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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. I'm sorry but sometime I can be kinda dense... could you clarify what I'm supposed to be looking for? I've provided a screen shot of what I am see when I play the game and this is also where my save is? Am I doing something incorrectly? thanks for taking a look, btw. Winter challenge is what i name my save game file, in case you are wondering.
  2. i've followed that power cable many times trying to find my way home in those damn blizzards!
  3. He is probably sitting there dead from a diabetic coma after having consumed a whole case of Maple Syrup...
  4. How immersive is your gameplay in Winter's Embrace? I'm trudging thru a blinding whiteout of a blizzard following a road along to who knows where, wondering where I'm gonna find my next maple syrup fix and the wind is howling fiercely as the snow flakes are whipping past my face and I swear I can feel warmth leaving my body... In real life, it's 82F/28C outside and we've got the windows open for a ventilation. A cool little breeze of wind blows in and my first reaction is to shudder at the cold and immediately close all the windows in the house...
  5. the game also auto saves every time you get injured or enter an interior cell. you're probably right that it does record everything up to the point you die. lets hope so, right?
  6. How right you are! I did just that ( no badges activated) and went for a random spawn as well and ended up in HRV, not my best decision. I dont know that map all too well, so it didn't take long to do me in. I can imagine naked!!! I can already hear Will complaining, "I cant feel my balls..."
  7. Before my kids developed their own interests in games, we used play the Shadow Hearts Triology on PS2. we turned watching TV into interactive role playing and we all took turns through out the evening playing those titles. We would get the strategy books and one of the kids would always be reading out loud while the other played. I think the most time we ever put into a title back then was almost 200 hour playing Final Fantasy X! We worked diligently as a team and by the time the final boss fight came along, each of our characters were totally maxed out in their skills and each had their legendary weapons. It was so anticlimactic at the end when we defeated Jecht in mere minutes!
  8. @cyradivy, nice job. so tell us how you did it. did you launch 25 separate forays as some folks have suggested? inquiring minds want to know!
  9. lol, you're right when you say that ..."you can't beat video games for economical fun." I cancelled my cable tv subscription years ago and took that money and bought a new game every month. Over the years I've built up a decent library of games providing endless hours of nonstop entertainment. I paid $19.99 for this title back in August of 2015. Have I gotten my moneys worth, oh heck yeah! with 2265 hours in the sandbox, i think I've amoritized my cost to under .89 cents an hour!
  10. almost the same experience for me. kinda looked for the prepper's cache in ML but didn't find it, so moved to CH too. So far I've eaten 18 bags of chips between ML and CH. My character probably is going to die of sodium induced hypertension before I find any syrup... And I do believe the badges are only available to those who play in Winter's Embrace.
  11. LOL, if paint cans were maple syrup, my character would have diabetes by now and I'd be fighting that plane crash survivor in PV for their supply of insulin!
  12. Looks like fresh rabbit is for dinner!! The rabbit must be cut into serving pieces. Soak the pieces into cold water for about ten minutes. Pour a little fish oil in a large pot and place it on medium heat. Remove the rabbit from the water and put it into the pan without draining it. . Cook the rabbit on medium flame, reduce the water and brown each piece of rabbit, turning from time to time. Add a bit of water to finish the cooking if needed. When golden brown, pour in a little maple syrup. The rabbit is ready. Serve with crunchy ketchup crisps.
  13. I agree, but... the did say something about saved games, so technically if you die, there's no save. I'm probably reading in to much in the semantics, or worse been watching way to many malicious compliance stories on YouTube.
  14. I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but I'm fairly certain they didn't have that in mind when it was announced the badges could be earned across multiple saves... Never the less, I am sure many other players have or will adopt this "strategy" in order to obtain the achievement. Let the Meta Gaming begin!
  15. Just curious as to the cumulative nature of consuming chips and syrup... Looks like chips aren't really the challenge, but finding enough syrup seems to be the secret to success. Since it can cross multiple games saves, what happens if a player dies? Does the player still get credit for consumption in a game where they die?
  16. I think it was best summed up by @ajb1978, when he wrote: On 6/29/2020 at 7:53 PM, ajb1978 said: ... HL caters to the majority, not the minority that can bust out thousands of days on interloper...
  17. your playing regular survival mode then right? I think we all were wondering if the those items would be added to survival mode but didn't think it likely that they would. But then again it goes to reason that those items are just event specific so everyone's experience is relatively the same.
  18. I took every opportunity to harvest the hide off of every carcass I could find in anticipation of crafting some clothing. Ended up at Trapper's and started snaring/stoning the bunnies and finally made some deerskin pants and a rabbit hat, immediate improvement in staying warmer longer.
  19. I was just thinking the same thing... find a known location on a specific map and launch over and over until you drink 25. yeah, no... maybe?
  20. Hit the damn, found a rifle under the stairs and the revolver on the desk by the turbines... plus pick up two broken arrows so now you got two arrowheads as well!
  21. didnt the say something about the badges not showing up til at the end of july? I just hit 28 day in game on a single save and that should give me the 25 day survival achievement but nothing popped up anywhere to say I got it.
  22. thank you, I just have not been looking in the right place this whole time... Gonna have to give it a go when I get a chance to play again next!