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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. thanks for the clarification! btw, have you ever goated down to that tractor trailer rig ?
  2. hmmm, yeah I wasnt too sure about pic 2... but pic three, of the semi truck in the valley, that one is from the transition area connecting ML to Mountain Town via Milton Basin, isnt it? technically speaking? Or are you considering the truck to be in mountain town region although your perch is technically in Milton Basin? just curious, please and thank you
  3. Mountain Town overlooking the bridge 1st pic got the bear in patrolling as well Milton Basin 2nd & 3rd right next to transition cave to ML HRV signal fire 4th
  4. Hey @hozz1235 what you gonna do with all those pelts? I used the curing in place glitch and made these two pelt walls with all those rabbit skins. Besides having made at least 3 or more hats and pairs of mittens
  5. it will take most of the day just cleaning those little shits... then the cooking... by the time he eats them all, he's gonna go out again the next day and do it all over!
  6. This is actually a very well known phenomena in this game where your wounded wildlife just "teleports" out of the area leaving you looking about in amazement and puzzling it out in your head. I've had this happen to me more than a few times so it can be frustrating when the beast disappears and it's got a couple of your arrows stuck in it... anyways, you could go looking, but most of the time if you just end up going home and coming back out the next morning, you'll often find the carcass nearby. there are some nay sayers on the forums saying there's no teleportation and you just lost sight of where they ran off towards, but ya mon, you got dat teleporting thing going on. don't let 'em tell you any different, that bear is especially crafty!
  7. Damn, that is some good snaring there, indeed! I would be curious if you doubled the snares to like 24 or more, what would you yield? btw, how many were ruined? those are the ones that got away!🐰
  8. The Final Flare Came across this sitting dead up at Peak Cave in HRV as I was just looking for a place to hunker down as the blizzard passed. Looks like this guy had the same idea but never made it out alive. Equipped with a loaded flare gun and carrying 3 more rounds in his jacket pocket this guy probably got lost lost amongst this trails and switchbacks and the entire area starts looking the same when the snow is falling. Although I found him considerably further back in the cave, in the "warm" zone, scant resources and previous exposure to inclement weather is probably what finally did this adventurer in. I relieved him of his flare gun and added it to my own collection and now I have 3 in my possession until I go to claim another when I finally summit TMW.
  9. I feel ya, sometimes the loot seems a little imbalanced at times. You cant find a prybar anywhere but you find 65 rifle and revolver cartridges... For me I can never seem to find a hacksaw in Mystery Lake, lol. Go figure.... btw, credit union in Mountain Town sometimes has a dead guy near the atm with a prybar. I was just there...
  10. Came across this corpse as I was transiting the Milton Basin, just up from Bleak Inlet on my way to Mountain Town when I found this poor soul on one of the few "islands" in the Basin. He had a death grip on his improvised hatchet and from the looks of things he must have been wielding it ferociously given all nicks and wear on the homemade blade. I suspect he had been menaced by wolves as he was crossing the basin but it also appeared that he had given as good he got. He probably was swinging that home made hatchet in crazy arcs as he slowly backed up the slight incline from the slippery flat surface of the ice of the lake as he found surer ground in the crusty snow. Having successfully driven off the wolf patrol, physically spent and extremely tired after the ordeal, he slumped to the ground to gain this breath and rest. But rest, soon turned to sleep and with neither shelter, nor a sleeping bag, nor fire it was his last and final resting place. I took his hatchet and turned out his pockets finding a stim and a bag of jerky.
  11. I was kneeling, shooting the revolver as the wolf was coming down on my position from an elevated advantage. I assume his lunge knocked me to the ground when the struggle animation took over.
  12. I just broke down a crate in Milton Basin in the broken down hut and under the crate were two fire logs and two cans of accelerant playing stalker mode.
  13. that's some sitting dead you got there...
  14. Nothing guaranteed, but the logical places to look beside checking the shed behind Grey Mother's house and the barn with the workbench down at the farmhouse is the little office up by the rope climb and that maintenance trailer above the church. good luck! Let us know when when and where you find one!
