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Everything posted by yollarbenibekler

  1. using F10 key will create a hi-res screenshot, saved in your desktop, without the HUD.
  2. @hozz1235 can you link me the original topic that you first wrote down that list?
  3. In PV I've found two supply caches (the one you'll find with the handheld shortwave radio, the yellow signal). I don't know if it's a feature or a glitch. So, if you've found one supply cache and think that's all, I suggest you keep checking your radio in the event of the aurora. Happy hunting, everyone!
  4. My bed and the gasoline jerry. Having it by my side with the lid open helps me sleep, somehow. Always wake up with a headache, tho.
  5. Btw @ManicManiac probably the most prepped and organized fellow in this forum, I suspect he/she has physical folders of topics and discussions in organized shelves somewhere in his/her bunker. Thanks for everything!
  6. There will be some cosmetic items coming with the safehouse customization, probably. I'm really looking forward to that update.
  7. I mean the things that you find under the snow with the help of the handheld radio (yellow signal) I've found them in FM, PV, CH and ML so far. Does every region and sub-region have these buried supply caches?
  8. No trace from Forester's Revolver for me. Started a run before the part 3 update and I couldn't find it. Edit: Found it.
  9. Nice find! I also found 3 of them in a path that connect the church to exit of the region in the Desolation Point
  10. Desolation point is desolate of ingredients too, I'm afraid.
  11. As long as you reach cooking level 5 it won't matter. But I never put food in storages because ruined food disappears from the containers. So when I reach level 5, I put the food inside.
  12. Rope climbing is definitely bugged. My stamina ran out halfway while climbing to milton town from the trapper's cabin (it is relatively a short climb)
  13. I also wasn't able to find the Lily's Pancakes recipe in the described location (from TLD wiki)
  14. Is there any chance some recipes doesn't spawn in some runs? And, we also have a sub-folder for recipes that can be cooked in a recycled can. Do you think it is a future plan?
  15. If crafting arrows gives xp in archery, then crafting fishing tackles should too. Yes.
  16. There are ptarmigans in the Transfer Pass Region 1- Near the feedwater cave (when you walk on the railways from the entrance of the regions, take a 90 degrees left after walking 1 minute 2- Towards the end of the blocked road when you leave the train station from the backdoor, you take the right turn not left (left is going to the airfield).
  17. Outside is best because ruined food will disappear from containers. If your cooking is level 5, you'll have no problem digesting ruined food.
  18. I'm in day 260 in voyageur and I'm running, sprinting all the regions trying to find some ingredients and put them onto the ground because items in the containers dissappear after they are ruined. This is the only strategy, it seems. I've suggested an airdrop of ingredient items for the people who are in a long run in the whishlist section, and I really hope the dev team will consider this in the future. Also some ingredients should be coming from renewable sources like oil from fish or salt from boiling seasalt etc. (As someone suggested those in this forum and I 100% agree with it. But for now, we can do little but run to the locations that have ingredients and put them onto the ground. I think we can use 0% condition items nevertheless (I have a cooking skill 5 and if I would be able to cook ruined meat I should use the ruined items as well). I haven't tried cooking a recipe item (I'm still running around doing logistics) and I should say it is fun to have ingredients in the game!
  19. Please add the option to put a bullet in his head. I want to be left alone.
  20. I think it is intentionally black in most areas because I think the dev team want the people to use lanterns or other light sources, preventing pathfinding via cranking up the brightness. In earlier versions of the game (early access especially) you had no need to use a light source since nearly all the things were visible during the dark. So I don't think it will be fixed anytime soon.
  21. This is the longest day of the year. But, are you ready for the Long Dark coming just after that? Tick, tock. Get ready, everyone. Pancakes are coming.