
  7. Sounds amazing 😋. Mustard might be a bit too sharp... wouldn't it overpower the flavor?
  8. **SELF PROMOTION POST** This is the main reason I haven't been on the Forum as frequently as I'd like over the last month... all of my spare time and energy has gone into the making of this little game. It has one or two minor bugs but otherwise I'm quite proud of it . Trailer: Itch page:
  9. A bit off topic from the maple syrup tangent but we bought some rabbit meat today! My life will be fulfilled when I try it .
  10. Nope... it was "I can hardly walk with this much gear" 😁.
  11. During lunch at school today I was hungry (because we were running late and didn't have time to pack food) and blurted out "Can you eat trees?". Everyone stared at me like 👀.
  12. Nothing in the house exactly screams out Canada (at least to me)... I would assume it's on the west coast, given the orientation of the map... but the west coast of WHERE is the question... unless the map has nothing to do with the setting of course .
  13. Now I have flashbacks to when I searched for reviews and all I could find was references to a certain type of weed .
  14. Hopefully that's indicative of some kind of base customization / base building mechanic...
  15. @FaT McMarlin Yeah, seeing how long I can survive without knowing the region beforehand is the main goal... if I just wanted to learn the region I probably should have gone in on Pilgrim but that wouldn't make for as interesting of a read . I've been trying to find that bunker for a while... assuming the save file is still there when/if my PC gets repaired I'll try to find it again. Knowing my luck it'll probably be empty anyway 😁.
  16. Probably charred, to say the least .
  17. @intrepidus08 Greetings from the land of Dixie!
  18. Any word on updating this mod to the latest version? I really wanna explore the Far Territories with my brother...
  19. It does? Can't really say I've noticed, though, I have a hard time hitting anything at FIVE paces .
  20. Agreed. But if we're going to keep the instakill areas, an obvious indicator would be appreciated. Something like a slippery patch of ice, for instance.
  21. He/she already has the makings of a champ TLD player in that case... we all know toilets are for drinking only 😁.
  22. I was in a party store this morning (a relative is having a baby) and happened to glance at a chef's hat. It was labeled "toque"! I caught myself thinking "I hope nobody needs this anymore." 😁
  23. Thanks @FaT McMarlin, I'm flattered . @fighter1934 17 days is a bit of a stretch to recount everything that's happened from memory, but just summing up the major events should get you started... and a little bit of dramatic flair never hurt . For writing up stuff as it happens, though, I recommend jotting down some notes in the Journal every so often when you catch a break. Before bed, while waiting for water to boil, or while cooking are good times. It also helps to take a LOT of screenshots that will both jog your memory and embellish your story. Hope that helps .