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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. lol, you had me going on this one. so, yes, indeed piling stones or dropping them does work but frankly it takes an ungodly amount of stones. Here's how you find em... My best rendition of a stone piled burial mound. Obviously used the place anywhere mod to place the stones and the make the cross. I'm particularly happy the way my makeshift cross turned out. The way the sticks clipped together looks like they could have been pushed together that way irl, so it felt pretty immersive as I viewed. The only drawback, is that this mound is comprised of 400 stones. Good thing I have could open the console and load up the stones, otherwise if you had to collect them it would take weeks of gameplay to collect enough stones to do the job. so what do you think of my handiwork?
  2. of course you can just drop stones but I was thinking more along the lines of creating a stone burial mound. You could certainly use the place anywhere mod to skillfully arrange stones around a corpse. I've often just built a stone storage carin over the corpse as well, but the only issue with that is the game only allows for 5 carins per map and often there are well more than 5 corpses laying about. I'd really just settle for being able to remove a corpse from inside a building, especially if I wanted to overnight there. Just something creepy about sleeping in the same room with a dead body sitting on the floor or laying in an adjacent bunk...
  3. Currently there aren't any NPC mods. So much work as they would need dialogue and animations. That would be a project of some magnitude and probably would not be free as most of the current mods are. I would want a corpse removal mod or a burial mod. the first guy I would move is the dead guy in Camp Office! I'd bury the rest. Too bad we can't use those stones for something besides throwing them at wolves or making a storage carin.
  4. Amy waited patiently outside in the truck. Starting to shiver because of the cold air seeping in from the broken wing window of the truck, she began rummaging thru the glove box of the vehicle looking for something that she could use to block the hole. The glove box didn't have much in it other than some old ketchup packages and crumpled up paper napkins from a popular drive thru hamburger restaurant located over on the mainland. "hmmm" she said to herself, "Some fresh hot french fried potatos sure sound good right about now!" Just at that moment, she found the answer to her problem. A half used roll of silver duct tape. She pulled the roll from the confines of the glove box pulling off tufts of napkin that clung stickily to the sides. Within moments she had located the seam and pulled a length from the roll, ripping the piece off using her teeth. With an economy of motion she quickly pressed the tape against what was left of the broken frame and a few minutes later had the opening completely covered. "That's not gonna hold long if I don't do the otherside," she thought to herself as she examined her handiwork. Looking up and glancing around outside she quickly scanned the area and seeing no sign of danger, slowly opened the door and stepped outside. She grabbed the duct tape and hurried about taping over the outside making sure she had covered every bit of the exposed sticky surface with a another layer of tape. She finished just as Erik stepped out from the cabin and onto the porch. She could see him grinning like a chesire cat as he help up his rifle with one hand and gave her a "Thumbs up" salute with the other. Walking up to her, Erik notices the patch job on the wing window and says, Nice job! I couldn't have done any better myself." Amy blushed at the compliment and replied, "I used up most of what was left of the tape." Erik chuckled and said, "Remind me to tell you the story about how my cousin and I made a fan belt outta duct tape." The memory came flooding back with an odd feeling of nostalgia. Erik shook his head and continued, "Yeah we ended up driving on a duct tape fan belt for another 6 weeks. Those were the days..." his voice trailed off as his gaze slowly came to rest on the travois still sitting where he had left it. Following his gaze, Amy looked over to the travios, noticing it for the first time. "Is that a dead body? she asked? "Um, yeah. It is." he replied. "It's the towns constable. The bear got him. I was just retrieving his remains before all this happened," he continued. "I had plans to take his body back to town. There was no way I was going to leave him for the animals to pick over." he said. Amy nodded in agreement. Gesturing for him to hand her the rifle, she said, "Give me your gun. I'll stand watch while you put the body back in the truck." With the rifle in hand, Amy quickly climbed up in the back of the truck bed so she had a better view of the area. Erik strode over to the travois, dragged it over to the rear of the vehicle and lifted the frozen corpse into the back of the bed. Amy noticed how gently Erik handled the body and a sudden sadness overwhelmed her. Hot tears began sliding down her cheeks, the droplets instantly freezing to the fingertips of her gloves as she brushed them away. Amy jumped down from the back of the truck as Erik began pulling a tarp over the body and secured the load. "It looks like it's gonna be dark soon," she said. "Yeah, we probably should get going," Erik replied. The pair exchanged glances and climbed into the vehicle. Apprehension was thick as Erik thrust the key into the ignition. The motor labored as it turned over, Erik stomping on the accelerator pedal coaxing the old engine to life. But as luck would have it, the engine started on the first try and within minutes they were heading back to town.
