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Everything posted by Fuarian

  1. There are a bunch of new assets being added to the regions to make them look a little better.
  2. I don't think so either, it should've been an optional main quest if that makes any sense.
  3. Except here's the thing, knowledge IS a resource. The game relies around it. Without knowledge of the surrounding areas, survival and other things like the potential wherabouts of Astrid, the story can't advance. Sure there are other ways to accomplish this other than fetch quests. Maybe if fetch quests were reliant on the actual resources to help the NPC asking for them rather than fetching an unimportant item *lockbox* or fetching items that won't benefit you or the NPC *survival school*.
  4. I've suggested blocking off certain regions entirely as it will make it significantly harder. For lower difficulties that is.
  5. Yay for new areas! Yay for new enemies! Yay for new things to kill! Yay for new textures! Yay for new difficulties! Yay for everything! yay
  6. THAT right there is what I want. "Just to set expectations." It's an approach that involves direct interaction between Hinterland and the community. It's not as loose-ended as simply not interacting at all in hopes to avoid misleading expectations being developed. Instead it directly gives us an idea of what to expect. Much more solid and effective.
  7. Cabin Fever should develop from repeating similar actions indoors for long periods of time. For example; Passing Time with cards for days on end. Sleeping for long periods of time. Breaking down furniture and not stopping. Repairing clothing. harvesting clothing, repairing tools etc... Crafting. You should be forced to vary your actions to combat cabin fever since Cabin Fever is a mental affliction regarding boredom from being indoors too long. But if you are indoors for too long but are doing various things it won't cause you to go crazy. The whole point of CF was to prohibit hibernation as a cheaty gameplay style. So they made it so you couldn't sleep for infinity and you had a limit. So they added passing time for those moments where you need to pass some time but aren't tired enough to sleep. But this can be exploited still so they had to implement Cabin Fever to combat this NEW way of hibernating (which is the same as the old way really) but I think that it should stay this way for Cabin Fever. It should only be caused by PASSING TIME or doing very similar actions for too long.
  8. I think that it should only restrict from sleeping indoors on Voyageur and Stalker. Because on those difficulties you can do away with sleeping outdoors. But on Interloper it can quite kill you. Now THAT is unrealistic.
  9. The game has TONS of environmental story telling. The problem is that we LACK the ability to see that. Every single note found around shows a bit of backstory to the world. Every location has it's own story but needs a little imagination to actually see it. Every corpse laying around even. The aspects of survival are very much there but since Story Mode is made SUPER EASY it doesn't seem that way for veteran players. You are right when you say there's little decision making, MEANINGFUL decision making that is. Feel free to discuss. I'm all ears.
  10. It won't allow for freedom that destroys the chronology of the Story. But more freedom in let's say, smaller actions. Like being able to refuse NPC's or actually make the choice to help them. Things like that. Also while were talking about DP in Story Mode, I can confirm that it will be in Story Mode along with Coastal Highway after doing some digging through game files while not actually digging through game files. (I won't get detailed)
  11. I was a bit surprised to see that Hinterland is going to be adding fully voiced dialogue. That would mean full animation for faces (which IS easier than a full cutscene) but still takes time and resources. As long as they can do it I'm happy! And for Survival Mode, kinda expected the Moose to come at this point. And Milton as a region. But I'm intrigued by the things we wouldn't expect. Really looking forward to it. Keep at it Hinterland!
  12. That map is quite out dated but can still be used as reference. I think that Perserverance Mills is the coastline of that pink region. Now keep in mind that some float planes have wheels that can land on runways. So maybe there's a small municipal airport nearby. That pink region is quite big. But there's even that little orange area further up.
  13. If you need to climb down an edgy cliff-face. Crouch to reduce fall damage. Somehow this works.
  14. Sadly not, was furiatingly pissed off when I found this out. Cars either, which makes no sense considering they teased that in the past. I did uncover some secrets in the game files that hint at Story Mode in Coastal Highway and Desolation Point. So maybe they're just waiting.
  15. I didn't buy the game of Steam. So I can't buy the soundtrack. I find that a bit... dissapointing. I don't know if it's possible, but to allow the soundtrack to be purchasable without buying the game beforehand?
  16. See it's funny. I was talking to someone on the subreddit they said that Raph is a bad writer. I showed them this and they still said it was bad. At least on the forums we have people that get it.
  17. Yeah, like you would build an entirely hand made structure when you have a perfectly good house to live in...