Ice Hole

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Everything posted by Ice Hole

  1. This is in Milton Park. Check the Hidden Caves thread. The rule is find a cave name a cave.
  2. Been thinking there needs to be a badge for special feats of goating in The Long Dark. Need to accumulate some impressive feats. All must be done within interloper Mode. Win a Goating Badge. Long Dark Rocky Mountain Goat Toes and Feats: Rescue Fallen Goater in Pleasant Valley At Signal Hill goat to the body on the ledge and then to the road without losing more than 5% health. For this challenge you just need to get to the same ledge as the body. It does not always spawn. Winding River Carter Hydro No Dam Walk For this challenge get to the inside of Carter Hydro Dam without crossing the Dam starting from Winding River. Timber Wolf Mountain Apex Bonfire Start from the Mountaineers Hut then climb to the apex of Timberwolf Mountain and light a bonfire that sustains four hours at night. This is of course one of the hardest to accomplish as the No Ropes rule is in play. There also should be a Junior Badge where the tasks are less strenuous. Such as: Get to the Bush at Trapper Homestead without losing any health Balance on the beam in the barn Climb to the top of Harris Rock This list is not complete yet and I am looking for more suggestions that are a challenge to The Long Dark Rocky Mountain Goat.
  3. The Log Sort that is located in Coastal Highway is at first just another location but lately I began wondering where are those logs coming from and where do they go. The area before the tunnel is named train unloading. It seems the logs are being delivered down to the log sort. The road going down to the log sort area splits and can be reasoned that this is to accommodate multiple trucks bringing logs down. Once the logs are in the log sort area the logs are prepared by binding them into flotilla. Questions. Are there logs floating in from other areas on the coast making this log sort a central hub. Where are the tugboats that haul these logs? Where do these logs go from here? A lumber mill is my guess. The train tunnel from the unloading zone goes to some other area. Is it bringing logs in or taking them out? Post your ideas about the lumber industry and help expand on this topic. And Now For Some Canadian Brand Multi Media Wonder why this was explored? It all started when I began speculating on a new region.
  4. Checking on the weather from inside the cave at Winding River.
  5. Thinking the Pilgram mode should be renamed to Hoarder.
  6. Looks roomy enough. Great find!
  7. There is a new tree pictured from the new content. Any guess what tree species? My guess is Maple tree. This is a house of pancakes and the maple syrup flows in Spring!
  8. There are some new additions I have witnessed in Pleasant Valley. Made predictions about PV expansion in this thread.
  9. Milton was a breeze except for the wolf attack near the railway tunnel in Mystery Lake. The dense fog forced me to travel along the railway tracks and a wolf decided that my paper bundle would make a great bedding. Forced into a situation due to my lack of preparedness, no tinder to light a campfire, the option next available was to raise up the .303 rifle and bullet fire. This aggressive wolf went down and I continued carrying the sack of paper to Milton. Four deliveries and no wolf sighted. This was odd because this area is always crawling with wolves. On the way back to the Park a wolf did approach me. Ducked into the house on a hill and when I stepped out the wolf did a mysterious disappearing act. So straight back to Mystery Lake and travelled to Pleasant Valley without incident. The rural crossroads is where another wolf was interested in my newspaper bag. This time the wolf was scared away just from my presence. I was crouched and ready to make a fire. But before striking the march it turned and yiped away. The deliveries in Coastal Highway were the most interesting. Set off from the mine and a fog started to roll in just as I approached town. The bear was spotted and so I went around then waited for it to catch up near the road intersection stop sign. The bear scared wolves away so I went in behind and started delivering newspapers. After four deliveries a wolf heard me and growled. Start a fire. Threw a lit torch and chased it away. Allowing me to deliver a few more newspapers. Went inside and slept till morning. The final deliveries were made without wolves present in town and then I set off to Crumbling Highway. Stopped at the cabins and delivered newspapers while the bear came up to the shore. Then off to the Harris home. No wolves so the delivery was straight forward. The only issue was I had two remaining newspaper in my inventory. Started to realize this when I set off to the cabins that the numbers are off. Then looked into my pictures and cannot determine which one missed. So back to Coastal Highway where I retrace my steps. The day was clear so even while in the company of wolves and a bear the rechecking of mailboxes went forth. The bear seemed quite interested in my activity forcing me to circle wide. A missing mailbox was found and then as I head back to town a wolf comes over the snow bank and lunges at me. Sinks his teeth into my gauntlets and manged to piece through. No time for me to chose any option other than just punch or stab. I choose stab. The wolf scampers away and I hear another bark from another wolf. Quickly look around to see where the bear is located. The car in front of the Quonset garage is where I run towards. Just before I jump into the car the bear growls. Hearing the door slam was pleasing and comforting. Then bandaged my wound. I notice the bear was still approaching the car. Almost like he still wants to tangle with me. The last newspaper roll in inventory was used in a unconventional way when the bear came close to the car and reached through the car door. Seemed as if it was still going to attack. I felt kinda helpless. Just waited. The feeling I am a meat popsicle inside a glass freezer display case. i am now having a sleep in this car.