  5. not exactly sure what I found when I entered this cave to get out of a blizzard...
  6. Same here, we've always heated up rocks by the campfire in the winter time and then wrapped them up in an old towel before sticking them into our sleeping bags before turning in for the night. Toasty warm. Considering how we can pick up stones in the game, I think it would be a great idea if our survivors could do something similar. Maybe put 3 or 4 stones in your cooking pot and warm them up before going to bed. Just might be the difference between freezing to death in your sleep and making it thru one more night!
  7. A blast from the past... Still a good question some 5 years later!
  8. West of House. You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. There is a small mailbox here. Ha ha ha, I remember asking myself, what's a grue?
  9. Outstanding! Honestly you'll have so much more flexiblity in your game play when you do transition to PC gaming. On a side note, I'd suspect the reason that you don't see any players featuring that particular mod is that most of the items are irrelevant to the game and serve absolutely no purpose. lol, I honestly can't see any interloper player(s) prancing around carrying a basket of easter eggs...
  10. yeah, there is a mod for that, called the "Festive-Pack" and it contains a smattering of items for all seasons. I recently picked it up and am currently evaluating it to see what items I might be able to incorporate in my own base building gameplay. There is good jack-o-lantern in there, it looks like they were able to salvage an item from the 4 Days of Night event that Hinterland promoted a few years back, but it's mostly a black silhouette, albeit a scary looking one. I really hope the mod authors, (looks like three modders collaborated), update it sometime soon and address some of the irregularities in items sizing as they have a good basis in place for improving and expanding on the items they have already incorportated. It definitely could use a few more items and a bit of polish imho.
  11. Ironic isn't it that there literally are no small evergreen trees anywhere to be found on the island? Every tree depicted is a massive mature growth tree with no smaller seedlings or saplings as you'd expect to find. Except of course birch an maple saplings... Apparently the logging industry there did not have any re-forestation practices in place or else they would have re-planted the areas that they had previously clear cut. I can see why the Forest Talkers started taking on an aggressive posture towards the business that basically were exploiting the islands resources with impunity. I'm starting to come around to their point of view...
  12. yeah, I did take a look over at BlackRock, but it seems that the Remove Clutter mod is a little finicky and does not work in what is considered to be an outside space. Probably has something to do with the way items are identified but I'm not sure. There sure are plenty of other places available to experiment with so I'm not sure where and what I'll do next. My muse appears to be taking some time off...
  13. Right? When I first started redoing the hall, my first thought was to do it up as a one room school. But then, after I filled the foyer with gear, I opted towards making it more of a SAR center instead. Glad you liked it, thanks!
  14. @stmSantana, I'm liking the piles that have a little height to them, just seems more immersive that way. That's why when I stage a scene in one of my base builds, I like to "stack" materials and "build up" the height giving the piles the appearance of more mass. Just looks better that way in my opinion. Will you be introducing a mod? Maybe called "Better Piles?" Or is this part of the collaborative effort to bring some suggested changes to life as requested by the community over the years?
  15. Glad you liked it. btw, from what I hear there is a multi player platform for pc players. I haven't checked it out myself, but form what I understand you can see some of the game play on YouTube.
  16. Thanks, it took me the better part of 10 days to get it all set up! Glad you liked it!
  17. Place anywhere! Such a great mod don't you think? It can be a little tricky to get some things placed, but being able to rotate objects in the 3 different directions does allow for some creative placement of items. Fleece Cowl Man is kinda wraith like, the empty cowl only need a couple of glowing eyes to be truly horrifying.
