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  1. As hinterland is teasing us with the idea of mechanics in base building, candles have been suggested quite a bit. An alternative could also be a lantern. So I thought and figured out a nice way of implementing it. A slow burning, but less practical lantern variant. So basically I tried to Make it as balanced for it's intended purpose. Being placed around your base. Not only would an old hurricane lantern like in the Image be cool as hell but also extremely fitting for great bear and all of it's old infrastructure. It would only make sense if you could find these. pros It will run out of fuel a lot slower, so you don't have to worry refueling them Every day. (Doesn't have to mean that they last a full day) Just once in a while. cons they are weak and can break, they need matches to start, maybe emits a little less light, stinky. So I should probably specify. It is a worse variant of The lantern that shouldn't Be used, but can Be used. It is weak, so it will either take a big amount of damage or break entirely from impact. Like fall damage or getting attacked from an animal. Imagine breaking your lantern in a cave. That's what I meant by shouldn't be used. Realisticly it could also start a fire, but that wouldn't really fit in TLD. It could still leave a burning scrap behind tho, that can give you burns. It can Be extinguished or will do on it's own after some time. The lanterns don't have an automated lighter in them so you will need to light it with matches just like the torch. You could also light it from a camfire or a lit torch from the ground. This could also work with The combination of candles. If you have some candles around, you can pick one up and light each lantern with it. I thought that the lanterns would also have a dimmer light, because the model I am thinking of is a less modern than the standard one in TLD. And well, lanterns like that tend to be a bit stinky. So they are perfect for being placed around your base, but are less practical on your travels.
  2. lunakittiy

    Food Talk

    Dose anyone else feel like they need to add pancakes or waffles for our syrup or flapjacks sounds cool too. And for those pancakes with syrup add the smashed acorns on top. That sounds delicious and amazing. What do you guy think of combining things and hope to add for foods???
  3. There's a new bug that prevents you from writing down notes in your daily and general notes. That is all.
  4. We all know that skills are essential to survival in the long dark, from cooking to shooting, we get better as time goes on. Now full disclosure, I have never made it to skill level 4 or higher mostly because I play for a while, leave, and when I come back to the game, I restart. But recently I've been on the mindset of really surviving as long as possible and noticed that skill progression can be very quick meaning that you can get to a point where skills are maxed out before long. While good for long-term survival, which is half the game, sometimes having to work to that High tier would be good. Books help too, making the grind easier but making the progression of said skills slower might add a challenge to the more hardcore players (graduated to only playing on Stalker difficulty either full stop or as a base). So that in mind, what About specialized gear? The memento boxes are fairly useless in some areas but what if they contained Specialized gear (I.E. Hunter's Knife, Woodmen's Hatchet, Seamstress Set, Fishing Reel, etc.) That Becomes usable once you get to rank 3 where the base gear goes from giving say 2.5% to 1% to make them feasible (Guns too, the named firearms were made to fit the hand of a professional or the owner. So, in the hands of a novice, using them as a normal firearm, no problem, is a little shortsighted.) SO TL: DR Make the progression of SKILLS slower (you can turn it down with a slider from normal to minimal) and Add SPECIALIZED GEAR to give the players something to really strive for in those memento boxes.
