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Everything posted by peteloud

  1. I like the idea of random placement of caves. Many more caves could be prepared but only a selection of them randomly activated. (Although it is a bit late in the game development for such a change.)
  2. I often criticise mods because some are just cheats, but this mod sounds great. I am tempted to find it and try it, but I am hesitant to 'corrupt' a long game. Perhaps I should split the game into a straight version and a modded version.
  3. I think that the normal deterioration of bearskin bedrolls is too fast, (as well as the problem due to bear/wolf damage). In my current game I made a bearskin bedroll at the ML Office then stored it, unused, in the filing cabinet. When I wanted to use it, its condition was down to 79%. I don't know exactly how many days it was in the cabinet but I feel sure it was not more to 50 days.
  4. If you want to know what travelling around Canada was, is, really like read, John Franklin's book, This makes Great Bear Island seem like a walk in a city park, (apart from the wolves).
  5. If that cave had a PC and a wine cellar, I'd never move.
  6. On a recent new Stalker game I found they key as usual.
  7. I suspect that I have experienced what I think might be the same problem elsewhere. When I open a menu using the "i" key, (PC), the top left box on the array is automatically selected. If I then rush in selecting the box in the array that I wish to chose and press my mouse button, I get the first auto selected box. It seems like a timing problem. Perhaps it takes a little time, more time than we are used to, for the "i" key array of boxes to be fully implemented. It might be that when we press our "i" key the top left box is still active.
  8. In my latest game I was sheltering in the red truck at Poacher's Camp, FM, and could hear and occasionally see a bear outside. To be extra safe and not let the bear see me I was in the corner of the truck behind the fire barrel. I thought that I was safe. Then the bear walked through the end wall of the truck, that is the end nearest BR. I survived, just, but almost all of my clothes were greatly damaged. I assume that the bear is supposed to be blocked from entering the truck and that this is a bug. I shall report it.
  9. After a thoroughly checking out Blackrock with an very old Voyager game and an old Stalker game, Blackrock was made much esier because in both of those games I had full skills and was well equipped, I decided that I needed to face up to the region without those beneits. I decided to start a new Stalker game in the region. It was hard work. It was very cold and the Timberwolves seemed numberless. At one point I had five or six consecutive attacks by Timberwolves, with barely a moment between attacks. My first try was an impossible start and I lasted about 24 hours. The second game I was doing a little better when I carelessly walked through my fire and soon after died soon after at about 36 hours. My next game was too easy a start. I spawned close the the radio station. Once I had some key skills around level 2 and a few warm clothes, and had been down the mine I ran away from Blackrock. The surprise was that everywhere else was so much easier, so much warmer, even the Timberwolves in BI seemed harmless. Have other people found Blackrock so severe?
  10. I have a couple of such maps, mapped with charcoal while playing the game. I suspect there are other ways of getting the base map.
  11. I do this automatically, not as particular objective, on the assumption that in a long game I shall revist this shelter. A thousand times I have been caught out in bad weather, or just wanted somewhere to shelter en route to somewhere. Arriving at a cave, or even just a good sheltered corner at the bottom of a cliff, to find food, water fuel already there is a great relief. I like to leave at least one piece of coal in each shelter spot to enable me to start a hot fire when there is a very cold storm. Wood is great for cooking, but coal is what you need to give you warmth in a cold storm or night, put that on first then your wood, your fire will maintain a high temperature. I rarely leave large amounts of food or wood except in some key caves, but I also like to leave several other useful bits' n pieces. I prefer not to gather all my resources into a small number of places like the Office in ML. I prefer to leave reources scattered aound so when an emergcy arises I have resources all over GBI.
  12. This is not specifically related to TLD, but to all game mods/cheats etc.
  13. Thanks Hawk. WTF, is that not n obvioua setting for the forum, or am I going blind from too much Xmas wine?
  14. No sooner had I written in my last email saying that I had found the Blackrock Prepper's Cache in the second game that I ran, but when I checked the same spot in the first game, it was not there, I realised that my expectation of the missing Cache being in the same place was fundamentally wrong. They were separate games therefore the randomisation of the place of the Cache would mean that they were unlikely to be in the same place, or in the same place where someone else found it. I haven't got my head around at what point the randomisation takes place and how this might be affected by games started under a much earlier version of TLD. So I am back to my original problem. In the first game in which I went into Blackrock, that which was started in Ver, 1.35, I have cleared the map of almost all the black patches, and haven't found the Prepper's Cache. I think that I must simply have not seen the Cache when I useed my charcoal. Spoiler, (I still haven't worked out how to hide this spoiler, so I'll space it further down so it's probably off your screen.)
  15. Thanks, but I'll avoid your spoiler. I might call up the wrath of offensive spoiler-users. Having given the issue a few moments thought I think I know the answer.
  16. I have played two games, continuations of long, old games, in which I travelled around Blackrock region. In the first game, a Voyager game started when TLD was Ver 1.35, I mapped the Blackrock region completely and did not find the Prepper Cache. In the second game, a custom Stalker game with reduced wildlife and reduced loot, I found the Prepper Cache. I double checked to make sure that I was looking at the same spot.. I have F8 screen dumps of the patch where the Cache either is or isn't, but I'll not show them here as they are spoilers. Is this a bug or is it possible to have the same region with the cache in different places?
  17. I didn't look carefully. I have a vague memory of seeing a similar lit scene ages ago and I assumed that it had been created using an abnormal number of lamps or flares. I can't remember the details. I like these night time scenes. A week back I wrote in the forum that I like TLD because it has the potential for an infinite number of personal challenges. I think these night scenes are a good example of creativity within TLD. Merry Xmas to all.
  18. Possibly, they look like fires. I'd enjoy seeing either. I like some of these special effects.
  19. This is what I like about TLD. It has a great many afficionados who do much skilled analysis of life in Bear Island. I suspect that, from the comments that I read, there are many players who are of this ilk.
  20. It seems that people who use Fandom, maps and mods don't like it being pointed out that using those makes Interloper much easier, that their great Interloper achievement is not quite what it seems to be.
  21. Good. Are there any Interloper players who have not used Fandom, maps or mods?
  22. I have played all levels. After around 4,700 hours of playing I have a good idea of what I like.
  23. I play TLD for relaxation and enjoyment. Playing Interloper is no fun for people who do not use Fandom, maps and mods to make it easy.