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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. yeah, thanks man, appreciate the encouragement! I typically don't pay to much attention to stats but this took so long to complete, made me start wondering if i was playing the game wrong... lol
  2. Hanging around the water cooler at work? I recently loaded up an old save game where I had previously filled the bed of this pickup truck with water bottles. At that time, the bed was devoid of snow. After the last few updates and touch ups this is what the back of the bed looks like now with snow on it. Thru happenstance this view just struck me as feeling very immersive, like that's what you would expect to see if you actually came across it in game. Either that, or wow, this is some good sativa...
  3. Kudos on your 1000! Although I never lit fires just to be lighting them, when the two cooking surface feature was implemented on the campfire system, I did set up multiple campfires to speed up the cooking process. Pulling a torch and using it to ignite the next fire certainly saved on using up tons of matches! How often do you or did you use the magnifying glass? This seems to get little use or does it?
  4. I tip my hat to you sir, that is some pretty impressive fire setting indeed! Your reference to matches has got my attention as in my current play through my match supply has gotten increasingly sparse. I honestly have very rarely if at all used the magnifying glass as a fire starter. I was wondering if using the glass was a key strategy for you in regards to setting 1000 fires in as many days. I dont think I every collected near enough matches. I hope you dont mind sharing your methods?
  5. 1000 Fires! This one right here, number 1000! I never thought I would be playing this game long enough to have ever attained this achievement. This isn't just going out and throwing stones at bunnies til you hit one, but you gotta work hard and long to get this feat unlocked. I had pretty much given up on the idea long ago. Think about all those matches, tinder and sticks that it takes to start a fire. then multiply that by 1000. Yeah, right? So how long did it take me to reach 1000? I purchased TLD thru Steam in early August of 2015, at that time my version would have been V.257 and I don't recall this feature being part of the achievements or merit badges available in the game at that time. So from whatever date the counter started from, it took a good long while in real time to become a Fire Master. (close up) Checking my Steam stats, I've logged 1723 hours playing The Long Dark so if I did the math right, I've been averaging about 3 fires lit for every two hours of game play. Either way another couple of months and it would almost be 4 years to the day. Wow, never thought I would be playing the same game 4 years later and still loving every minute when I do. Who else has hit 1000? Love to hear about it if you did. Please feel free to comment. Your feedback is greatly encouraged and appreciated. Thanks for reading!
  6. Need some help with a caption for this... So far, all I can come with is... Boink?!? that arrow is actually floating magically in the air where it hit the bear as he was walking to the left of the screen. at the point of impact he teleported into the background and is now heading to the right. broke my arrow too.
  7. better than mine... I got the next step down the 960. Your is better, last time I looked at Steam stats on system hardware, the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060, is in like 38% of all the machines based on subscription data. I am probably due for an upgrade. I've only been holding off on account most of the new stuff is VR ready and the down side is there's still a limited amount of good VR game programming.
  8. We got ourselves a situation here... We've gotta Broken Arrow... funny thing is, he already took a rifle round point blank in the face! Either that or I just put a nice hole thru one of his antlers. Anyways, finally got him on the fly as running by. The arrow somehow suspended itself at the exact point of impact. crazy huh?
  9. a sure way to avoid any issues... not exactly practical all the time however!
  10. that looks like a picture of the animal's soul escaping its body. shuffling off it's mortal coil, so to speak...
  11. nope, the only thing special about it was my perspective, not as a crashed aviator, but more like an explorer finding a crashed aircraft deep in the mountains. Laying dormant and long forgotten. Sorry you couldn't wrap your head around it...
