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Everything posted by ManicManiac

  1. In either case, I suppose I have a couple more regions to think it over. Depending on how late in the morning it is when I get up... I may delay heading to the Milton Basin (via Forlorn Muskeg). If it's late in the afternoon by the time I get there. I think I will likely hole-up in the cave near the short climb out, and head to Moutain Town in earnest early the next morning. I'll have to see how it goes...
  2. @Semple Fi I can't imagine Hinterland neglecting a platform (at least not by their own choice). I'd tend to suspect you're on the right track wondering about issues navigating through Nintendo's bureaucracy. In which case, I'd understand not hearing much about it... after all it's seldom good to bad mouth a business partner. I imagine if they were having some technical issue with porting things across... I feel like Hinterland would let us know; they have in the past.
  3. Now that you mention it... I am really looking forward to one day being able to visit Perseverance Mills. [I think I inadvertently deleted my previous post]
  4. I don't know... I've gone hundreds of days (both stalker and interloper) without skills never getting much higher than into level 2/3. It's possible... it just requires us to really manage our resources very tightly. There's a difference when we only use our skills when we really need to. I think maybe folks have gotten so used to making a mad dash to level 5 in everything, that maybe we forget how to live minimally. Anyway, I'm not interested in a debate... I said my piece and I'll leave it at that.
  5. I wouldn't think there would be a huge variance in caves within a localized area (geologically speaking, I mean). 🤔 Sure, perhaps more variety is neat... but in the case of the caves, I don't see that it's really all that necessary. I'd say the caves themselves are fairly unique... I mean it's not like all the caves are the same in terms of layout and features. You know, not just the same transitions copied and pasted over and over. Granted, the shallow caves are more same-y... but those are more or less just "shallow" recesses, so I don't really see that as an issue either.
  6. I mean, honestly it seems like that's just a matter of player choice. We can spend hundreds of days in any difficulty and not make much progress on any skill if we don't want to. If we don't like the idea of being able to eat ruined meat or food... we can just choose not to (or put ruined items in a container to despawn). After all, just because something is there doesn't mean we have to make use of it. Player choice is wonderful because we can change the game ourselves simply by changing the way we play it. ...Player Choice...
  7. Smashing Pumpkins - The End is the Beginning is the End (YouTube won't let me imbed the video... 😒)
  8. 10,000 Maniacs - Because the Night (unplugged) .... Yes, the original was Patti Smith. Patti Smith - Because the Night
  9. No. Wasn't referring to anyone in particular... it was just one of the tangent thoughts that had occurred to me at the time.
  10. I don't care who you are or what you are doing... these songs are always bangers. Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters ... Glenn Frey - Flip City
  11. @acada Fair enough. As I said, my concern was for the balancing of the locations themselves. But I also acknowledged that I have to wait and see what expanded system really means, and how it will impact how we survive on Great Bear Island. So far, there have only been a few rare things that Hinterland has added or changed that haven't liked. For those very few things I haven't cared for... I just exercise player choice rather than wanting to take gameplay options away from others by asking Hinterland to change the game. In other words, those things that I don't like, I just don't make use of... or just outright ignore (in the case of a mechanic or feature rather than an item). No matter what, I will always be accepting of whatever decisions Hinterland makes for their game (I mean that's just good sense and respectful, I think)... and I'm going to love this game either way. Hinterland would have to do something pretty egregious to change my frame of mind on that.
  12. Mind you these are all just subjective opinions... and I understand where they are coming from. However, I don't think I can agree. Frankly I think the balance that Hinterland has achieved works just fine. I don't think animal pelt clothing items were meant to be "top tier" otherwise they would be. I also think that crafted clothing is there as an alternative when we can't find something better (either due to bad luck or by virtue of the difficultly we're playing our run at). I don't see a need for a rebalance. [side note] I don't understand the need some folks to feel to seem so judgmental and condescending of the Pilgrim and Voyager modes (either implied or outright stated). While I'm on a tangent... I also do think it's a bit funny that some of the folks with a "looper-leet" kind of attitude will sometimes fuss about wanting the world to be colder/more extreme... then tend to turn around and use the Cold Fussion feat for the additional warmth bonus. ...or want to rebalance crafted clothing to be "more effective." It just feels like that's kind of "working across purposes."
  13. I posted these in my run's chronicle, and another thread where the love of this spot was being discussed... but I was encouraged to put them here also. The Lonely Lighthouse during an Aurora has been one of my favorite locations on Great Bear Island. I've taken many snapshots of it since Desolation Point became accessible to us... here were some of my most recent:
  14. No reason, I just like the vibe. Timecop1983 - On the Run
  15. @Leeanda I mean they have already opened the door with the Darkwalker (which I think is akin to a Wendigo)... So that does leave the option open for: (what a French-Canadian might call Loup-Garou)
  16. I know that by no means is it a new suggestion. It has been mentioned before (several times really). The first occurrence I could find was from back in 2018: @MarrowStone
  17. @FaT McMarlin Welcome to the wilderness.
  18. I just thought given the glimmer fog... and the electromagnetic disturbances from the "first flare" on forward; that perhaps thundersnow isn't so out of the way. It seems reasonable for thundersnow to be more frequent than the relative rarity of its occurrence in reality. I just thought perhaps its something that would look beautiful and fit in with the lore as well.
  19. Nothing complicated, mechanic driven, or even really affecting the gameplay at all... I just thought it might be a nice touch for a rare weather condition.