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Everything posted by Dan_

  1. Yep, I've only found Lily's Pancakes on my old save, Thomson Family Stew and Coastal Fishcakes are not on their respective locations. Scoured both the lighthouse and community hall five times each, I'm off to Ash Canyon, but I'm not optimistic the recipe will be at Foreman's. Vanilla Interloper, old save. I can find them both If I spawn a brand new character.
  2. I believe the place is called Bricklayer's Retreat. Couldn't find a spot to set up my tip-ups there as well. Seems like it's just a very shallow pond, so I think it makes sense that we shouldn't be able to fish over there. That's my favourite spot in Blackrock when get the Moose spawn nearby, sadly it's outside the prison on my long-term character.
  3. Ice cream as a lootable food item. Found sometimes in fridges, very calorie dense but consumes a sizeable chunk of your warmth. Our winters over here at the southern hemisphere aren't exactly canadian, but I'm still enjoying some nice chocolate ice cream sitting in 10ºC weather as I write this post. It's never too cold for ice cream. Dumb addition, would still make sense in my books.
  4. I'm not sure if you are playing on PC, but if you have the opportunity I'd suggest backing up your saves. I haven't had as much time to play as I'd like so losing a long tenured survivor to a bug would be terrible to my overall enjoyment of the game.
  5. Apologies if this is an off-topic post, but when did the Spelunker's Lantern started spawning in Interloper? Was doing my bear pelt collecting rounds around TWM and to my surprise found the red lantern on a cave near Eric's Falls. I distinctly remember it not spawning beforehand.
  6. I absolutely concur with the OP, this was a very well rounded post with carefully thought out criticism. Thanks for sharing. I do believe the trader ( if it makes it through the roadmap's ebbs and flows unscathed) would be a wonderful way of introducing a way to get the rare ingredients to be renewable. I trust HL's storytelling ability to make it fit the overall lonely feel of the game. I'll respectfully disagree with the notion present in the forums that having renewable items makes the game infinitely survivable, and thus the cooking should be nerfed or the ingredients should be made as scarce as possible to fit the survival narrative or a cater to a specific difficulty. I know I'm a very average Interloper player compared to this community, so please, don't take this as some sort of brag or ego trip, I'm far too old for that. But I've been playing that difficulty mode almost exclusively since it came out and that ship has sailed when they introduced trapping rabbits and the magnifying lenses. Beachcombing ( the old scarce table ) and stoning rabbits made the game even easier and more comfortable to live forever. The game has been perma survival in any standard difficulty since forever. If you want a hard experience akin to the very old builds, just do custom: NOGOA, Deadman, etc. I'm no HL zealot and I hate when people shoot down valid criticism, but you can reasonably argue this is one of the most customizable games of it's genre by far, can't fault HL for catering to a very wide audience and not just the middle of the bell curve of players. Apologies for the long post. Couldn't make a better synthesis of the thoughts.
  7. Yeah, not being able to use it from the radial menu means we can't use the down-stuffed bedroll in cars and snow shelters. Still a very welcome addition, I absolutely love the thing. The 5 down requirement to repair is absolutely reasonable, once you know the Ptarmigan nesting spots you just come back there regularly. I think I shot about three full flocks in a couple hours today ( Going from MT to ML ). They seems to function in a very similar manner to the rabbit groves. I do think they're reworking the radial, hence the absence of the right click placement function and some key tools there.
  8. No need for apologies as your post was constructive and added detail and nuance to the discussion, I didn't mean to come across in an aggressive manner on my reply as well, limitations of text based communication, I guess 😁. I should've clarified that the bear coats were still in my inventory and not dropped, so your post is 100% justified. Gotta admit, this update is really nice. I've been playing with the tip-ups and active fishing, not sure if it's RNG helping me but the fancy wire lures make a world of difference with the tip-ups, active fishing seems to have been nerfed a bit to compensate, which is fair. Enjoying the hell out of the cooking, I need to go out and explore for more flour and oil, the pies have a ridiculous calorie to weight ratio and carry weight bonus, this mountaineer here approves.