  12. I am playing one of my surviving 500+ day characters in a self imposed quest to find as many revolvers as possible and for the first time since the story line broke have I returned to the scene of the crime, so to speak. As I was retracing old ground up by the transmitter tower the terrain stuck me as being familiar yet foreign all at the same time. Whatever the feeling, looking up the hill just made me what to get to the top As I was reaching the crest, I could make out the familiar looking shape highlighted by the bright sky behind. With the caw of the crows in the back ground, my gaze comes across the remnants of this crashed airplane. Seeing it like this for the first time felt more exploring the downed cargo plane on TimberWolf Mt and I rather enjoyed having that perspective , considering I randomly spawned this character in Mystery Lake. Scooting around the wreckage I found a fair amount of useable loot. Pretty good find overall and made me look forward to "retracing" my steps back down to the origin point. This old bird was a solid aircraft. They way it's just impaled in the trees there with it's wings still intact speaks well for the toughness of this airframe. A glimpse at the back. Looks mostly intact from here. Pretty tough airplane! Crows doing their dance for the dead, makes me wonder what I will find below... Dinner is served... provided that there's a little meat left on that carcass below. now just gotta climb down, down and down Well, doesn't this look just cozy? Found some good loot in the wreckage, Harvested tons of Rose hips on the way. Was worth it just for the medicinal herbs. There's the other ski and a few bits of the wing and fuselage. Looks like most of what was inside the plane ended up down here. Little solo over-nighter. Bushcraft skill intermediate - cooking venison on hot rocks, making herb teas
  13. I am going to have to see if I notice an audible difference in my game play. It could be that you are experiencing in audio form what I am encountering visually. I suspect that this "buffering" or "choppy" effect is somehow connected. i wonder if it has anything to do with the actual hardware in my system. Not sure if a driver update or change could solve these problems but then again all my other gaming programs don't behave this way...
  14. Is it just me??? Noticed with the last few updates that the wind resistance vibe/mechanic when walking against the wind, has created this stuttering effect on screen that is kinda making me nauseous and feels really clunky too boot. My FPS indicator jumps between 35 and 58 when the wind blows, not sure what that is all about but maybe could be part of my problem. Maybe it's the subtle flashy strobe light effect of the wind, but sometimes it gives me a headache especially when I got a long ways to walk and usually into a head wind. Anybody experiencing anything like this?
  15. I too was having a difficult time in hitting anything after the recent updates. After having posted a nearly identical question to yours, the various feed backs that I received prompted me to alter my style and since then I haven't missed at shot. I have found that if your line up your target in the center of your monitors screen that your shot/hit percentage will immediately improve. something about the projectile physics and the mechanics that somehow lead it to the center... anyways, I started trying that out by skirting around until my line was sight was straight to the center of the screen with my target and also by getting as close as I could by crouch walking, not worrying about the time and whatnot and just bringing the aim up, lining up basically center of mass and pulling the trigger. Don't always get an insta-kill, but usually inflicts a mortal would none the less. Works so far with Deer and Wolves, haven't tried it on a Bear on account I don't wanna get mauled and I haven't seen a Moose yet.
  16. "In Your Face!!!" lol, you make me look forward to doing just that. So out of curiosity, did the bear eventually bleed out and die?
  17. left to right panned shots of the Milton Basin at sunrise... so much blue, so cold , so inviting, so deadly
  18. well thank you! I should probably read those update notes closer. Brilliant!
  19. So been on a Revolver quest since the updates and have been retracing my steps, covering old ground looking for bullets and this elusive handgun. Found 3 small arms books so far and 33 rounds of ammo. After working my way back to the hunting lodge on BRR, I finally found my first pistol in the backseat of the car parked outside of the lodge. Found some bullets inside the lodge so was worth the hike. I am more book smart now than practically experienced having spent 15 hours studying the small arms primers. looks like a pretty decent handgun, not too sure about the caliber however, I'd venture to guess .38 or .357 or maybe even .44 magnum or .45??? When you look down the bore, yeah, that looks like a fairly large caliber, definitely isn't a .22 that's for certain. What are the popular big bore handgun sizes in Canada? I tried dropping a single bullet so I could hold it up for a little visual exam, but the game just replicates a box so I wasn't able to hold up a round for a quick pic. All those boxes however do make my workbench look fuller... The gun I found was at 100% condition right from the get go, which probably explains why I haven't found any cleaning kits. Does anyone know if there are plans to include cleaning kits for the revolver or can they just turn the rifle cleaning kit into a generic gun cleaning kit. Considering how many rifle cleaning kits I have at have never been used, it would make sense to make those kits do double duty and clean both firearms. I haven't shot mine yet, not wanting to waste the few bullets I've managed to find so far. I understand the intent was for the revolver to be used more for defensive purposes, but how does it do as a hunting weapon? Probably makes a great wolf killer , or doesn't it? Well, thanks for reading! Your thoughts, feedback and commentary are greatly appreciated and encouraged.
  20. Been living the good life on Coastal Highway making the fishing village there my semi-permanent base camp. It's all about the bait... 60 kilos of fish or there about, pretty decent haul for a 24 hour fishing marathon excursion. I'm willing to trade lamp oil for bullets...