  18. Erik turned from Amy as she swung the heavy bag of canned goods onto her back and whistfully glanced back seeing her struggle under the heavy load. She took a few steps and broke thru the icy crust in the snow up to her knees under the staggering weight of the food supplies she was carrying. Erik returned his gaze into his now ruined cabin quickly assessing the damage and mentally calculating how long it will take him to repair the damages. His mind racing, he quickly deliberates on what he has to do first. Rebuild the entire front door and reinforce the broken frame or repair the damaged wood stoves chimney pipe. Either job would take the better part of a day to complete. Fix the door and freeze that night, or fix the chimney and leave the cabin open all night. "An open invitation to the wolf pack or that damned bear, which ever comes first," he thought to himself. "Damn it!" He exclaimed out loud. Loud enough for Amy to hear him over the sounds her boots were making crunching thru the icy snow. She stopped and looked back, a puzzled look on her face. "What?" she yelled back to him. "Are you talking to me?" she asked? "Wait!" he replied. "I need to ask you a question." he said Amy looked at him quizzically and said, "What is it?" "ummm," he stammered... "Do you think I could stay with you and Christine for a couple of days? My cabin's a mess and it looks like it'll take me a couple of days to get things fixed. It's just more work than I can get done today before it gets too dark and I just don't want to take any chances...." his voice trailed off as his eyes gauged Amy's reaction. Amy's pulse quickend as she immediately blurted out an enthusiastic "YES!" "No, I mean yes!" she stammered "That didn't come out right," she giggled. "I mean, yes, it shouldn't be a problem. There's more than enough room in the house and you are giving us all this food." she said ending on a high note. "I'm pretty sure she wouldn't say "No" at least not under these circumstances, right?" she continued. Erik smiled and replied, "Well if we're gonna do this, we may as well load up the truck with what's left in my larder. No sense of leaving any of this food behind for either the looters or the animals to get into, am I right? Amy grinned from ear to ear as she strode towards the truck and dumped her heavy load in the back of truck bed. "Let's go grab the grub and scadaddle!" she shouted as she made her way back towards cabin. Erik quickly grabbed a couple of rucksacks and his favorite moose hide bag and rapidly began stuffing the remaining food supplies into the rucks and Amy joined in. They made quick work of it and within minutes the shelves were empty. It was a lot of food. enough to keep them well fed. Staying well fed was always a bonus in a cold clime especially like this one. This was definitely one of the worst winter seasons the area had seen in decades. "So much for global warming." Erik said in a whisper, chuckling to himself at his little joke. Amy didn't respond as she was too busy trying to shoulder the heavy can ladden rucksack. Together they carried the heavy packs to the truck. Amy opened the door and started sweeping the broken glass from the damaged wing window out onto the ground. The small glass pieces dropped onto the snow and immediately disappeared where they fell. Once she had the seat and floor cleared, she climbed inside and closed the door. Erik seeing that she was in the cab of the truck already motioned that he was gonna run back in the cabin real quick. With a quick spring in his step he purposely strode inside and made his way to his makeshift gun cabinet. He grabbed his hunting rifle, an old .308 that his grandfather had left him. It had been in the family for years. Still shot as straight as the day it had come off the production line. "A good gun, indeed." he thought to himself as images of the enraged bear tumbled thru his mind. "Gonna need more than just bullets..." a little voice in his head whispered to him. Erik smiled as he reached for his flare gun.