  9. I never mentioned weight as the issue. It seems to be about the sprint meter, which now drains much faster than before. My only way to "solve" this for my character was not wearing the bear coats therefore increasing my available sprint meter, but they were still in my inventory and added even more weight ( wear weight x carry weight ). But yes, climbing is in fact a lot harder and more costly than before, need tons of stamina, crampons and plenty of available sprint to make it up the ropes now.
  10. I have been playing the update the past couple days, can't say I'm affected by any of the bugs, except the fishing hole on the huts not working. I'm pleasantly surprised by how much variety and usefulness the dishes have, well done. I also saw some people complaining about not being able to climb ropes, and I have to say I have the same experience, the grip meter draws super fast and the only way I could actually climb the ropes was removing my bear coats. Therefore my stamina bar is larger and thus the grip meter doesn't have the same overencumberance penalty. My guess is that the movement penalty from your clothing wasn't applying when climbing ropes and they just rectified that, and made the grip draw ( even going down ropes ) a lot more intense.
  11. I still haven't got time to play the new update or even go deep into the last one, honest, but once I do I'm really tempted to try again. Hopefully there's "fishable" spots in FM, but having a warm bed to sleep near spence's completely changes the dynamics. Maybe 100 days is very feasible with some RNG luck for matches.
  12. Oh for sure! That was a much older build of the game, birch bark wasn't a thing, Bleak Inlet connector wasn't there, etc. I survived for 15 days there just using three matches, I figured I would be able to make it to 30 days as a hard but realistic goal, by running deer into wolves and cooking on the spot and using the rabbit traps to accumulate pelts and stuff. What you don't see in the thread are the trips to get snares made ( multiple ), I even had to ration the crates from spence so I wouldn't run out of reclaimed for 8 snares, the tower didn't have the crates under it back then. One strategy that helped me was using the cave from marsh ridge to the hat creek to dip in if my snow shelter was too cold during the day, so I would sleep during the day on the shelter and afternoon and regain health, then get fuel, food and check snares at night. Dipping into the cave if condition was too low. One problem was that I had to always come back to the shelter every day/day and a half or so, so it wouldn't go down past 75% condition and require cloth for repair. Snare making trips cost cloth because of that, so it was a game of attrition. Drifter man is right in the sense that you just run out of firemaking material and die, and that's that. Gooner was just a madman, can't say I can match what he did there.
  13. Oh no! Not at all! Please remove me from the leaderboard haha! I barely made it 15 days and my motherboard went kaput, I didn't pickup that save anymore. I still have it, though. I'm trying to locate the thread I created for it. I'll edit the post with my non-impressive run if I find it. I hated FM when it came out, so I did stay for 100 days in FM in a regular geared Interloper run to get used to the region. This was way way back, maybe people are mixing that very easy task with a solid Kegman run. Gooner is the absolute GOAT at the Keg Stand, I was reading his original thread in awe back then. EDIT: There's the thread:
  14. That's a brilliantly fitting username 😁. I did cook up a ton of acorn coffee and honestly I don't ever remember seeing the reduced fatigue benefit on the status page after drinking it. I have a dozen spare mugs of ready-made coffee, I'll try them tonight and provide screenies if they do not work accordingly. EDIT: Had a spare few minutes off work so I quickly logged in and tested, no luck. Apologies for the mangled screenshots, I'm taking these from my second monitor and steam is not capturing the screenshots with F12, so these are windows snippets. Drank the acorn coffee, it shows the benefit effect on screen, but doesn't apply to the status screen, nor do I get the little blue plus sign on top of the fatigue meter.
  15. Love it! Thanks for sharing the good news! I've been taking a break from the game the past couple months, so I'm very excited to play with the new features. Hopefully we can hunt Ptarmigan using the fire hardened arrows, the overhauled fishing is also another exciting addition. Can't wait!
