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Everything posted by Glflegolas

  1. Nah, most early-game Interlopers use the hacksaw until they get their improvised knife.
  2. Saying "I need to fill up my sleepy-eye" when I am tired
  3. Hmm, I'm not 100% sure how cattails could be nerfed...but I'm not against having to mine your own coal with a pickaxe. Another idea: why do carcasses freeze, but toilet water, pop cans, and water bottles in your backpack don't? If food and drink froze solid over time, coal spawns could be left as is, but more fires (and fuel) would be necessary to thaw out frozen food and drink so it's consumable. I believe there was a summer event a couple years back that made interiors colder. Then again, underground caves and mines tend to stay rather warm, even in winter.
  4. I'm kinda curious about the poisoned gas myself -- I assume it'll be like in the Blackrock mine, where it'll cause suffocation if the player lingers too long. The Devs mention that it'll be added to other places in the Far Territories, and also in Lower Great Bear. My guess is that it'll be added to new locations that are visited as part of completing the second Tale -- which will be located in both Forsaken Airfield and Lower Great Bear -- but I guess I'll just have to wait
  5. On Interloper, I could almost argue that porridge is a superfood in the early doesn't weigh much when uncooked, the oats are generally easy to find, and it gives the Warming Up benefit. The only limiting factor in its use is that it needs a pot to prepare. I know some people will argue with me and claim that cattails are the Interloper Superfood, but not every map has large numbers of them, and they're not heatable.
  6. I successfully made it to Many Falls Vista after a relatively uneventful trip through Milton. I completed the challenge in just over 10 days. Not a record, but it was a success!
  7. Tried As the Dead Sleep for the first time a few days ago, and, so far so good! I started out at the Fallen Lighthouse in Bleak Inlet and grabbed a marine flare and a pot. I them moved on to the Cannery Worker's Residences for a warm-up, and crossed over Long Bridge to the Washed Out Trailers. Another quick rest and warmup later, and I crossed the Frozen Delta to the Forlorn Muskeg. I didn't see nor hear any trace of Timberwolves, and got into Forlorn Muskeg with ~80% condition remaining. I daisy-chained torches through the transition cave to provide light. I next went over towards Old Spence Family Homestead, and used a torch to light the furnace and keep myself warm with coal while I slept. Then I headed over towards the Poacher's Camp, making sure to grab lots of cat tails along the way, since I had little other food on me. At the Poacher's Camp I picked up an improvised hatchet and a storm lantern, both of which would come in really handy. The trip towards the Maintenance Shed was one I knew would be tricky, as wolves aren't easy to avoid in Broken Railroad. The journey went smoothly until just before the Maintenance Shed when wind blew out the torch and a wolf charged. Thankfully I was able to run into a truck and sleep there for a while to get energy back, reaching the Maintenance Shed itself in the wee hours of the morning without incident. I found a prybar there, and picked up some manufactured food (most notably maple syrup) and toilet water, along with a simple parka. I explored the grave and made my way towards Camp Office, generally uneventfully. At Camp Office, I ran into a skillet, flour, and oil. I then explored the Lake Cabins, sleeping in one of them for the night. In the morning I made my way towards Carter and headed for Signal Hill via the Winding River. At Signal Hill I found much food and drink -- most importantly, I found my first coffee! I left Signal Hill in the morning and explored both Molly's Barn and her farmhouse, where I found decent clothing, more coffee, and a cooking sill book, which I read to get Level 2 cooking and make pancakes. I also did some repair work. Unfortunately, by the time I was done, it was shortly before nightfall. My plan was to go to Three Strikes Farmstead for the night, but I somehow missed that and ended up in the far northwest of the region. I was becoming concerned -- it was night now, I had no bedroll, and I didn't know where I was. I thought I might have to sit by a fire and drink lots of coffee to keep myself awake, but I stumbled across the Prepper Cache. Even better? The cache was full of supplies! What a find. Unfortunately, there was no emergency stim. Leaving the cache mid-morning, I headed for Crystal Lake and explored the second grave. I also used my hatchet to chop up some firewood for the night and slept in the Mountaineer's Hut, enjoying pancakes and the most pleasant evening Timberwolf Mountain has to offer -- I also found more matches, importantly. Next morning it was very cold, so I headed for Prepper's Abandoned Cache to warm up some, then had a quick fire break near the Derelict Cabins before heading for the Cinder Hills Coal Mine, where I found my first emergency stim. The walk towards the Quonset Garage -- where I would spend that night -- was generally not eventful, and I had decent gear, so the rest of this challenge would be easier. Walking along the road towards Desolation Point and its grave near the Riken was not eventful: a few wolf encounters, but those were easily managed with torches. I slept in the Lonely Lighthouse, where I picked up some Running River Oats for porridge that morning, along with a second emergency stim. From there, I stopped at the Misanthrope's Homestead, used a stim for some condition, then slept. From there, I went to Jackrabbit Island, passed through the Fishing Camp, and headed past Bear Creek Campground on the way to the Ravine, where I found my fourth grave. To get out, I used a stim, and ran towards the small cave south of the long rope climb (hoping for a bed), but no such luck... I ended up drinking a coffee and walking, tired, back to the trailers outside Carter, where I am now. Only grave left is the one above Many Falls Vista! -------- All in all, this has been one of the best challenges the game has to offer, aside from Hopeless Rescue and Escape the Darkwalker. Is my route the most efficient? Nope -- I clearly won't set a speedrun record doing what I'm doing. But so far so good!