  5. So, this is my first post here, so yeah [ ] - means that I copy-pasted it I've recently woven a shepherd's rock sling, so I thought it would be cool if that weapon was added in the game. I see it more as an emergency weapon more than anything else, considering the materials. Feel free to discuss things between each other about this, I may not always be here, but I'll gladly observe Materials: Two cured guts by hand, maybe three. Takes around an in-game hour to make To repair: A single cured gut. Since two, maybe three cured guts are used, I reckon a single gut fixes 50%, but feel free to discuss Ammo: Pebbles So by the google search, the biggest stones are able to [take off the top of your head], and according to National Geographic in 2017, [50-gram Roman bullets hurled by a trained slinger has only slightly less stopping power than a 0.44 magnum cartridge fired from a handgun]. So by that logic it could be able to take down wolves. But for balancing, it could just stun them, or take 50% of their full health till the last lvl of the skill. Like everything else here, feel free to discuss Also, when I swung mine, it made a whistling noise, so in-game, the whistling could alert nearby animals. And therefore one must have significant distance in order to not alert them Anyway, skill time! When beginning, the sling swung has a chance of misfiring (Yeeting into a different direction), slipping from the swing pouch when winding up, or in the worst case scenario, bonking you in the head with a rare chance of knocking you out and waking up with a headache. It also doesn't have the best range, like a hand-thrown pebble probably But by slinging rocks without misfiring, slipping or bonking, the chances slowly degrade with the range increasing. In the end, the player could probably take down a wolf with a well-aimed shot to the head The whistling remains though, regardless of lvl Getting bonked: You character yelps, maybe cusses, and groans, rubbing the side of their head where they've been bonked. Damage afflicted relies on how well your head is protected. A well protected head is safe from defects, but if a character doesn't have a hat in any of the two slots, they may experience pain, mild bleeding and a sliver of health reduced. A toque is enough of a protection from the pebble, but have some cloth and a sewing kit ready, so it doesn't get ruined If you somehow manage to knock yourself out, I think it'd be hilarious if you got an achievement if it happened for the first time
  6. I've always wanted to explore the barred off areas of mines/caves. Allow us to use hacksaws to open those up and have an underground exploration DLC. Maybe add other useful minerals, helpful mosses/fungi, and of course, miner's bodies with some notes/history of the mine cave, etc. Perhaps introduce a pickaxe to explore rubble-filled passages/collapses and can be used to extract other types of minerals or even harvest coal from the mine itself.
  7. I have not purchased the DLC but I wanted to make a few notes and suggestions on the features added into the free stream. Beachcombing 9/10. I really enjoy the fact that you know 100% that the items on shore have been refreshed after a blizzard. The objects like containers, boats, and harvestable items like pallets, planks, etc. are an awesome addition. There are two things I dislike. 1) ammunition can be found. There is already a lot of ammo in the world and having an infinite amount via beach combing defeats needing to preserve your ammo. This is the only item I wish wasn't able to be found while beachcombing. 2) The fishing boat disappears during blizzards. If you are beachcombing and a blizzard is starting, naturally you would take shelter in the fishing boat if it was there. Nobody wants to get stuck out on the ice in a blizzard. But half way through the blizzard it just disappears from under your feet. If possible, it would be nice if it only disappeared while you are not close to it. Besides that, I absolutely love the new beachcombing! Acorns Acorns right now don't really appeal to me for eating. I don't know if I will ever find myself having to eat them because I have no other source of food. I would save them for coffee instead. But the process of shelling the acorns, cooking them, grinding them, and then finally brewing them can take over an hour in-game for one cup of coffee. There is enough manufactured coffee in the world that spending the time to make acorn coffee doesn't make sense. They would only become useful once normal coffee runs out, after over a hundred or two hundred days of survival. Solution: allow acorns to respawn or add more per tree. I assume they don't respawn because we make a mess under the tree of dirt and snow. Even if more acorns were added, I still wouldn't use acorn coffee much but it's nice to have that option if you can't find normal coffee. But nevertheless it's a great addition. Fire Hardened Arrows 8/10. Easy to craft and serve a basic purpose: rabbit hunting and scaring off wolves. It's a great way to earn archery skill too. They are balanced as they are, but I was hoping for a little more punch from the arrows. I was expecting to be able to cause damage to animals, but never get critical hits. But by the looks of them they don't do any damage whatsoever; sometimes the wolves just walk it off after they get hit. Suggestion: allow the arrows to cause minor damage. Like the hammer in a wolf struggle; it damages the wolf but doesn't cause any injuries or bleeding. It would take multiple arrows to kill a wolf or a deer, but bears wouldn't take damage. I don't usually go for bunkers in a lot of my survival saves so I don't have anything to say about the new ones. I haven't found any yet. Overall the update is pretty awesome for getting it free. I hope acorns get tweaked to make them more worthwhile, but everything else is pretty balanced and useful.