  19. Last time the old community center was used the were calling Bingo on Thursday nights. With a new local administer, the ole community center is now a Search and Rescue Center which also sponsors various backwoods survival training courses. Let's go inside and check it out! In the foyer there's a small cache of supplies typically necessary for rescue mission. Here you can find an assortment of tools, fuel, lighting systems and first aid kits. Looks like the administrator is in his new office. It appears they are settling in well. We'll leave him be for now as it looks he is busy... Peeking thru the door, looks like the hall is full tonight. I wonder what they have going on tonight? Welcome, come on in! Looks like there are still a couple of empty seats for tonights training session. The training topic tonight is on: "Rabit snaring made easy!" I see they have laid out all the supplies for the training session. I see the guest lecturer tonight is Fleece Cowl Man from the Three Strikes Farm! He is the areas foremost expert on snaring and trapping. He supposedly makes all his own clothing from animal hides and pelts. Rumor has it he doesn't wear any underwear... From the looks of the attendees, Fleece Cowl Man is a pretty boring speaker. Everyone appears to be leaning back in their seats with their arms folded. Either they are really bored or it's bloody cold in the hall. I guess the fire just isn't enough to heat the entire room? blah blah blah... Snare... blah blah blah, best deployed in groups... blah blah blah make one out of... blah blah blah contest... blah blah blah winner gets a skill book... blah blah blah ohhhh, I could use a couple of these! I haven't read the latest edition of "Guns, Guns, Guns!" Have you? What's up with all these rabbits? I guess they might be part of the program? I suppose if you're gonna snare a hare, you probably should know the fastest way or ways to butcher it. I hope we get to eat this later! Looks like the administrator has some soups and teas cooking. I'm hoping they have some cream for the coffee. Been so long since I had cream in my coffee... Kitchen is looking a lot cleaner since the new administrator started. Looks like he took down the old wooden blinds. Lots more light in kitchen without those big bulky blinds. Wow, I can't believe it. Toilet Paper! Thanks, Administrator! Your the best! Playing with mods really opens up the sandbox as far as survival mode goes. I've featured a number mods in this creation, which without them this fantasy would not have been possible. I hope you enjoyed my little vision of remaking the community hall. If you have enjoyed what you've seen or would like to know which mods have been used, please comment below. Thanks again for playing!
  20. right? I don't know why all post apocalyptic games always assume the survivors are satisified living amidst a bunch of broken piles of crap. Just because there is no electricity doesn't mean I can't pick up the junk and sweep up every so often.
  21. A collective shudder ran down the backs of the last few looters scavaging about in town as they heard the lone long cry of a wolf off in the distance. The remaining townsfolk scurried towards their homes, desperate for the safety their shuttered doors and windows offered. The onset of night was coming quickly and the moon was already beginning to rise, a meer sliver of light reflecting the sun's dying light. The strange lights in the sky were returning and the air was filled with the static electricity that made their hair stand on end. At first it was just a single voice calling, "Arrrwooooooooo." Then across town another howl could be heard in reply, this time closer and much longer in duration... "Arrrwooooooooooooo!" Then another wolf began it's own song followed by another and another and another. The echos of their cries filled the air as dozens of voices lifted their song of bloodlust into the evening skies. She emerged from the shadows, with the moon at her back, the setting sun now just a glimmer on the horizon. The rarified gases of the aurora danced across the sky in a shimmering display of light. With golden glowing eyes, the Luna Wolf threw back her head and howled! "Ooooowwwwoooooooooo!" Local folklore told the story of The Luna Wolf, the alpha female. Most folk tended to dismiss the stories. Many people just thought it was stories to scare the children. But they were wrong. Very wrong. With bodies glinting and glowing energized by the aurora lights, the wolf pack descended upon the town with a furious bloodlust. With snapping teeth and strong jaws the pack quickly brought down anyone and everyone who hadn't been able to get safely inside. The howls continued throughout the night as the pack continued its attack fueled by their insatiable bloodlust spurred on by the commands of the alpha female, Luna, the Queen of Wolves.
  22. Well, you see the two meat bags on the cooking table? Those are the remains of the wolf who lived in this cave. I was busy trying to set down the lamp and he got to me before I could do so. We ended up in a fierce struggle and he got a couple bites into me before I finally clonked him in the head with my hatchet. Some say Revenge is best served cold, nah... It's best served well cooked to avoid parasites!
  23. lol, Don't you eat the yellow snow... Cause that's where the wolfies go! Besides I already made pumpkin pie!