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Everything posted by Sherri

  1. Hello all. Something odd is happening as I repair the transmitters. I've done the ones in the Airfield, Mountain Town and Forlorn muskeg. I then decided to do the one in Desolation Point because it's so far off the beaten path I didn't want to end up there when I was all done. However I'm here and when I fix the transmitter and turn it on, nothing happens. No objective is added or checked off. Are we not allowed to repair them in any order we want? Did I just waste a huge journey out here and instead should have gone to Pleasant Valley first? I don't want to continue until I know what's up. Thanks so much! EDIT: Added photo. This is what my quest log looks like. It doesn't mention anything about Desolation Point but there is definitely a transmitter here. I'm confused. And I can't investigate any signals until all are fixed or so I read.
  2. Oh man. Really gonna need that travois to haul those darn batteries!
  3. (Very mild spoilers) Someone in another thread mentioned fixing one of the 6 transmitter towers, and then it reverting to an unfixed state and needing another battery (that had to be hauled from another region 😭) after a while. Can anyone confirm this is how the TFTFT works? It is taking me weeks & weeks of in-game time (and plenty of real-world) time to cross all of Great Bear & fix these transmitters, including a sidequest to get a moose. I've only gotten 3 so far & on my way to the 4th. I will absolutely cry if these things don't stay fixed because I really don't have the time to cross all the regions over & over. This seems odd because in my quest journal it checks them off as I repair them. Would it become un-checked? Omg. Is this a bug or? 🤞
  4. WHAT?? Tell me you're joking. It's taking me weeks & weeks of in-game time just to repair all 6 towers ONCE. 😭 And I thought there were 3 bunkers. ... EDIT... Or maybe it's this from the wiki: "...some users have noted that if you repair transmitters before getting the radio, once you have the radio you will need to repair them again..." This is a bug that was fixed.
  5. I don't know! Is there official word of this? 🤔
  6. Well well, I didn't know that! Thank you. Map updated! The Long Dark Connections Map version 2.1:
  7. Greetings! I love having a new harvestable in the game, it's a really nice addition. I humbly however, suggest a change to the design of the harvested acorns location. It currently looks like an unsightly mud splatter in our otherwise pristine, beautiful snowy landscape. My thoughts are... to take the design of the unharvested acorns (slightly grey spots with subtle yellow spots within) and just take out the yellow spots & maybe shade it a very little bit. This accomplishes: - Less obvious when the base of an oak tree is harvested, encourages more hunting around rather than it being obvious from 100+m away that a tree is surrounded by only harvested acorn spots. - More pleasant design for the landscape instead of muddy splotches around the beautiful oak trees. Other than that, it's really cool to keep an eye out for oak trees & have a new, yet trickey (hammer required) natural food source. I particularly love the model for the acorns in my inventory. We have spear oaks in our yard & the acorns are plentiful! (Caution: don't eat raw acorns in real life, they are toxic!) 😁
  8. Wait, there is a connection from Blackrock to TWM??
  9. Made a new, easier to edit version using Miro. I also made the layout more closely reflect the Great Bear map.
  10. Updated connections map. Added Keeper's Pass and Blackrock.
  11. Oh shoot I forgot BlackRock...
  12. The connections map has been updated for the 3 new TFTFT regions. Feedback welcome!
  13. I agree. There's no need to be hyperbolic and accuse maliciousness when there obviously isn't any. At the same time.... survival games, by their nature get easier with experience. So over time players increase difficulty. So your interloper players I would bet are the longest-term, players. It takes time & dedication. I don't think it's unreasonable to give that difficulty the attention it's players have earned & not accidentally think of it like some fringe game mode. 😊
  14. This is absolutely the first time ever that I've seen a significantly sized studio respond so well, so compassionately & so swiftly to player feedback. This is 100% the right decision & the reasoning behind why it was not in interloper originally was very enlightening & informative. I don't think Hinterland was wrong at all to be so cautious regarding preserving the difficulty of interloper and not wanting to add something so hard with little gain. But the feedback was that players wanted it no matter how hard or how little reward it had & Hinterland pivoted swiftly. This is not easy from a development perspective... hats off & a warm cup of acorn brew to Hinterland. ❤️
  15. This looks really really awesome & I can't wait to play it. Good work it looks like a really fun addition! Although, even as a Voyage-Stalker player myself... I can't fathom why this would not be available to Interloper players. The most diehard, long-term, dedicated players get ignored? I don't care if the mandatory aurora navigation would make it blindingly hard on interloper - those players would welcome the challenge. This has to be a mistake. Just put minimal loot in there & let the 'loper players have some story & crazy-hard goals to work for. It doesn't even matter if it's hard to balance it. Err on the side of *crazy-hard* and the interloper-tough survivors will love it. This doesn't even affect me & I find it to be quite sad. These are the players who put in the time & practise to get 'loper level good. They deserve this too.