  8. I thought about if adding a canteen to the game would be possible. Kind of no, because of how there aren't really any containers for water. But what I thought about could definetly work, adn even be balanced and fitting to TLD! It would work kind of like the new rifle bag, so the weight of the water, or some of it will be reduced. I'm thinking like it can carry 1 liter of water, thats weight will be reduced, lets say by 50-25%, kind of like how the weight of clothes are reduces when worn. Ofcourse it can only be equipped on the accessory slot, just like the rifle bag. And also you could be abled to equip two at a time to carry 2 liters, but it won't be too worth it as you can't eqiup anything else in that case, like the ear wraps or a moose-hide satchel. It will be convinient if you often find yourself frustrated from carrying a lot of water. It will allow you to carry more water without a drawback (except 1 accessory slot, which can be a big choice). And also it will weight you down more, when not carrying any water, than if you didn't have the canteen. It would probably be a military styled canteen, so it's kind of rare and can likely only spawn in specific locations. And there could also be a more common, cheaper early-game variant, like a plastic water jug. It would have a bigger carry capacity (1,5 or 2 liters), but the wight reduction is drasticly lower. Being like 10-15% or so. Whatever the numbers would be, the military canteen would definetly be a better one. And you can only eqip one jug at a time. The water jug will will be an early game item like I said and the canteen more suitable for long travels and such.
  9. I know that many people suggested a quiver, but this one i thought it would require it's own topic. Why not make the rifle holster be use as an improvised quiver? Yeah it's not going to be efficient as a real quiver, but more or less should do the job fine. In-game the holster and arrow have almost the same height. Obviously you have to choose whether to use it for the rifle or the arrows (perhaps introducing a menu that pops out when the holster is equipped to choose between using it for the rifle or arrows) Also, if im not mistaking, IRL holster are not only used to make it easier carrying firearms but also taking out the firearm faster. Maybe increase the speed of equipping the rifle when the holster is worn? Oh yeah this is also kind of a suggestion to include tales on interloper since this accessory is only available in the tales bunkers.
  10. Hinterland good afternoon! I was a little bored at the weekend, so I decided to give you a few ideas that, in my opinion, could improve our favorite game. I have already written about some of them, but I still want to repeat myself again and tell you about them again, as I consider them quite important for the game. There are quite a few things I would like to ask and tell you about, so I will divide my suggestions into several posts. Let's start with the biggest one. 1) Hunting and skill Visibility The main problem with hunting in the TLD is that it does not exist as such. And I always thought it was strange because the game takes place in the north of Canada, in the mountains and forests. There should be a sea of different types of animals, these very animals should be one of the main ways of subsistence for the inhabitants of these areas. But what we have now: deer that allow you to approach them at a distance of 20 meters, rabbits that can be stunned by a stone hit, and wolves that can be killed by throwing off the bait and shooting in the face. Not cool. It always seemed funny to me that you can approach a deer closer than 50 meters while dressed as a clown) I understand that these are the conventions of the game, but when, even at the highest level of difficulty, you can sneak up to a deer at the same 50 meters and successfully kill it - it's corny not interesting… BUT! If there was a “Visibility” skill in the game, it would change a lot. I think it could look like a “Smell" level. 4 “Sticks" on the screen that would affect the distance to which you could approach the prey (elk or deer for example). If we have such a skill, then we must have something that will increase or decrease the visibility of the hunter - for example, homemade camouflage suits. I don't mean Gilly's sniper suits-I'm talking about plain white capes! You can make three parts of a full camouflage suit that will spawn separately from each other in different places of the game world. For example: - Spawn Jacket in Pleasant Valley - Hat-mask (like the current green balaclava)- Spawn in Ash Canyon - Pants- Spawn in the Valley of a quiet river Each of the disguise items would add one point to the character's disguise status. The most attentive readers have already noticed that I told about 3 cells out of four) The fourth cell is a rifle. Yes, I suggest to make customization of rifles. Firstly, I'm not talking about Scopes and other professional hunting equipment. I'm talking about simple fabric windings on the barrel and butt. Such a weapon winding, for example, can be done anywhere with the help of 15 minutes of time and a regular bandage (1 piece bandage). This idea was prompted by Vaughn's new rifle. It's old and also wrapped in some rags - why can't we do that. We already have improvised Crampoons- why we don t have this? I also propose to change the mechanics of Hunting Sit-ins. More precisely, add the ability to build improvised sit-ins. I know we have snow shelters- I just don't like them, I don't know why ☹ It would be great to be able to do sit-ins as well as snow shelters. I also like the idea of adding camouflage nets that would be made on a workbench of fabric and fishing nets (which could be found in coastal areas of the game world) Regarding rabbit hunting: I would change the distance at which they are scared of the player - I would make it more. If you do this, then the game will make sense in traps (rarely anyone uses them) and an icon for 100 rabbits caught. What about wolves: I would change 2 things 1) When aiming at a wolf, they would run 1.5 times faster 2) When throwing the bait and then aiming the weapon, the wolves would turn around and run away These restrictions would make hunting wolves more scary, hard and dangerous. It would be possible to add the ability to hang meat, for example: The player hung a piece of deer on a tree, and he sits in a sitting position and waits for the wolf to come up and start eating. Hunting in The Long Dark has an incredible variety of development paths - it can turn from a boring activity into a whole event for which you would need to prepare for several weeks. Yes, it will be difficult for the player, but every gram of meat would give the player an incredible amount of emotions and a sense of pride for his actions. In the second part: the problems of climbing and mountains Your Siberian friend!
