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Everything posted by Catlover

  1. Why does it look like the guy flipping off the poor wolf! Or he's trying to poke it in the eye. Regardless, great image. Never knew how much I wanted a third person view of that 😄
  2. Hm, not too sure. The only decently sized thing I can think of is the cannery. Not sure what you'd do with that though, or how you'd fend off all of those timberwolves. A second place would be the pleasant valley homestead, or the Thomsons crossing community Hall. Though I don't know if you've already done them.
  3. That's why I said you should have tied. Was going to say you should have won, but they definitely deserved to win too, loved the photos that went along with it. Better luck with the next completion Looking forward to it, whatever it may be And off topic here, but where will you renovate next? You've turned so many places into their former glory, and some you reimagined with a creative twist. But there are still more structures! Any future plans?
  4. You really should have tied with that recipe challenge! I'm hungry just thinking about all of that. Gotta pick up the pace then, I don't want this delicious food going cold!
  5. Oh so you're who I saw whilst trekking towards the restaurant, wondered who it was. Can't wait for my meal, Will is pretty hungry! Of course, I haven't forgotten the ammo! What do you think you'll have, there seems to be a lot of choice with the food 😋
  6. Reading back, that is what it sounds like. If that is the case, sorry @Bearimpaler101 for my assumption.
  7. Wouldn't let me edit the post though @hozz1235, there you are. There are many more quotes, and though many of these these are less recent (and by a certain player in particular), the phrase has recently gained popularity again, hence why I made this thread. Figured I'd try find a couple of the more rude ones too, see quote 3 for an example, just to show that it has indeed turned into an offensive phrase, used mainly by loperists who think they're better than everyone else. Other people have quoted this saying too, I recommend using the search option if you wish to see more examples, but I hope this kind of shows my point And if you want to see the actual threads for more context , as you probably know you can just tap (or click) on the arrow thing and it should take you there
  8. Yeah of course! I'll edit this thread in a moment when I've found some quotes
  9. I think you may have misunderstood what @I_eat_only_wolf_meat was saying. None of their words were rude or disrespectful. They never said anything about game settings, simply stating about how I was mistaken saying that candles didn't affect the game. I feel you must have misunderstood their point, which is easily done, though thank you for being polite 🙂
  10. You explained it way better than I could have done. I had wondered why mods weren't available for the console players but this makes sense and hopefully there will be mods for them eventually
  11. Completely right! Unfortunately I don't have a prize but I'm impressed
  12. @Leeanda Nope! CH is a region you can get to from here though. I'll pm you the answer if you want?
  13. @LeeandaUnfortunately that is quite a ways off but good guess! Hopefully these will make it a bit easier
  14. Not seen an aurora in a while, forgotten quite how vibrant they are! Also, it's probably too dark to tell but I'm curious, can anyone guess where I am? Bonus points if you guess where I'm near (hint, it involves vehicles)
  15. I like that quote (and red dead for that matter 🙂), and it's very true. I like pilgrim because there is very little stress involved. You can just walk from a to b without worrying about a wolf attack. That game mode isn't for everyone, but neither is interloper. Some people seem to forget that but I'm glad the vast majority here seem to agree. As you've said, it's a game, you play the game how you want to, end of 🙂
  16. Aw thank you 😊 This whole forum is wonderful, that's why I love being a part of it
  17. No problem! I don't like when people just put other peoples ideas down for no reason. I thought you have some good ideas! And hopefully they'll add console mods soon, it's likely, with how many players are on console but of course I don't know unfortunately
  18. Have you been to AC yet? If you want an aurora, that's the place to go for me. I've gotten 3 in a row in my only three nights spent there so either I was lucky or auroras are more frequent there. It was on vanilla voyager too so I'm imagining you'll get quite a few auroras there with your settings
  19. I agree, I'd love to see timberwolf hides added and like your idea for a hat/cowl Not to say I wouldn't want a coat, it is just true that we have a lot of coats already so timberwolves could be used for different things. Though I'd likely use their pelt as a rug if it's as pretty as expected 🙂
  20. Not petecloud but thought I'd add my own two cents 🙂 It appears perhaps a little crowded around the bottom with all the reclaimed wood and coal but of course there is nothing you can do about that. It looks loads better now though and can't wait for the cutlery 😉
  21. I don't think I'd make a very good admin/forum mod 😅 but thank you, your kind words are greatly appreciated and I'm flattered you think that 🙂
  22. For me it says add photo, then I go onto files and find one that is small enough, and it works. That's odd that it isn't working like that for you
  23. Oh that's weird, it isn't letting you select a photo from your photo gallery?
  24. I'm hopeless at explaining stuff but you basically need a really small file for profile photos. I don't know what it's saying with you but maybe try and find a photo that's quite small or simple and it should be fine. You don't need anything, just photos from your gallery will do, so long as the files are small enough 🙂 It's kind of weird as my pfp certainly doesn't look like a small file, and yet it's accepted,I think you just have to go through all of the photos you would like as your profile picture until you find one that is accepted I can't explain stuff very well but hopefully you understand and if you don't, I'm sure another player will explain 🙂