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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. So pretty neat don't you think? would you perhaps be interested in seeing some of the other tunnels and transition caves?
  2. Well, I thought of that too, but then if I wanted to live in a light house, I figured I could just move to DP. at least in DP I wouldn't have to deal with timber wolves. I figured the bonus of living in BI would be the continued access to the cannery and it looks like if things got better, I'd also already have a boat that was docked nearby.
  3. Checking out the abandoned mine in DP a new perspective interesting view? I thought it was interesting to see the shape from above and below. It looks a lot different from the outside in, right?
  4. “Everyone should have their mind blown once a day.”
  5. Damn.... That was some constructive criticism, indeed! First off, thanks for saying what probably a lot of us were thinking. You've definitely raised some salient points in my opinion on some of the shortcomings involving the story line. I didn't think about the missing presence of Methuselah for example, until you brought it up and yeah, now that you mention it, where is he? Why is he absent from the story so suddenly considering his prominence in the story line up until now. I think Methuselah would have been the perfect medium in which to tell the story. Will certainly would have had ample opportunities to run into him as he rushed about the countryside fulfilling all those main missions and side quests. I was little disappointed in some of the aspects of the world environment. For example, seems that each outdoor caves was laid out similarly. This was most evident each time I was walking out, the entrance/exit was exactly the same. Some goes for the recycled Brick Layer's Hut, complete copy of the Mountaineer's Hut on TWM right down to the same hole in the roof. Considering all the little things I started nitpicking on after I started my second playthrough, I gotta say I got a little peeved. I agree that Jace's story could've been handled a bit differently, but somehow I think her role or story will probably be more fully explained in Episode 5. At least my hope is that it will be in some way. As to her involvement as the secret saboteur, it might have made more sense in the story if it were to have been a guard or perhaps a prison administrator who managed to escape the culling after the inmates rioted. It might have made more sense at the end of the story where instead of going over the railing with Jace at the power plant, she instead shows up and rescues Will from the icy water of the river. They could have used Methuselahs predictions and musings to tell her story about how she is/was working at the observatory and had knowledge of the event. Oh well, coulda woulda shoulda...
  6. After very much internal debate, I finally found my ideal spot. It would involve razing the broken lighthouse in Bleak Inlet. I would go course salvage that 6 burner stove, why waste a good stove! First off, the view from the top of the hill there is fantastic. The dock is in fairly good shape too, so when rescue final does come, I'll be able to see em coming and can run right down and meet them at the waters edge...
  7. Feeding BlackRock, yup that is the one I was referring to earlier. Nice that you could find it. I do think you have the full on collection now. So, that brings me to a question, where's all this farming going on at? Is there perhaps an indoor hydroponic facility that we don't know about?
  8. You raise an interesting point about gaming in this digital age. Not having to be dependent on the internet for game play makes a lot of sense. Especially if you reside in an area where accessing the web may be problematic. The only thing that I can say in support of Steam or entities like them, is that at least they are a digital repository for my 200+ collection of video games. It does allow me to manage what titles inhabit the limited space on my SDD...
  9. @peteloud, are you on Steam? Just curious cause I too have been changing up and checking out some other games whilst waiting for the new region to go live in Survival mode. There's a ton of titles for under $20 USD that you might find interesting. I just picked up Frozenheim which looks pretty promising for a Viking survival town builder kinda of game. I also picked up, The Forest, which I almost instantly took a dislike to. Not sure what what put me off, but part was the controls and everything was too shiny due to the photo realistic aspect of the game and the objects in it. You get accustomed to the beauty of TLD and its relative simplicity so it can be hard to remain objective when evaluating other games sometimes. I get that. I too am eager to see what Hinterland does next. I just hope it doesn't take as long to bring about the 5th and final episode as it did for #4. I am besides myself in anticipation of the final act. It looks like it's gonna be amazing...
  10. That's what happens when you take an arrow to the knee... or there about anyway right?
  11. I'm working on that locomotive. It's a heavy mofo... So maybe this will tide you over for now? I think a disappearing car tops a locomotive!