  11. Perhaps after crafting all the things (clothes, tools) or maxing all the skills, we could unlock the option to use the Feat slots to enable variant guns and variant tools (hopefully tools are in the plans) to interloper difficulty for those who would like to have this as an option. This way people could have a sanctioned way (by Hinterland) to play gunloper with the new item variants, and still work toward feats and achievements. This would also allow for those who have no interest in changing interloper to keep it the same as it is now by default.
  12. [Not sure if this should go into something like the wishlist section, if the admins ask me to move this post to a different section/topic, i will!] If you could add your very own challenge, what would it be? What would be the goal? I got an idea for a challenge : ) generally idea: - you play as Heller, the main goal is to find the dead bodies of other convicts [the last and most important one being a convict named leclarc that was mentioned in ep4.] And to find out what is hunting you, or more specifically the convicts. [*cough* *cough* molly *cough* *cough*] - you're being hunted by a person [molly] and if you stay in the open for too long you can easily get shot with an arrow and killed. I can imagine it would be similar to how the prison escape was when it comes to being shot, if you get lucky you can partially dodge one shot but take a lot of damage [and I'd assume a bloodloss affliction] but don't die, although you can quickly be killed by another shot. Not sure exactly how the challenge would end yet or the mechanics, this is a very rough idea. - you get to find out more about the convicts and find evidence to whos killing all the convicts through notes or other things. - you start with very minimum and not very good gear. The only big thing you'd probably start with is a flare or flare gun to get out of blackrock and deal with wild life. - the challenge canonically would happen most likely before mackenzie is captured by mathis. - cold is a very big issue if you don't find or make good gear, if we were to talk about how warm the clothes heller usually has would be, it would probably not be very good against cold lol. I did some math and estimated what the stats would be of the player/heller [clothes wise] at the start: Lets be generous and assume convict pants are close to or the equivalent of combat pants : ) +2.0 C +0.5 C Wind Resistance/Wind Proof +20% WaterProof Bonus +7% Protection T-Shirt [inner torso] +0.5 C Plaid shirt [outer torso] +0.5 C +0.5 C Wind Proof +20% WaterProof Bonus +1% Protection Shoes [couldn't find any shoes that matched the convicts, so lets just say his shoes have the same stats or similar stats as Mackenzies shoes.] +1.0 C +1.0 C Windproof/Resistance +30% WaterProof +5% Protection -3% mobility [In hellers design he doesn't seem to wear gloves, so i guess if you don't make improvised gloves or find gloves frostbite may be an issue. Also not sure if the character wears socks so i am not going to add the benefits of socks to the list or to the stats.] Total Stats: Warmth: 4.0 C Wind Resistance/Proof: 2.0 C WaterProof: 70% Protection: 13% Mobility: 97% He's very waterproof apparently And yes i literally spent like 10 minutes finding out the [close to] stats of a character you don't even get to play in canon :,] - the world gets colder and quickly, the difficulty would probably be set to stalker but with less loot. - end goal so far is to, (1.) Find out whos killing the other convicts [and trying to kill you], (2.) Collect all convict notes and other evidence, (3.) Survive. Another idea similar to this is being a convict [any convict, you could be an unnamed convict or be a canon character like vachon,heller,mathis, ect. I'd prefur a convict at least mentioned in the manuscript in ep1, for lore reasons. So we don't question "wait a minute...who ARE you??" Because if the character we play would of never been mentioned in the manuscript them making the rough journey to blackrock wouldn't make sense if they weren't at least mentioned in the manuscript.] And trying to survive until you get to blackrock. Maybe this idea could be a story DLC oneday hehe [halo reach spoilers, as i mention the main plot] Kinda like a 'halo reach' type of story or similar to it, you have your main friend group and then you see em all die in awful terrible ways, you know, tragedy! Because people love torturing theirs or seeing other characters being tortured! : ) [Note: sorry if it sounds like i want the story or anything to morph into other or be like games or stories when i mention halo reach, i was only using reach as an example. Not like a "i need it to be like [insert series here]!!! 😭". I really like wintermutes story as it is! ^^ I really wouldn't want to see TLD morph into trying to be like other games like when shooter games tried to copy COD or become a 'halo killer' when the games were really popular.] just some ideas! What do you think? [also, thank you if you read all of my ideas! : D]
