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Everything posted by Dan_

  1. I'm sorry OK? I did not know Jack McJacketyFace had a family! Man, it took a long time to read up your current sleepwalker but it was well worth it, thanks for sharing. I'm impressed by how well you jumped from a green interloper to a harder custom mode and made it. Specially spawning in HRV, which killed my two retired survivors when vigilant flame came out. I know how hard is was to navigate that region without a map, props to you my friend. Great writing as well! The fact that this brings slight health regen while fed and none at rest, is a great feature and counter to the starvation exploit. I wish regular interloper had this. I might give this mode a go as well. I also see you are another trapping adept, I've been experimenting with it in my loper saves. I'm definitely not good at it.
  2. I'd suggest the cave above the rope from the old bear lair in ML, there is a warm cave with a single deer spawn and a bunny grove. There are no wolves in sight. Firewood is not great sticks-wise, but you can always rope down and grab the sticks behind the lake cabins and then warm up at the former bear cave (or one of the cabins) before climbing the rope back. You can also get there through a footpath that runs left of the ceiling boulder of Dave's quiet clearing, the wolves that patrol near the camp office might intervene. There is also... the Ravine, which I'm partial to. Two deer hunting spots nearby, a bountiful of rabbits and of course, plenty of wolves as well. From my experience, the warm part of the caves are considered outdoor locations. I lived 100 days in them with one of my long term interloper survivors at FM, not a single mention of CF.
  3. I'm late to the party but I stake a claim to a deadman "badge", having survived 31 days. McKenzie is still alive and kicking, full report here:
  4. If I'm not mistaken there is a grace period of 50 days in Voyageur for CF, perhaps deadman has the same settings? Anyway, this sucks, another end game mountain to climb.
  5. I like how you casually go about without mentioning breaking records.
  6. From the spear picture, it's easy to recognize which fireplace that one is, though I won't spoil. Will that building interior be reset with the update? Meaning, are the supplies from my survival saves in that building safe?
  7. Never thought of that as well, still no fishing but it may just trump the Camp Office with a safe outdoor fire spot. Way to bounce back (no pun intended) from that fall @Drifter Man, you seem to be in very good position to set a new deadman record, snares permitting.
  8. I think other did a great job elucidating reasons to go there, but in summary: Pros: Great loot, great views, firewood for days and incredible hunting spots. Cons: Confusing layout, bad sightlines for predator spotting and the WIND! If you do not make a protected fire, it WILL get blown out and you'll freeze in your sleep.
  9. I have pretty much the same experience from my loper runs, where snares barely break even the gut profits. Any short little blizzards and I'm out of snares again. I'm always fascinated to see people living off them in hard difficulty modes, I just can't seem to find good trapping spots with any consistency.
  10. This is one of the reasons I champion the Camp Office as the best base in ML, there's plenty of firewood from the woods close to the deadfall area through the edge of derailment to sustain yourself until a new fire is needed. If there's wolves by the derailment, I run to the lake and gather firewood from the woods behinds the lake cabins. Bunnies are much harder to come by, though.
  11. Hohoo! Yet again you pulled it off. Will you keep us updated on this run? Can we expect the first deadman to get to the 100 day mark?
  12. Do you have the moose spawn point by Trapper's on this run? Great going, I love the skeg but an increased wolf count would dampen any enthusiasm I have for that region.
  13. He's back! Heading to the Ravine I presume? Never have I thought I'd miss TLD's murky daylight so much before.
  14. Dan_

    DAY 4 (spoilers)

    Last badge earned, I've had a lot of fun doing a moonlit tour of great bear and hunting the demon wolves. Thanks for the event Hinterland peeps! Hopefully some of this magic translates to survival mode somehow!
  15. I'm impressed by your ability to maintain condition throughout a summit run, great as advertised, every single time. It seems you need to plan and play very methodically to sustain your condition in this game mode. I've got a question if you don't mind, sir: Why prioritize a summit run, instead of forging?
  16. No condition loss? I'm impressed. Yes, it is a shortcut of sorts but the slope is way to steep to climb. You've got to go as far up as you can and then go right around the boulders, this will take you to the deer carcass near the rope to secluded shelf and then it's just a casual stroll down the gentle slope to the rope. Also, the same wolf that patrols the edge of Deer Clearing near the rope also goes as far as that fallen tree that points to the warm cave, you might want to check if he's not run off there in pursuit of rabbits before taking the shortcut.
  17. Wow, I've just finished reading the whole thread and boy you never cease to amaze me. Thanks for documenting your adventures @Drifter Man! Great succint read and impeccable gameplay as always.
  18. Same here, one of my favourite regions! It has mostly clear sightlines, so if you know the wolf routes you feel safe. Not to mention the amazing hollow tree by Muskeg Overlook, one of the best truly outdoor camping spots in Great Bear. Having a forge handy is just another bonus, forget starving at DP, the skeg is where it's at!
  19. In your position I'd still hit winding river through Coastal highway-PV. You can do the ravine trip and expend the stim that sits down there, just take some coffee with you and drink after exaustion, so you can crash by the CH trailer and have the orange gun. There might be a bedroll in PV's picnic spot ( not Mystic River, the other ) and I'd say the cave by winding river might just be a lock for your last outside bedroll spawn spot if none of these produce, I'm afraid.
  20. Bedrolls have different decay rates for when you're just carrying them or using them ( sleeping or passing time ). Like every item, it's decay is dependent on the difficulty level you're playing in. Interloper should decay your bear bedroll at 0.5% per day of storing/carrying and 0.12% per hour of sleep/passing time, figures are halved for Stalker. That said, you might have some sort of bug in your hands because my bear bedrolls usually last more than 100 days before they go under 50% condition. I'm sure I've heard something like this being mentioned on the forums.
  21. This is pretty cool man!I'll be following this journey closely. One aspect I'd prioritize is getting a bedroll as soon as possible, ML has two outside spots where a bedroll can spawn and PV also has two. Good luck!
  22. Love the game! Is there any chance we get more craftable clothing in the near future? A hat would be really, really cool.... or warm, I mean...
  23. Great advice there, I'll just add that both tea and coffee only stop decaying when cooked. That said, coffee tins decay at the rate of 1% to each five days in interloper and tea is even more durable, you can leave them for a long time and they'll still be good.
  24. Hmm.. Raph mentions the moose's "unique capabilities", I wonder what that might be. Could it charge a wolf to defend itself?