  16. That's a lotta bug fixes. lol. I wonder if they might be pushing out some of the next TFTFT content update but keeping it 'locked' so that the downloads are more manageable on launch day. Like maybe it's a bunch of audio or something. Fun to guess anyway.
  17. I could not agree with you more. People really have lost all perspective and just cry like babies when something goes a tiny bit out of their expectations. Building a huge piece of software to run perfectly on several consoles and thousands of configurations of PC is a nearly impossible task to do without unforeseen hiccups. I'm a back-end web developer. My software only has to run on ONE configuration of web server and it's still not an exact science. Try cooking one meal and serving it to a restaurant full of 100 people. Will everyone be happy? Hell no! Will someone have an allergy? Hell yes! And that's assuming all your inputs are predictable. What if your vegetables call in sick? What if your stove gets an update and you have to relearn how to use it? Good grief. I'm running the game on a Linux PC and let me tell you - almost zero studios give a shit about making their game work well on Linux. But this game works flawlessly. Tune into the tech news for 5 minutes this year and you'll hear of thousands upon thousands of layoffs at the top tech companies. Bleeding talent. Cancelling projects. Nuking their ethics and support teams. It's a mess. Yet here is Hinterland putting out quality content in a responsible way, updating a game that by all measures is old and has probably saturated their market of survival game players. Dunno if it's younger folks doing the complaining but Long Darkians.... we have got it GOOD with this game and this studio. Take it from a multi-decade gamer who has gone the distance on console and PC gaming for a long long time. This kind of attention and quality on a very old game from a small-medium size studio is unheard of. A game that by all measures is way better and beyond what was originally planned from the kickstarter. These hiccups are unfortunate but normal... and if you keep being blindsided and devastated by them... then maybe playing games that are still under development isn't for you.
  18. Oooo this is very exciting. I love any single bit of story content I can get! Maybe this update includes audio logs?
  19. Anyone find a specific location or 2 where a moose will spawn in the new DLC regions? I've been here for a while and I'm hurting for that satchel.
  20. Days 58-60 The next day I collect rocks, cattail heads and charcoal then drop them in a line from the cabin to the fishing hut. I won't get lost in the fog now. Later I chop up a bunch of barrels around the cabin for firewood. I'm preparing for another fishing run. That evening I find a map of the area in a cupboard and see there's another fishing hut across the lake and then possibly another cabin beyond that. It seems to be the far corner of the airfield region. Instantly my mind turns to exploring there. I'm beginning to turn my thoughts to a new long-term goal. If I can't find people here, then I need to stay alive until someone finds me. And I need to know as much about Great Bear as I can. In the morning the weather is as nice as it gets here. I head out, climbing down to the docks nearby and spot the fishing cabin. A pack of wolves is between it and me. I shoot my revolver into the air hoping to scare them off, but the wolves are hearty here and they only run a short distance then turn back to me. All four start closing in, and I shoot the leader who drops instantly. The other three scatter and I sprint to the fishing hut. Unfortunately it also lacks a door. I find a fishing hook and some matches, and a granola bar but not much else. Disappointing. I'm hoping for more notes from past residents. Before the wolves can find me I head quickly to the shore. I have a vague idea of where I'm going and I find myself in rolling hills and trees. A chill goes up my spine and my hair stands on end when I realize I'm in bear territory. I bring my rifle to hand and keep my head on swivel. After a while I'm starting to wonder how far the hills go on, when I come across a road. Roads are good! A relief! Roads always lead to something good. Shelter hopefully. I follow the road to my left. Constantly expecting the cabin to appear over the next rise. But hours pass and nothing. This region is truly enormous. Eventually, as the weather starts to turn dangerous, I see a beautiful cabin. Two floors. When I get inside I recall my thoughts about how messy the houses are on the island, but this cabin is neat and tidy. The combat boots and pants tell me ex-military. Many paintings line the walls. It's homey and comfortable. After a long rest I try to map and explore around. I find a good place to anchor a rope climb, but I have no rope. I still have the haunting feeling of being watched and I wonder if my instincts are telling me to stay alert. The weather turns and stays stormy. I'm starting to wonder if coming to this remote corner of the airfield was a mistake. I might be stuck here.
  21. Wow that's bizzare. I would have thought a new game creates a long seed code then all other random effects would be rolled off that seed & therefore you'd get the same result every time. Prevents that kind of shenanigans. At least that's how I'd code it. 🤷‍♀️
  22. Not sure if this is intentional, but the Insomnia affliction can't be disabled in a custom game. I would expect to see it alongside the toggle for Cabin Fever. I realize it's not super bad, but figured it would be a good addition to the config for completeness.