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Everything posted by Sherri

  1. I thought about this too. I recently ran into a bug with snow shelters that briefly made me fear my save was permanently messed up. Happily it was not. But I don't think I would want to change the release cycle. Maybe it's the software developer in me who believes in the "release early, release often" mantra... but I feel it will ultimately be healthy for the game. A few (possible) benefits: - The steady trickle of updates keeps players engaged with a constant "hey, new stuff!" incentive. (Certainly true for me, I had mostly moved on & now I'm back into finding the transmitter towers.) - A frequent cycle of bug reports - fixes - release - feedback keeps the QA team with fresh info & player feedback that's coming in closer (hopefully) to when the bug was introduced. A bug in a feature you released many months ago is harder to find & fix. - The risk of more critical bugs is higher if you have many layers of changes on top of it. - One HUGE release date would have a LOT riding on it, and game crashing or save file corrupting bugs could really kill the one & only chance to impress players. - Granted I know nothing of Hinterland's QA team or processes, but keeping QA staff busy & engaged for a whole year of several releases is better from a software perspective than dumping a huge change on them in the end. Testing smaller chucks is more effective most of the time. -- Yes I've encountered some bugs & I've happily reported the new ones, but so far every update has impressed me & nothing has barred me from enjoying the new content. (I generally wait 24 hrs before playing a new release just in case a hotfix comes out to fix something really critical.) So far the stated goal of keeping players engaged & excited & talking about TLD all year with multiple updates has 100% worked on me! 😁
  2. Just wanted to post about a bug with snow shelters (I've already reported it, so no one else has to). Went into the shelter in the middle of Hushed River Valley, and couldn't exit - got stuck facing the back of the shelter. When I reloaded I eventually could exit but then I could only walk forward and strafe, couldn't turn around 180 degrees. A reload fixes this. Just an FYI in case any comes here searching for the same issue.
  3. Found a bunch right outside the camp office. A pleasant surprise.
  4. Woah tons of bug fixes in this. Nice!!
  5. I found the Forrester's Revolver today. As far as I can tell it's a net improvement. It's not heavier nor does it seem to aim any slower. So I dropped my regular revolver and now I'm using this green beauty.
  6. Speaking of someone who's a real-life fan of porridge, both the oatmeal and cream of wheat variety.... this would be very impossible. When I make a bowl of this stuff, half a bowl of ingredients (water + oats or whatever) becomes a full bowl because the oats or wheat puff up. You stir it and it gets fluffy. And stirring is a critical part of the process so you need empty room in the container so you can mix without spilling. Whether you cook it on the stove or microwave it, same result. And you have to be careful it doesn't boil over and mushroom into a huge mess. lol So, the fact that you can't make it in cans checks out for me. But a small portion would be nice.
  7. This is a really helpful page. I encounted the dead/not dead bug with a bear mere steps from the PV farmhouse porch and it was terrifying indeed to have the growling bear flickering between dead and charging at me. LOL. Almost filed a bug but saw it was on this list. Worth checking this from time to time.
  8. Yes it is! If you miss those old games you should check out DosBox. I was recently replaying these old games after setting it up on my pc. Man those old platformers were hard! lol
  9. Discovered that the peach pie- with the red headache down arrow icon on it, actually gives you a headache! I thought it would reduce headaches. Too much sugar! lol The meat pies however it looks like they might temporarily increase your carry capacity? I haven't tested them out yet.
  10. Some people expressed that they had to drop the skillet on the ground in order to place it on the cooking surface since it's not yet in the quick wheel. You can actually choose 'place' on a cooking spot and select the skillet from there, without dropping it. Definitely works on a stove. I assume on a fire or barrel too though I haven't confirmed.
