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Everything posted by JAFO

  1. I'm truly not trying to be an asshat here... but seriously? How many more reports of underground bears do you need? You guys already know this is an issue. Has been for a long time years. And clearly, it's still ongoing. I recall seeing one BI incident in a recent video on YouTube.
  2. Trunk won't work.. they automatically close after you check them. The fuel-cap covers work, but can't be seen until up close and even then only from certain directions. Back when hoods would close again if you left the region (thanks Hinterland, for fixing that!) I used to put the battery up on the roof of the car as a marker. But not all vehicles have them. And, of course, now there can be a reason for taking a battery with you. Oh, and for the record, I've never found anything behind a visor.
  3. Dogs are monumentally stupid by definition.. for example, if there's more than sufficient food available, a cat will stop eating when it's had enough. A dog, on the other hand, will keep eating until it makes itself sick.
  4. Normally it doesn't.. but he's somehow gotten his playlist in reverse order.. which makes it more than a little awkward to watch. Looks good, though.. I've watched the first 2 vids, and am about to watch the third.
  5. JAFO

    DAY 4 (spoilers)

    Well.. if you want paranoia, just think on this.. Yes, as others have said, Hinterland must have been laughing their heads off at the speculation and preparations many of us were making.. However.. if they've any sense at all, they've also been taking notes about evil things we worried about, that they can throw at us in future Halloween Events! So just because nothing burnt down this time, and there was no mega-cabin-fever this year, doesn't mean that can't happen in 2019 or 2020. <evil grin>
  6. JAFO

    DAY 4 (spoilers)

    So did the practice help? Or do they still just kinda go wherever?
  7. JAFO

    DAY 4 (spoilers)

    Best idea I've heard in... at least 4 days!
  8. JAFO

    DAY 4 (spoilers)

    Yup.. mind you, I'm not home right now.. I'm hanging out at the nearby cave to MT. Got a roaring fire going and plenty of food and water.. you're welcome to join me..
  9. JAFO

    DAY 4 (spoilers)

    That's pretty much my feeling on it.. once I've got my 2 hours in the bag, I'll see if I can make it from Trapper's to the Camp Office.. and maybe beyond. I must admit, it's been fun for us 'old hands' to see the big influx of new faces on the forums. I hope you all stick around.
  10. JAFO

    DAY 4 (spoilers)

    I've noticed a lot of things seem to happen at faster rates during this challenge.. Has anyone noticed, does that apply to clothing damage in blizzards?
  11. JAFO

    DAY 4 (spoilers)

    Got a hacksaw? You can use that on limbs.
  12. I may be mis-remembering what @Kinnasmash (or someone else) said on the subject. Keep in mind that the whole thing started out as a prank on a friend. So it may well be that it was turned off specifically to give the player less feedback.
  13. Yeah.. the audio complaints were disabled in this mode because (I believe) otherwise the whining from your character would never stop.. Major bummer in your particular situation, though!
  14. Heheh.. I'm pretty sure it takes more than just mentioning that they exist..
  15. This is why I'm so glad there are mods to let you set your own firestarting item order, preselect your favourite melee weapon, and remember your preferred break-items-down tool.. so I don't have to struggle with the BS defaults that the game chooses to inflict on players.
  16. @BareSkin, Excellent discussion.. but it might get better exposure if it was moved to 'General Discussion' instead of being buried in 'Survival Stories'. Just a suggestion.. if you feel like doing so, just contact one of the mods and they can take care of it for you.
  17. Is it really alphabetical? The impression I've always gotten is that the game prioritises whatever it considers the "best" item to use. Which becomes really damn annoying at times.
  18. Hmm.. That said, there are definitely a number of bugs associated with carcasses in the current version.. as reported above (and witnessed by many other people), carcasses (wolves as well as deer) vanish and reappear willy-nilly, even when they're meant to be gone for good. Hopefully this will be addressed in the December update.
  19. Since you mentioned how much meat one had, I'm guessing you examined them both, but decided against harvesting right then? I suspect that maybe what's happening is that once you've checked the carcass, there's limited time to harvest. If you just walk past without touching them, they likely will stay in the world indefinitely.
  20. Well done! Four knives, eh? I like your optimism. Cool.. looking forward to hearing how you go.
  21. Well, there is 'Deadman Lite', where a tiny amount of health recovery is possible..
  22. You're most welcome.. There's a few people who've said the same thing.. and others who, at the very least, are introducing aspects of Deadman into their regular games..