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Everything posted by JAFO

  1. That's because of wind? I always thought it was a random chance..
  2. Yes, it was mentioned in the test-build update notes at some point, that many of the sound effects had been overhauled, and some were re-recorded. It's a bit over the top. As you said, even when sneaking, you sound like a tinker jogging.
  3. Having never tried Interloper yet, the thing that makes me wonder is, how heavily does this strategy impact your fire-making supplies?
  4. Thanks.. that may well be the best definition of the usage I've seen.
  5. The word is real, and has been around a lot longer than Hinterland has. It's been used in a number of works of fiction well before TLD was dreamed of. Earliest uses of the word seem to be as an Anglicised version of a German surname.
  6. Ummm.. nope, sorry.. as @tnbp points out, there's no such animal. I wouldn't say you were losing your mind, though.. you just had a brief moment of inattention. Anyhow, enough OT talk.. back to screenshots. Here's a couple of my favourite base in the game First, a nice Xmas Card style shot: And one I call "Home at last". Sorry it comes out so dark.. click on it and you'll see there's more detail than meets the eye.
  7. Archery (and sewing) books are something I recently suggested to the devs.. we have skill books for everything else, why not those as well? Must admit I was impressed by the headshot.. showed it to my workmate when I first saw it.. (he plays TLD too)
  8. Between those two pics, what you have there is a main base, not a fishing marathon!
  9. That first poster raises an interesting question.. why are there no seagulls at Coastal Highway? Seagulls don't migrate in winter, do they?
  10. Thanks for the clarification.. that's good to know.
  11. A number of players have reported they were able to obtain the Pacifist achievement despite being forced to kill a wolf in self-defense. Apparently, self-defense doesn't count against you, because you weren't the aggressor. So maybe, you just assumed you couldn't get the achievement and gave up too soon?
  12. Funnily enough, that's exactly what we're getting, in the next sandbox update!
  13. Heh.. I've yet to encounter that one myself.. most playthroughs, I keep encountering the tools cache.
  14. The forcing DirectX9 suggestion solved my longstanding graphics issue with footprint/snowshelter shaders not rendering properly. Many thanks!
  15. Those are just excellent.. almost breaks my heart to point out that there's an 'e' in "journey". I came here after seeing your post about an album in another thread.. great work, sir! Any chance you could post a link to the entire album?