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Everything posted by Ahatch

  1. They could add nuisance animals like say a Wolverine that steals all your meat you have laying outside in the snow
  2. Sometimes there are ropes in locations like the cave in the Ravine map and the one at the ruined forestry tower that are not far from somewhere they can be deployed and that's what throws players off on this mystery a bit. It's been a year since they added Bleak Inlet I'm pretty sure if there was a place to put this rope to gain access to the cannery workshop one of the more diehard players would have figured it out a long time ago.
  3. Well I must say I created a new Pilgrim run in Mystery Lake and made it inside the workshop and the rope wasn't there so perhaps it's a red herring so to say. I used this character and done the whole trip to the workshop numerous times and found no place with interaction with any of the dock braces or anything that even remotely looking like it might be a place to fasten a rope.
  4. I read that entire thread it makes no sense that there is a rope inside the workshop since you need to get into the cannery via a code at the tower so if this rope is for the rope climb down to the ravine or down from the forestry tower it is unusable. The nearest rope use I can think of from here is either on Forlorn Muskeg or Broken Railroad so I can't see myself packing this heavy rope that far. So I'm intrigued to think there is some use here at the Cannery. I'm wondering if the rope is for some tie off to get inside the complex from near the first blue rope at the beginning of the long maze (you sometimes climb to far up) going to investigate.
  5. I guess if you are playing Stalker , I play Interloper so less wolves and I know all the paths to avoid them , the only wolf that I have to think about blocking the ravine is the one at Carter Hydro Dam trailers and I can usually get by him or I get inside the fence and shoot him from the ledge with my bow
  6. I honestly can't think of a safer retirement than Camp Office and Mystery Lake , the weather is decent plenty of hunting and fishing. No rope climbing and forays into the ravine to load up on deer and birch bark.
  7. Ya it would be nice if you could tie the rope to the dock and just slide down it to the bottom. And would allow you to go to the workshop without having to take that long pathway around.
  8. That's impressive to start and stay on ANY region and stay 50 days considering no bow and all the crappy cloths (no wolf coat) let alone on Ash Canyon.
  9. I took my 500 plus day character to good ol Bleak Inlet for a challenge and found myself in the Cannery workshop after surviving a wolf attack. And during my looting what did I find but a mountaineers rope. So The big question is is there somewhere on Bleak Inlet to deploy this rope or is there somewhere in this Cannery itself to deploy it? Have to figure it out.
  10. Ahatch