  10. The original idea to deliver twenty three newspaper rolls will have an additional rule added The cargo once prepared at the Mystery Lake office must remain on person throughout the challenge. Voyageur Easy Street Spawn Milton The prep work is done and it took me sixteen days. Travelled from Milton to Mystery Lake to Pleasant Valley. On my way back to Signal Hill I discovered the hidden prepper cache and found fo ur extra newspaper rolls. The cargo is ready and for food I am carrying crackers and pop. Food was stashed along the route from Milton. The clothing chosen is for protection as wolves guard most of the mailboxes. Going to bring the rifle along for insurance. Milton has four deliveries, Pleasant Valley has four deliveries and the remaining eighteen are in Coastal Highway and one in Crumbling Highway. Milton is going to be my first destination. The sun is just about to rise and the coffee is brewing. All suited up in sturdy protective gear to help fend off the bad doggos.
  11. The Long Dark Spring Has Sprung Dance Winter is over. Yeah Haw!
  12. The Long Dark Rocky Mountain Goat is again running amok in Milton. This time LDRMG was spotted on top of Barker Peak.
  13. Went out just the other day and quartered a deer. Tried with the hacksaw and was not allowed. Seemed odd and going to report it as a bug. Option was there and makes perfect sense to use a saw to quarter a carcass. In my opinion a frozen carcass is where the saw should work best but also might be too unbalanced.
  14. When life gives you bear hocks you make ... image from Bareskin's diary Astrid's Amazing Aspic Boil down the hocks strain and the results is a gelatin liquid that congeals when cooled.
  15. You got me on this one. Might be in BRR,HRV, or MT but that is just a guess. @hozz1235 How about another hint? Do we smell salt water or deep pine or anything?
  16. Quick and agile targets is what I am considering. The .303 rifle munition is much different than what will be required for the pistol. With a new firearm means different ammo type. I am guessing the pistol caliber is a .357 magnum. That caliber could take a bear down with a critical hit. Might be a .22 caliber revolver and against a bear would be like using spitballs. The lower caliber would mesh well if another small animal is introduced. Then a large quantity of small caliber munition could be available. Would be interesting to see munition creation added in the future too.
  17. The original premise to this challenge to deliver news paper I still think can be done. Just need to find substitutes. The reason to pick newspaper roll was because these are rare. The issue is there might not be enough of them in interloper. Cash is also rare and this might be a valid substitute. Newspaper Roll or Cash with Newsprint could work. The idea is the Newspaper Rolls are light at 0.10 kg and Cash and Newsprint weighs 0.15 kg and could be a substitute. So this thread can still host the challenge's original premise. I will make another thread for the Paperboy Weekly Delivery. For the original Challenge's Premise. Deliver to 23 mailboxes: Newspaper Roll at 0.10 kg or Cash and Newsprint at 0.15 kg or Magazine (Skill Book) at 0.50 kg Material to be delivered must be first brought to Mystery Lake Camp Office for inspection. This challenge is open to any interloper at any time. Not necessary to start new.
  18. There are two of them. These are the sort of information pamphlet a tourist would receive when renting a cabin. Probably has a map of the area too. The reason for the brochure insertion sets up the rule that all paper must first go to Mystery Lake Camp Office first before being ready for delivery. Last night it felt pretty weird delivering a book to the Barker farm. Oddly in the home I found vast quantities of paper products. Finding paper I use a lamp because most time interlopers overlook it; the cattails are always gathered no need to make tinder. Gathered all of the paper and returned to Milton Park and made a stash. Three more deliveries and then back to ML camp. There is so much paper in this town alone I bet that making deliveries for seven weeks is not a problem. Weekly delivery might be added to the rules. So once you start the challenge you have to return to your customers on a weekly basis. This would put pressure on the challenge in a good way. I will experiment with my current play. It is too bad cardboard cannot be used in this challenge. Once harvested it is turned into tinder plugs. What are we going to do with tinder plugs anyways and besides they can be counterfeited by breaking down sticks. If you want to extend this challenge and exhausted all paper products then next is cloth. The same rules apply but now cloth is to be delivered. Maybe make it harder and 1.0 kg of cloth delivered weekly. Maybe this challenge can be extended to current games. They will have some advantage but it still will be challenging especially when getting into cloth delivery. Anyone want to apply to the paperboy job with a current play is fine. P.S. The morning I delivered the last of my order and was on my way back to ML Camp. Returned to the Milton Park office and prepared to leave. The paper stash was 20 kg and taking all of it left me encumbered. I made the grave mistake and tried to goat down encumbered and somehow made a wrong turn. Survived the fall and was then trying to make it back but found myself unable. After two more sprains I decided to trek through FM. It did not take too long and I was stuck. I stabbed a health pen and tried then failed to goat.