  12. And some folks are still doing it to this day. My brother in law is a guard at one of our state run mental health facilities where they often lock up the criminally insane and/or patients with violent tendencies. Apparently they often have incidents with some of the patients/inmates who throw their excrement at each other, the guards and the staff alike. He refers to them as the "pooh-flickers" and apparently some of them have a very good aim...
  13. I love how you staged this pic. The coffee cup next to the coffee maker is brilliant! I like what you did with the rosehips, too. they look like little cherry tomatoes next to those steaks! well done!
  14. I always like to flex a little mental muscle now and then and test my Jedi powers. Today I find myself in HRV reenergizing in a secluded area rife with natural energy and with a bit more effort So do you have powers you wish to share? Show me yours and I'll show you mine...
  15. Found this guy today in HRV, Not sure what he was doing or how he ended up like that? Maybe he was trying to look like a robot for Halloween?
  16. I know, but it still got me to thinking about how cool it might look with that green glowing ambience. I definitely couldn't do it drunk. I spill bong water on my keyboard enough as it is... but heaven forbid I spill my beer!!!
  17. I think it would be pretty difficult to put it mildly. First I'd have to collect over 200 sticks, then of course taking the time to lay down the outline and of course the time it takes to laying the second course of sticks to flesh out the pentagram. All the while as I am fending off hostile wildlife in addition to trying to avoid the DarkWalker! Even if I was successful, the toxic gas in the air would make it nearly impossible to stay in the region long enough to perform any summoning. It would probably turn out that I am the sacrificial lamb in that case... nah, not gonna do it. My gut instinct tells me it would not bode well for me.
  18. @Leeanda glyph paint! Oh that would have been the cat's meow if I could have had a can of that! I'm gonna have to put that green paint on the wish list. considering how many spray cans you can find in the game, maybe 1 outta 10 could be DarkWalker paint. Heck, even if I can't spray the DW glyphs, it would still be neat to have the option to change color every now and again.
  19. Been working on that pentagram for weeks... Still couldn't get it to look quite right however. Special shout out to @Leeanda for suggesting using the spray paint! I think the paint made the magic all the more powerful!
  20. No worries, it was my second play thru so I just abandoned the game and started a new one.
  21. yeah, the ambient noise can be a little deafening but your gonna have to deal with it unfortunately. considering you can turn down the sound of waterfall IRL this is just one of those instances where you gotta just turn down the volume in your game. sorry...
  22. yeah the smell o meter is extremely sensitive these days. I'm at the point that I just don't carry any meat, cooked or uncooked, when I am out and about doing other activities beside hunting. It does make gameplay a bit more challenging as now I have to pay lots more attention to food items providing the most calories by weight. It does force a player however to set up multiple base locations or caches were meat can be stored. I guess that's what they figured the rock caches would come in hand for. With 5 such caches allowed per map and with the random backpack and assorted containers strewn about the area, I found it a doable work around for now.
  23. Outstanding! I'm located just a little south and Mt. Rainier is practically right in my backyard. That being said, when it comes to snow sports in our household everyone has at least one pair of downhill skis and set of snowshoes. We love winter camping and slogging thru knee deep fresh powder is practically impossible, but sure gets easy with a decent set of snowshoes. on a side note, my sons are snowboarders as well so you can add a couple of boards to that mix as well. No ice skates though as our winters aren't cold enough to sustain any frozen lakes or ponds but then in their stead you'll probably find a pair or two of inline skates in the garage. I'd have to agree with @ajb1978 that snowshoes would be a perfect addition considering the mechanics involved. Would be wonderful to introduce snowshoes as a new craftable item in one of the future updates. hmmm, perhaps crafted out of birch or maple saplings and cured gut? Have to balance out whether or not to craft a bow and arrows for a decent set of snow shoes? That would add an element to the game requiring some strategic planning/critical thinking on the players part. I really am warming up to the idea and now hope that we might see something develop for future updates!