  8. Never ever laugh at live bears. Unless you can quickly duck into a vehicle or under a fallen tree after taking the shot, that is...
  9. Very nice work! Remind me again which mods these are? The More Food and PlaceAnywhere mod, am I right?
  10. I guess that begs the question: are there any named locations that really don't make for a good long-term encampment? Here are a few I can think of: The cave between the two rope climbs from Milton Basin to Paradise Meadows Farm Cannery Pier Lonely Cave or the nearby prepper cache The prepper cache in Ash Canyon Ash Canyon Gold Mine Any bear cave Here are a few other locations that aren't terrible, but have a much better option rather close by: Three Strikes Farmstead Archie's Crawlspace Forest Cave Hilltop Cave Fallen Lighthouse Echo One Radio Tower
  11. When I mean "long term" I mean staying in one place for more than a week, as I am generally a nomad, never staying in one place for too long. 14 days in one place is for me a really long stay. Here are my (personal) definitions of stay length, yours may differ: overnight: basically what the name implies short-term: 2-3 nights vacation: 4-6 nights long stay: 7-13 nights I live there: 14+ nights
  12. IDK about you, but I find that since the Free-Form Fishing Update, Monolith Lake and area makes an excellent place for long-term survival. Why? Shelter very close to the lake: Lake Cave is an excellent base. Never get cabin fever, and there's fishing just outside your doorstep. Loads of food: Lots o' fish in Monolith Lake, and, with a couple of tip-traps, they can be caught passively. There's also rabbits (also passively snareable), and a quick walk to Peak Cave will provide Ptarmigan for making broth. That's not to mention the two deer that spawn just south and west of the lake, and the moose which occasionally shows up. In a pinch, there's lots of cattails, too. Never run out of lamp oil. Just cook the fish. Fuel: tons of that around too. Firewood spawns everywhere, and Lake Cave, Peak Cave, and Pensive Vista are all close by with loads of coal. Bored of Lake Cave? Spend a night at Pensive Vista. Or Peak Cave. The views from both locations are incredible. They're also less noisy if you don't like the waterfall sound. Workbench not too far: If you have unlocked Bunker Gamma, a few hours' walk away you have a workbench. And some harvestable metal if you need to make repairs. No predators: Wolves don't ever walk onto the lake. No bears around either. The moose is only there sometimes. Don't worry about your smelly fish, they won't be found. With that said, there are a couple disadvantages of living in this area... No bed: you got to bring a bedroll. Leaving a bearskin bedroll in the cave of your choice is best. Reclaimed wood, metal, and cloth are rare: you might need to make a supply run to Milton every now and then to get those supplies. It's a long way to make tools: Going to Spence for making new tools is quite a long way's walk. And even farther for ammo: If you want ammo, you need to go to Bleak Inlet. Maybe just use a bow and arrows, craftable using local resources? Overall, though, I strongly believe that the area around Monolith Lake is a solid choice for long-term living, or at least making a vacation home. Yes, I know some people will disagree with me and say that Jackrabbit Island or the Mountaineer's Hut or Camp Office are the cat's meow, but I do recommend giving Monolith Lake at least a try for a week or so. You may be pleasantly surprised
  13. I think by "The Long Dark is finished" what is meant is that: Episode 5 of Wintermute is released. As long as the game remains popular, there's no reason for Hinterland to not release another DLC. This can occur as the studio is developing new games which I'm sure will be very enjoyable too!
  14. I've got my hands on a few noisemakers, and I'm really curious how powerful they really are. They definitely scare wolves and timberwolves, and I was able to scare a bear off with one. The bear had spotted me, but hadn't charged. Now I wonder if they work against Aurora wolves and bears. If yes, then I'll save them up and use them when I'm searching for transponder caches during the Aurora and I get cornered with no means of escape!