  13. Here is *written* advice on how to beat the Escape the Darkwalker Challenge released with the Hesitant Prospect (2020) update. (Get all 10 diary pages, banish the Darkwalker). I was able to beat the challenge in 3hrs, 32 minutes (suffered some minor setbacks ) There is already some published guides out there, but most that I have found are long videos, and who has time for that? Also, many of them refer to the Escape the Darkwalker Halloween 2020 event, which has different different conditions than the Challenge released with Hesitant Prospect. For detailed information about the conditions of the Challenge and the behavior of the Darkwalker (DW), read the Strategy and Tips portion of the wiki for the Challenge: ( Escape the Darkwalker | The Long Dark Wiki | Fandom ). The following advice is based on my experience and experimentation, more specific advice than what is on the wiki. I also referred to the Detailed Region Maps provided by Whiteberry ( Steam Community :: Guide :: Detailed Region Maps - The Long Dark ) Here's how I did it: My route, and when I grabbed the diary page as required by the challenge: Hushed River Valley (grab page) -> Mountain Town (grab page) -> Forlorn muskeg -> broken railroad (grab page) -> Forlorn muskeg (grab page) -> Mystery Lake (grab page) -> Ravine -> Bleak Inlet (grab page) -> Ravine -> Coastal Highway (grab page, or wait until you need to backtrack to grab it) -> crumbling highway -> Desolation point (grab page) -> crumbling highway -> Coastal highway (grab page if you didn't before) -> Pleasant Valley (grab page) -> Timberwolf Mountain (grab page) -> Ash Canyon (Banish the DW!) Hushed River Valley is a tough region to start in, but it works out well because you can take two climbing ropes to use later, one in the Ravine on route to the Bleak Inlet, and the other in the Bleak Inlet to climb down the cliff (a more direct route to the diary page than walking around the mountain in the northeast section of the map). To you get the diary page from HRV, just shimmy down the waterfall cliff next to the green campfire. To get to the cave that takes you to Mountain Town, use the climbing ropes already laid (indicated by red rope icons in Whiteberry's map) to climb up the cliff faces. As you go, grab these two ropes on your way up. This route also puts the last diary page in TWM, which is conveniently close to the entrance to Ash Canyon (where you banish the DW). The goal of this route is to minimize backtracking. Backtracking is dangerous if the DW is following behind you, especially near region transitions where routes are often narrow and winding. Other tips FOCUS ON GETTING TO AND FROM THE GREEN CAMPFIRES. Unless you need to strafe around the DW or are in desperate need of warmth or supplies, don't waste your time searching buildings or hunting animals. There's a 30 min timer on how long you can be in a region due to toxic fog, and you want to save your spray paint for Lures, Wards, and the Banishing. Also, you should constantly be trying to put distance between you and the DW. Don't waste time mending clothes, you won't be using them for long anyway. ONLY CARRY WHAT YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED. Critically important to keep your carry weight down to maintain a good movement speed. Only carry the revolver and/or the emergency flare gun as weapons. Only carry just enough food, water, etc., because once you reach the next green campfire, there will likely be enough food there to keep you going (lots of MREs, Maple Syrups, etc. spawn there). You can boil water while you sleep if you sleep for 1hr at a time (using a can as the water vessel). Only stop to pick up supplies that are along your path, don't go searching. Don't carry extra clothes or mending supplies. EVEN IF YOU ARE COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED AND YOU HAVE COLLECTED 10 DIARY PAGES (the DW moves faster the more pages you have) YOU WILL STILL WALK FASTER THAN THE DW MOVES IF YOU ARE CARRYING LESS THAN 30KG. That is an amazing advantage. If the DW starts to corner you or cut off your path, just KEEP MOVING. Unless you walk straight into it, moving in any direction will put distance between you and the DW. Once you've gotten enough space from it, you can go back to your pre-planned route. This kind of thing happens more often near region transitions or in mines/caves. DROP LURES CONSTANTLY. They help you track your distance from the DW, and they keep the DW from beelining toward you, which is especially helpful if you are faced with obstacles and winding paths that the DW can just cut straight through. I only used Wards when I was climbing and needed to catch my breath/warm up, and the DW was nearby. I never needed to use the de-fog ward. Use your Lures, but MAKE SURE YOU SAVE A SPRAY PAINT CHARGE FOR BANISHING. This mistake I actually made on my successful run, and it was a pain in the ass because I had to run around with the DW and wolves chasing me to find a new can of spray paint. SAVE YOUR WEAPON AMMO TO KEEP WOLVES AWAY. Crossing paths with wolves is inevitable. Firing the revolver in the general direction of a wolf will scare it away, which is usually sufficient if you just keep moving. Lastly, MAKE SURE YOUR CHARACTER IS WELL RESTED. In terms of the distance between you and the DW, is a minimal penalty for sleeping, and being well-rested is critically important to keeping your movement speed up. Also, climbing is necessary for the route above, which means being well-rested is important to proceed. ONLY RUN IF YOUR LIFE IS IN IMMEDIATE DANGER. Don't waste your energy! Best of luck all!