  15. Surprising at times at how many objects can be located behind or under crates. You find more items at lower difficulty levels, ie. pilgrim and voyager but sometimes the loot can be very useful. Used to be able to find a rifle and backpack for example behind three crates in Hibernia Fish Processing although I haven't looked there in a while. As to cardboard, maybe sometimes under or behind a box, but never under a sheet of broken down cardboard, although if I recall correctly I did find a skill book once under a cardboard sheet in a house in Mountain Town. I'd say that if you have the time to harvest and it doesn't present you with a hardship, break down as many crates and cardboard boxes as possible because you can always just drop the reclaimed wood and tinder plugs in a big ole pile for easy retrieval the next time.
  16. the game can be surprisingly flexible sometimes considering how precarious your perch might be. Seems to me since I got those crampons in Ash Canyon I get schimmy out on the rock quite a ways sometimes before I run into my nemesis, gravity. I haven't honed my goating skills as smoothly as @Gun Tech. has displayed as he made his descent appear effortless, but I've found I can elect to "fall" controllably... if you catch my drift...
  17. I did a little docu series last spring you might find entertaining... I photo documented my time working on the Rabbit Snaring Achievement. I spent the majority of my time in near Clear Cut on Mystery Lake. An area known for wolves and a marauding bear, not necessarily for bunny harvesting.
  18. yeah, sometimes more, sometimes less but usually it stays pretty consistent provided you deploy a high number of snares consistently. Next time you find a bunny spot, saturate the area with snares upwards of 12 or more. make a little grid and let "nature" do it's thing. It might take a couple of days for the cycle to kick in, but after you start the algorithm ticking, the game will keep generating bunnies to fill those snares.
  19. I've come to the conclusion that snaring rabbits can be incredibly productive in just about any location that has rabbits in it by increasing the amount of snares deployed. The bunny algorithm seems to be activated based on the number of snares being set and it likes to fill those snares between 2/3rds and 3/4 full most of the time. I've tried all kinds of patterns, but always seemed to get fairly consistent numbers regardless of how I arranged them. Here's a pic of my most recent harvest, just so happens to be on Jackrabbit Island... lol 7 outta 8 snares successful. When harvesting, I do make it a point to pick up each snare and resetting it nearby even if it is only a few feet. So if you wanna max out your daily harvest, construct as many snares as you can or want to manage and fill up the area with traps. Even if you only see a couple of bunnies, set out as many traps as possible as.
  20. These used to be in the game... they were used in story mode in the first episode when it was first released. Will had to retrieve them from the maintenance shed in Broken Railroad to cut the lock that closed the gate leading up to the hunting lodge. As I recall it was fairly heavy and other than cutting that one lock, it had no other use in the remainder of the game. I guess the prybar won out since you could pop car trunks as well as lockers using only one tool. not mention that you could chisel the ice for fishing using the prybar. seems that the lowly bolt cutter met it's match when it came to versatility of the prybar.
  21. Transiting the twists and mazes of Ash Canyon, I stumbled across this poor fellow... ...alone and in the dark, with nothing to sustain him besides a moldy old granola bar, I believe this unfortunate soul finally found his final resting place on this ledge and remained here to die. Having stumbled in the darkness on his hands and knees, he swept his arms ahead of him and realized he was on a ledge overlooking a vast cavernous space. He could hear the echoing of his heartbeat as it reverberated from the tunnel walls as he knelt upon the ledge. As he scooted back to the relative safety of his final perch, he closed his eyes as desperately trying to summon the courage to continue looking for a way out. As the denizens of despair tore at his soul, he closed his eyes for the last time.
  22. yes, I stand corrected. I read your post and then ran some comparisons on my own and in each variation i produced the same amount of fuel oil regardless of using the pot vs. open cook top. good to know since now that means a slightly lower carry weight since I dont have to schlep a heavy pot.