  19. So my first day and think it was going to be easy then almost died from granola bar. Managed to make it to Carter Dam healed and returned to Camp with loads of paper products. Not finished looting Mystery Lake and already at 18.25 kg of paper. Only one newspaper roll though, when did these become so scarce. So off to Milton to make my first delivery. At Milton deliver to the four customers and carry only 2.0 kg of paper then return to camp and pick up the remaining 9.50 kg of paper and head off to Pleasant Valley and Coastal Highway.
  20. I am trying Easy Street to get a baseline. Voyageur. Check Random map. Check. My spawn point: Dave's Quiet Clearing. So this is going to be very easy then.
  21. Really, my last start was in DP and I found two packs of matches in Hibernia. Must have took yours I guess. This challenge is going to be different than most interloper plays. The idea was to always strip the area clean and move on. Now as the paperboy I must return these regions to deliver more paper. So a base stocked with food and fuel in each area is probably a good idea. It is a different mindset and I look forward to trying it.
  22. I am considering revising the levels. Since the changes to any paper product and a repeating delivery sequence the levels can be distributed across a broader group. So the new levels: Easy Street - Voyageur -Random Map Middle Road - Stalker -Random Map Hard Way - Interloper
  23. The newspaper roll is rare. Been through DP to PV and still not found any. This could be an issue. A rule change will be needed. Major Rule Change The initial idea was to deliver newspaper rolls to customers. The customers have stated they are not interested in reading the material so any type of paper product will suffice. Gather at least 11.50 kg ( 25.35 lb) of any paper products and bring them to the Camp Office in Mystery Lake. This equates to 23 books with 0.50 kg weight. Then distribute 0.50 kg (1.10 lb) of any paper product to the 23 customers mailbox. Place what you can inside the mailbox and leave the remainder in neat pile next to it. If you have gathered another 11.50 kg then distribute the papers in another sequence to the 23 customers. Again starting from the Mystery Lake Camp Office. edit; the repeating delivery sequence is akin to the arcade Paperboy where Monday to Sunday are represented. Sunday was the goal and the game ends.
  24. Now the dog has grown up and is blood thirsty nasty. Handle bar control is the only way. Here is the Paperboy Hard Way World Record from July 2017. That is summed up correctly. Screenshots could be made just carrying one newspaper roll. The only way to verify would be a video but I totally accept honour system. The park brochure is found around the Camp Office. The idea is as @BareSkin indicates, the camp office represents a central starting point. You might want to create a new character because I do not know the exact number of newspaper rolls available. If you want to use an experienced loper go for it as you might already have the moose satchel and be well fed. The issue is the total number of newspaper rolls might not be available. The number of newspaper rolls is still in question. Been playing interloper for some time now and those newspaper rolls are everywhere. I wanted to test the challenge out to see if 23 newspaper rolls existed. Plan on doing doing the challenge on Friday but maybe tonight I will try with a custom and focus on collecting newspaper rolls. To make this more similar to arcade Paperboy let me introduce three levels for the challenge: Easy Street, Middle Road, Hard Way. Easy Street - As originally outlined. Middle Road - Up for suggestion. See below. Hard Way - Take the Deadman's challenge and complete the route and become Paperdeadman. For Middle Road I was thinking of: Select The Hunted and have Yogi Chase you while collecting and delivering newspaper. But do not know if that is easier or harder then original interloper paperboy. Any one have a suggestion for the challenge please post.
  25. After running around and checking all the mailboxes on interloper to see what is inside, a little challenge was created. The Interloper Paperboy challenge is to find and deliver newspaper rolls to the 23 mailboxes on Great Bear island. Whether sleet, snow, bear, moose or wolf the REAL news must be delivered. First - Collect 23 newspaper rolls. Search the island for newspaper rolls. Second - Prepare the newspaper delivery bag by inserting brochures from the Camp Office in Mystery Lake. Basically this is the starting location after preparing. Extra bonus if you have the Moose Satchel. Third - Deliver newspaper rolls to mailboxes in Milton, Pleasant Valley, Coastal Highway, Crumbling Highway. Place newspaper roll inside. Mailbox Locations How many remember the arcade classic game Paperboy