  16. Precisely. Shore ends right ahead into the slope to Katie's. Agree with the sentiment that you can actually live forever with a quick weeklong trip to the beach every now and then. I'm fully expecting HL to tune the riches down a bit in timely fashion.
  17. Well, got my quality tools on loper, a marine flare and a big surprise: Not much inside, just some rotten fish. Pumped for the quality tools though.
  18. I absolutely can see this as a potential valid theory. Kept going beachcombing this morning, some more 5 storms and I started getting wires, recycled cans, spray cans and cured rabbit pelts, which I haven't seen before. Painkillers seem to have stopped spawning. So maybe it uses some sort of game seed + days survived ( or other incremental and controllable factor ) to determine which items it should be bringing every "season". Loose item respawn rates do seem much higher than before. Before the update, I'd beachcomb from CH to DP, then wait and hunt for 7 or 8 days in DP, then beachcomb back. I always got 3-4 saplings, good bunch of cloth and scrap by doing that. Now I get no scrap, but the sapling spawn rate and cloth provided is outrageous. I'm not complaining, I'm trying to grab and eat every fish I find and my meat stores are just piling up, haven't had a steak in weeks in game, and the saplings and cloth are just piling up. I fully expect them to nerf this feature so better stock up.
  19. After a few more hours beachcombing CH, Crumbling H and DP with exactly 15 more storms, I still haven't found a single set of quality tools or flares of any kind, even though everybody else seem to be swimming in them. Is this is an issue for older saves? I have a 270 day-old survivor doing all this beachcombing work, and I'm swimming in fish, cloth and saplings. Just found my first skill book but no sighting of flares or quality tools. Question is: do they only spawn in lockers, corpses, loose on the ice? What is the catch or trick I'm missing? I've been running up and down the full coast everytime, and no luck so far.
  20. Finally found scrap metal on Loper, DP coast. The loot does seem to be region specific, I've spent some 10 days on CH finding the big clothing trunks, but no lockers. Then moved to Crumbling Highway and got two lockers and suitcases in 3 days, then moved to DP and got scrap metal, but no lockers or trunks in 7 days. Is it possible to get the big boat to spawn on Loper? I have been getting the canoes and overturned small boats with paddles, no luck on the big boat so far.
  21. This just made my day! I always called them "unnecessarily heavy matches" and now they'll be just that, glad to see firestarting can now be truly 100% renewable. Thanks for sharing Glacia!
  22. Nice! Glad to see more people enjoying the tune-up of this amazing feature. Playing on Interloper, I found plenty of bodies, deer carcasses, saplings, cloth, leather shoes and trail boots, firewood, tons of fish and sometimes an empty canoe, a wool toque, a pallet, old man's beard, cattails, cat tail heads and some planks. Best thing is a trunk with high condition clothing. From the old allotment of loper beachcombing loot, I'm noticing a lack of scrap metal, is is prevalent on the other difficulty modes? Did anybody manage to find it? I've combed through the beach for 5 or 6 storms now.
  23. I've been playing the game forever and I think I can call dibs on being one of the seasoned "interlopists" of the forums. Honestly, I don't mind that the tales are not on Loper because custom mode makes anything possible, pretty much. Interloper is really easy to play once you figure it out, we're just used to it as a base difficulty. If you want something truly hard, you create a custom run. I understand if people don't like meddling with the settings, I also had a bit of prejudice against it when custom was first introduced because I felt like we needed to play the game like HL balances it out to be played, and that's through the standard difficulty levels. That was a premature judgement of an awesome feature. Well, maybe y'all shouldn't listen to me, I'm very excited about the new beachcombing.
  24. You need to click on a lit campfire, the menu now has a "Craft" option. Didn't manage to hurt anything other than rabbits with the fire hardened arrows, even on deer it will just scare them and break on the spot. It's nice for archery practice and not having to brutalize the bunnies. I like them.