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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. ah, yes, that ahha moment when you finally actually understand the lyrics to a song. I've been singing em wrong for years apparently! Now I'm gonna have to go listen to a little Gordon Lightfoot. hadn't heard that name for years! thanks for sharing
  2. and always good for a rifle and few rounds if I recall.
  3. I just started to do a re-play and yes, there are some janky sound effects on occasion. i get a zipper noise while I'm walking every so often and what seems to be hushed voices talking.
  4. Wintermute Episode 2 Wondering what happened to this poor chap? So far the only death explained and only because he chronicled his demise in the bloody note he left alongside his body. One of Milton's residents, seems like he got fairly far, just not far enough.
  5. just curious if you ever got around to using that 1 time dispel all fog glyph? I did when I got to FM and that so dramatically changed the view, didn't last nearly long enough though.
  6. wondering if there is any magic left in this broken old spear...
  7. Ha ha ha ha! that just brought back a memory of the time my dad ate half a tin of "Fancy Feast" cat food thinking it was Foie gras. And then blamed me for his own mistake! the tins weren't even remotely similar, the cat food was in a square little container with a paper sleeve around it with a picture of a cat eating from a crystal plate, while the goose liver pate was in a round pull top can with a picture of the French flag and a goose painted on the side. thanks for bringing that outta the dark recesses of my mind!
  8. Wintermute Episode 2 Dead in a Tram After getting the much needed medical supplies from the dam, I duck into the abandoned tram only to find this guy who obviously musta missed his stop... His backpack yield food, ammo and clothing. Was an immediate upgrade for my wardrobe! thank you.
  9. Wintermute Episode 2 Dead in the Dam I wonder what happened to this guy. One of the Forest Talker gang of Eco-Activists according the note I found him. supposedly there was a lot of wolf activity in the area and his only weapon was this flare gun they left him. Looks like maybe he used it a few times to run off some of the wolves but eventually either his fear or the extreme cold caught up to him. dying in a toilet stall in an old bathroom seems like a truly tragic way to die. wait a minute. now that I'm looking at this picture a little closer, are those extra flares in the lid of this container? kinda looks like those are flares. snap! gonna have to go back and check that out now...
  10. that's nice! sweet 3 standing books, too. I take you carried each of these individually except the skill books. Do the standing combine or do they corrupt combine and become the sunny cover of the encyclopedia sets? curious if there would be more books in Pilgrim mode? btw, are you gonna be transiting all these back to PV now? whew... that's like 10 trips if I'm doing the math right.
  11. Look what I found in story mode today! I was so excited then I picked it up only to discover it had disappeared from my inventory... awwww.... Wouldn't that be cool to find in the sandbox?
  12. Actually this should be in the thread, The Soon To Be Dead... Found this convict in the old farmhouse as I'm replaying Wintermute. Sure was a surprise. Don't remember seeing this dude the first time around. I really coulda used that knife on account all I had was a hatchet and a prybar but at the time I found him he was still alive and the knife although having caused his mortal wound was actually keeping him from bleeding out so I had to leave it in him. Damn! He didn't say much so I left him like this. Sayonara convict!
  13. Thanks, we're having fun with it. Next time you find a sitting corpse, post pic up here and tell the story!
  14. Just game across this thread and was curious if you decided to try playing storymode as if you were in the sandbox? "cause, I did just that recently and am now actually having more fun doing so based on the limitations of Storymode vs. the Sandbox.
  15. ohhhhh, that's just nasty... the worst case of IBS you can imagine!
  16. I just decided to replay the whole thing from the beginning and I'm glad I read your comments, because I sure didn't remember it being so quick and easy getting outta the chasm and down into town which seems like I coulda done almost immediately this time around. That being said, Will's dialogue with this redux does seem to partially explain how he ends up down there and she doesn't. I think he even says something to the effect of "I must have went thru the windshield and these trees cushioned my fall." "Astrid must have been able to get out on her own or been thrown clear..." or something like that. As I recall the original release keeps you down in the chasm for a couple of days while your hand heals up before you could climb out, so that by the time you got to town Astrid was definitely way ahead of him. I'm enjoying the re-play so far, good change of pace after a week of avoiding the Darkwalker...
  17. I decided to take a break from chasing books and replay the Wintermute episodes. You can take me outta the library quest, but you can't the Library Quest outta me... I was immediate drawn to Will's collection of books... apparently he likes to read when he's working on his plane out here in the shop. So here's a funny thing that i noticed after looting the plane crash site. I break open one of the crates there and one of each book spills into the snow. It's like the game wanted me to fuss over those four cover books and climb each one of them outta that chasm and save them for posterity. I didn't... burned as fuel for my fire. But that got me to wondering why he was hauling around a heavy crate full of books when weight was such a concern during his preflight check? Maybe he was part of a flying bookclub or perhaps even part of the Aviator Librarian's Association? or, was it just a bunch airplane related technical books?
  18. The Sitting Dead Wintermute Episode 1 Dead guy at tower in Mountain Town. Will quips... "hey is that a dead guy just sitting there?" yeah, that's a dead guy all right... This is probably one of the more brutal scenes I think you'll see in the game. this dude struggled frantically before finally succumbing here. I think whatever it was might have severed his left hand in the process although I didn't bend that close down examine him. Kinda looked like a pretty guy too. Think he was maybe one of the convicts? Blood trail leads to/from the old woman's door. Did she maybe shoot him or did he get jumped by a roving pack of wolves at the doorstep? we'll probably never know.
  19. So earlier today I got 7/10 pages before I got killed and was fully expecting the badge notification when I picked up number 6 but nothing popped up on screen. I continued to play until I found my 7th diary page and finally was killed before I could make it to the next map. Still didn't get a badge? I'm a little peeved about the whole thing right now. has this happened to anybody else?
  20. I think some of the best lines are in the game... "I wonder if the owner is still around?" "I hope nobody needs this anymore..."
  21. pretty cool. what materials did you use? at first glance I thought it might have been a sugar cookie that you frosted very nicely and I was thinking how cool that would be to pass out as treats to my friends who enjoy TLD as much as I do! hmmm, now you got me thinking....