  15. There's another climb with rose hips near that pond.
  16. Both @nGueRRe and @Leeanda's paths will get you there: Leeandra's path is a bit longer, but takes you very close to a prepper cache, which (if it's stocked) contains very good stuff.
  17. I simply carry the raw ingredients on me, and cook the finished foods as needed. I do wish I could split the flour into smaller bags though as it's super heavy!
  18. With Tales from the Far Territories, I have a few more tips. Don't... carry a bunch of pre-made pies or pancakes on you, "in case you need the buff". They deteriorate very fast, 20% per day. If you want to make a bunch for long-term storage, put them outside. wander around Forsaken Airfield when the visibility is poor, unless you like getting horribly lost. try looking for Transponder Caches without a flashlight. Aurora wolves are very dangerous and won't flee from gunshots, flares, or even flaregun rounds that miss. worry too much about insomnia. It might be annoying, but it's only dangerous if your condition is really low and you need to recover it by sleeping.
  19. I don't know the precise mechanic behind where ice fishing holes can and can't be placed, however, it appears that the mechanic for ice fishing holes doesn't have to do with the depth of water, rather, it depends on the distance from the shore. Come to think of it, there aren't that many places where it's possible to ice fish and there's no ice fishing huts nearby. In fact the only locations I can think of are: The broad river between the Hunting Lodge and Maintenance Yard -- seems useful enough if you live in the region, though beware of bears and wolves. Winding River, near Carter Hydro Dam -- maybe useful if you live in the dam, though beware of wolves. Monolith Lake -- Excellent if you live in the area. Lake Cave especially is now an excellent long-term base. Having the workbench at Bunker Omega makes things even better. Some rivers in Pleasant Valley -- okay, it is closer to the Farmstead than Pensive Pond, so it might be easier to bring the fish home to cook. Milton Basin -- meh. No real good base nearby, and carrying fish up the ropes to cook at Paradise Meadows isn't very feasible. Could work if you live at the Hermit's Cabin or in the Forlorn Muskeg. Crumbling Highway -- you might as well go to Coastal Highway and fish there. Or pick up fish on the shore. Desolation Point -- again, Coastal Highway isn't far, and fish can be picked up from the shore. West of Long Bridge in Bleak Inlet -- ehhh, maybe if you don't mind timberwolves and you like living in the Cannery. Might as well pick up fish from the coast though or go walk a short distance west. FYI: I know this opinion generated some controversy on these forums in the past, however, in my YouTube series I considered Coastal Highway and Desolation Point to be one region when I survived there for 14 days.
  20. *Disclaimer: this suggestion is hardly serious. It's really meant more for laughs by science nerds.* As some of you may know, I'm a chemist by trade. In fact, I hold an MSc in synthetic chemistry, and am a PHd candidate. Now, you may be asking how chemistry can come in handy in the Quiet Apocalypse? Well, the combustion of wood and coal with oxygen is very important: it's what enables survivors to make more water and not freeze to death! Likewise, the combustion of strontium nitrate and sawdust lights flares which scare off wolves, and mixing sulfur, potassium nitrate, and charcoal makes gunpowder. What other chemical reactions would be useful in The Long Dark? Well I can think of one in particular. Thermite: ever wanted to forge arrowheads but there's no nearby forge? How does the idea of white-hot liquid iron on tap sound? Themite to the rescue! All it takes is some rust, aluminum, and a firestriker, and you have a fire that burns at around 2460C! Throw in some charcoal and you can turn the iron into steel. This would scare off any wolves, and, with a clay mould, casting arrowheads or improvised tools shouldn't be any problem. (Yes, I would love the idea of a triethylborane flame-thrower, but I somehow think that doesn't fit in the game )
  21. A pumper car sounds fun! To be really effective, though, there would need to be a way to repair broken railway tracks (maybe with scrap metal). The one issue with this would be the railcars sitting all over the tracks. That being said, a steam locomotive would make short work of those wagons.
  22. The top 3 are probably: wolf attacks hypothermia falling
  23. I actually did find a rifle in Forsaken Airfield -- though it takes a little work. <spoiler> It's in the transponder cache on Drift Island </spoiler> @Admin, how do I do proper spoiler
  24. has anyone found a rifle in Forsaken Airfield? I have a bunch of rifle ammo and am planning to head there in the next couple of days, but I don't have a gun. No need to tell me where it spawns, just saying that it can be found in this region is enough.