    Move radio

    It would be nice if you could mouse on the radio and move it to the fireplace mantel ect if you break the table or shelf it is sitting on 🙂
  11. Really cool topic , I have been playing interloper pretty much the last 3 years and there are some regions that have yet to stay extended periods of time on and I had a nice run going where I was staying 50 days in each region but didn't finish. My personal interloper ratings--> Mystery Lake (1) I know the map so well so I know all the routes to avoid wolves. The weather is good and has the most sunny days that I can use the magnifying glass rather than matches. Lots of deer and fish on the lake and the bear is an easy kill if you get the one that spawns at the back of the lake. Spent 460 days on this map on my current interloper run (over 500 days) I only had to leave to forge and loot for cloth and now to test out Bleak Inlet. Ravine (0) Plenty of game close access to both Coastal Highway and Mystery Lake. No wolves so no danger. Coastal Highway (2) I also know this map very well so I know the routes to stay safe. The only drawback I find is the crafting table is at the Quonset and the fishing camp. Both locations are not my favorites as wolves and bears hang out there. But again the weather is good for magnifying glass fires and plenty of fish including Cohoe salmon. Pleasant Valley (6) The weather sucks plain and simple I can find plenty of food especially rabbits near the farmhouse barn. With so many blizzards you start to dig into your matches more and hunting and scavenging you are walking long distances. Timberwolf Mountain (7) I usually stay at Crystal Lake pretty much but there are always wolves on the lake so you are constantly having to pick them off so you can have some peace of mind. Fishing and game is good but it's cold and blizzardy. So you need to have plenty of matches and long walks and ropes for looting so you have to pack light and dress light which also means taking a hit on your health bar. Desolation Point (6) The problem on this map is there is a lot of water and a lot of choke points. The Riken and Hybernia is usually where I hang out the coal mine has a nice supply of respawning coal. I usually avoid the lighthouse as the path out is always blocked with wolves. If you are a good hunter the other problem happens when you hunt everything all of a sudden there is nothing to hunt and no fishing. Then you have to take the dangerous Crumbling Highway to get out. Crumbling Highway(10) I hate this place you have to crawl through it to avoid wolf detection and there's very little to offer to make you want to stay. Mountain Town(5) Lots of man made shelters to hide in and plenty of good loot if you get there early enough. The problem is wolves everywhere and work bench locations are not the greatest. I spend a lot of time in the cave with the short rope climb up and cave hike to the Trappers cabin on Mystery Lake. Forlorn Muskeg(7) Weak ice and fog are the biggest dangers and Spence Farmstead kind of sucks especially if you have to have a perma fire going sometimes (well when you are in forge mode) So many wolves hang out at the farmstead so going there to forge is dangerous that's why I usually end up choosing the Rikan for the first forging. And until you have level 5 archery shooting the wolves from the loft is not a viable option. Hushed River Valley (9) No craft table and confusing map (well I think I could do better now) but I die so often when I start here I can't imaging coming back. I think now that I know the map a little better I could do a lot better on it. Lots of game and using the ice caves effectively you can move around all the good hunting spots rather safely just have to not take that one cave with the wolf in it. Bleak Inlet(10) I have my 500 plus interloper on this map right now. Biggest problems are wind and timber wolves. Crafting table is in the Cannery complex so to make use you need aurora and key code to get in. So I'm currently in the complex and having shot a couple wolves with the bow just to get in now I'm sort of trapped in here surrounded by more wolves so I have to try to kill even more of them just so that I can have a run of the place for a little while to wait for the aurora to get into craft. A lot of extra trouble just to craft. Windy , I can't keep warm no matter what . On a sunny day on Mystery Lake with my current cloths I can pick sticks in the evening no problem. Here fat chance I get right to full cold within minutes of leaving the cabin. Ash Canyon (8 tentative) Looking at the map the lower part there's one crafting table and one at the miners folly way up the mountain. So the problem I see is having to walk to the fish cabin to craft from the other base near the burnt out fish hut. In the high ground you have the problem of narrow paths with swinging bridges everywhere. The miners folly camp area looks good if you kill the bear. Just a lot of rope climbing so again you have to dress light if you want to pack any supplies. I haven't brought any interloper players here yet so not going to judge it too harshly though. Lots of saplings is a plus. Broken Railroad (7) Has some nice buildings and a forge so good for interloper players. Plenty of game to live well. Just a lot of narrow paths to move around so have to always use good stealth to move around safely. Map is small so not a lot of saplings etc.
  12. I managed to find my way up to the bridge today after circling around enough times. Can't quite completely map the high area behind Climbers Cave as I was hoping there was some way to get to top of that ridge. I think I have covered off over 90% of the map just a few little spots to map out. So now just have to think if I want to try an Interloper run there perhaps and see if I can really survive it. Quite a ways from the forges though and not sure if arrow heads will spawn in Interloper.
  13. Still having some issues getting to the one wood bridge that looks broken near the Anglers Hut . I have crossed all the others but this one is elusive so far. I took the rope climb up near the chasm cave but couldn't see a way to get to this one area. Lots of renshi mushrooms on this map.
  14. Yes I found them on Pilgrim also found Bearskin Jacket up in the mountain path don't know if that would be on Interloper .
  15. For interloper though you are a long way from the forge so not a great starting point but for sure once you have arrow heads it would be a good place to go. I have a 500 day interloper survivor in Bleak Inlet right now . Thinking of sending her there after a while for a new adventure My problem on fishing is I always fish until I'm pretty much exhausted so even that short rope climb might be a problem LOL would have to make sure I sleep a bit in the fishing hut I guess before climbing up.
  16. I was mistaken that was a regular wolf Spent the evening exploring and I've covered pretty much the whole map just have to explore a little bit by the climbers cave and have pretty much covered all the main spots .... I think . Really big map and actually impressed with the amount of places. I'm playing pilgrim so I'm encumbered as usual. I'm not sure this would be a good starting map for interloper but might be a cool place to loot and maybe stay at the miners folly and eat bear meat. Fishing hut is a little rough and not sure you would want stay up fishing all night then rope climb up to the cabin.
  17. I have started a much more cautious Pilgrim run and have now mapped out most of the new region just a couple rope bridges I need to cross but overall I really like this map. I will say it feels bigger than Hushed River Valley maybe because it's just new and once I'm used to all the paths it will seem smaller. Currently at the Miner's Folly buildings and working my way back the way I came in hoping I can find the way to the mine.
  18. The only issue I noticed was I was coming out one of those narrow canyons with the cold cave on the end and I fell in a hole of some sort and couldn't get out. I had to restart and was careful in that same spot.
  19. Today I done a couple test runs on the new region on Pilgrim. Have to say just moving around exploring I died within a couple days because the regions weather is harsh and if your cloths are crappy you die pretty fast and that includes Pilgrim. I may have seen things but I thought I saw a timber wolf near the cabin. Crossing those swinging bridges is quite the trip I must say. Looks like a cool region , didn't see a bear or moose on my 3 runs. Didn't find much for manmade structures so far and didn't find the mentioned mine.
  20. Yes I've watched a few videos already , my last try I ran out of time as I went to Trappers Cabin first and only made the trailers by Carter at night fall , couldn't find the bed roll so done a loop around the lake looking through the cabins. One other try just died trying to go to trappers cabin went by the outlook and fell off the mountain. Very tough challenge , been trying out the new update today.
  21. Gave this challenge a try , Very tough the code is 8snM-bj8P-Kxtr-jaCG-9+IB . I just made Bleak but slightly later than I should have but died right away.
  22. Surprising easy actually to complete this challenge as I managed to live off fish. I would rotate from going on firewood gathering outings to fishing. Bear never attacked me in the hut would walk by grunting so I lucked out there. Going to take this survivor into Forlorn Muskeg and craft some arrowheads and then to Mystery Lake then to the Ravine and I will come back here (if I survive) and go out in a blaze of glory
  23. I've not played Subnaitica so I wouldn't know , just thinking how a player loots everything without leaving anything for anyone else.
  24. May current run has a phantom backpack on the bridge near the Landslide on Bleak Inlet must be something to do with that map a glitch of some sort.
  25. I thought of this recently what if each region has a major location with a truck that one can leave an item for another would be survivor who may happen to stumble across it. Imagine you are alone and you go around hoping to find loot in order to survive but you also just take and never give back. If there was a survivor out there that was looking for company and was in the same predicament as yourself wouldn't it be cool to stumble across a new wolf coat in a trunk. So you are playing a long interloper run and you have no shortage of skins and other resources. You could place an item in each trunk in each region for an achievement. Once the item is placed in the trunk it can no longer be opened and the item retrieved. It would also give you some purpose to keep moving. Also as an added bonus there could be one such item left for you in every interloper run. Thoughts....