  11. I'm enjoying the new cooking addition so I thought I'd make a thread where we can share discoveries and tips. So far, I've visited a few places that I already fully looted and discovered a TON of cooking ingredients (Voyager playthrough) spawned outside of containers and in the new vegetable cupboards. Tip: look in places that would normally have food, as well a cellars. The condition of the items is not great, but cooking with them gives me a new item of at least 50% condition, so very edible. I like how the recipes are different based on cooking container. Forces you to make some tough choices. The skillet weighs the same as the pot despite boiling only half the amount of water. But it makes really good recipes. Looks like the new recipes like the bannock are very efficient for weight vs calories. I haven't found any recipes for the recycled can yet. I'm cooking level 3 so far. I haven't found any use or recipe for the carrots other than eating them raw. Potatoes can be cooked into a nice warm baked potato. Really enjoying this!
  12. The transmitter caches/bunkers have story info so that ship has sailed.
  13. Just loaded up my save & immediately started finding lots of the new ingredients in various already-looted places (buildings with kitchens). It's really nice to find new variety in the items. Loving this so far.
  14. That could be solved with a menu. - Bring me 5 empty cans = a pair of crampons - Bring me 6 scrap metal and 6 coal = 10 arrow heads etc.
  15. While I love the idea of a rare NPC to encounter in survival mode... it could also be something achieved via a location where, with guidance from notes or signage... you drop off items and later come back for what has been traded to you. So there is someone out there like you, but you never actually encounter them. Which would maintain the loneliness and solo atmosphere of the game while also giving a glimmer of hope that someone else is 'out there'. I'd be happy either way.
  16. Good grief this is SO much cool new stuff! Wow. Really an outstanding update!
  17. This looks awesome! Looking forward to these new additions. 😁
  18. There is a good size TLD group on Facebook that is active & very positive from what I've seen. Little pocket communities everywhere! 😁
  19. That is a perfect quote!
  20. There's a difference between buying a finished product, an ongoing service or an under-development project. Ever had a house built, a pool installed? A room painted? A car engine rebuilt? Etc. I've yet to see a promised date met by construction contractors. So other industries are no better. Hell, I pre-ordered the new Zelda a *month* in advance & Amazon, the world's biggest consumer shipping co, delayed my delivery 3 times till I cancelled & bought it elsewhere. 😭 If broken deadlines break your heart... life is gonna be rough. 😏
  21. You are perfectly welcome to be upset and disappointed but man... the door is over there & there is a world of other games you can play. If you bought the expansion without knowing there *could* be schedule delays then you haven't been paying attention. I see you've been on the forums since 2017... Do Microsoft & Google make a poll before doing major architecture changes to their software? That's laughable. It got so big it had to be split, that was painfully obvious & a wise development decision. I can't fathom it being a money grab- if you owned it before then you now own both parts at no added cost. I get you need to vent, but it helps nothing. Play some other games dude, hanging such hopes on one game isn't healthy for anyone. Might I suggest giving Subnautica a spin? Or Winter Survival? Green Hell? Similar feel and genre to TLD. Might make the wait more palatable for you. I for one will definitely buy more games from Hinterland. In no small part because of honesty like this and the care for the team.
  22. Speaking to those who might be upset, as a software developer myself... this is why crunch exists in the game & software dev industries. Software is like a living organism. A bug in one place can cascade to others. It's as much an art as a science. Other studios might respond to the *inevitable* hiccups by driving the team harder. Working evenings and weekend. Burning out the humans who build the things we love all in the name of the hallowed schedule. As a fan who has bought the game & expansion, I can say unequivocally that I don't want that. If it means fuzzy release dates, that's ok with me. I am *loving* TFTFT. It is taking me months of real world time to even get to the transmitters. I'm in no rush. I'm enjoying a return to TLD and other great games. Life is good. Don't be chained to dates Hinterland. And feel free to stop giving specific dates in the future. Work in the way that suits your studio & the fans will understand. Thank you for this honest update & for the game that I've played more than any others & that introduced me to the genre I didn't know I love. 🪓
  23. I updated the wiki to make a note that the transmitters in Desolation Point and Black rock are not needed for the Signal Void tale. Good thing I found a box of rifle bullets out here to make the trip worthwhile.
  24. OMG... 😭 Well thank you for the info. I guess I just did a long trip for the love of sight-seeing. 😆🤦‍♀️