  14. There are multiple food options to acquire in-game, but I figured there could be more added to include more variety and strategy towards survival and planning. Below I listed some ideas for new types of food that would make a great addition to the game. Disclaimer: I'm aware there are mods that add new food variants, these ideas are meant to fit with the base game if they ever decide to add more food in the future. 1. Packaged Pasta: A very simple dish campers can make out in the wild is pasta. All you really need is a pot, some water to boil, and a campfire to cook it. After 8-10 minutes the pasta softens and is edible for consumption. For gameplay purposes, you can find a small box of macaroni in a shelter. You can't eat it dry because its hard and crunchy, so you'll have to get a fire going, boil some water and cook the pasta yourself. 2. Preserve Jars (Fruit Jam & Pickled Veggies): To keep fruit and veggies from getting rotten in the winter, people place fruit and veggies inside of glass jars to preserve them. It would make sense to find some of these jars inside of kitchens and storages. For simplicity, we'll say there's 2 jars containing multiple crops. 1 for fruit, and 1 for veggies. Because there well preserve, they don't spoil and are usually safe to eat. Lets say they are as rare as finding a jar of peanut butter. 3. Carton of Eggs: Most people who camp bring some eggs with them for the protein. Since its a apocalypse, most eggs will be rotten and unsafe for consumption, but if your lucky, you can find a carton containing 6 eggs that can be eaten. You can either eat them raw, or boil them for more nutrition. 4. Vitamin drinks: Its important to keep your immune system strong to avoid catching illnesses. 1 helpful solution is a small drink (the size of a Go-energy drink) containing lemon, ginger, and honey. it doesn't provide much hydration, but it does offer a new positive affliction called "virus immunity". For a short time, you will be able to consume food below *50% without getting food poisoning because your bodies immune system is strong enough to fight the affliction. If your in a situation where you have to resort to eating low quality food, this drink will help you avoid the consequence. 5. MRE variants: So there's only 1 type of MRE you can find in the world, but since airline food as different variants, I thought it would make some sense to have MRE variants out in the world. You can find them in different color packaging to help identify what type of food your eating. If we want to go more in depth mechanic wise, there's also a MRE that requires the person to boil water, pour it into the package, wait 10 mins and then consume. It may be a bit complicated for the game's design so we can leave that as optional. These are just some of the ideas to add some variety to gameplay and fit the world of survival.
  15. This is not about the long dark but... I recently played the Batman arkham city demo and I have to know is the full game worth the 20$? If anyone has played it please tell me I've gotten as creative as I can with the demo but it can only go so far...
  16. I recently have been dabbling with the ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Chatbot. As an experiment, I asked it to speculate on things that will be in future updates to TFTFT. In this instance, I asked if about the travois and the cougar. I’ll let the AI speak for itself now:
  17. I think that crude meat or fish attracts wolves and bears. so I think, in an immersive way, that if crude meat is kept outside more than 1 day it disappear, eaten by wildlife. so, in order to not cook all, we could use a smoker. it will takes more times, but many at once (7 to 10 kg), with a long fire (8hr). the meat will also get a very lower decay rate. once done, we can let it outside. it makes things less easy, but it avoids spoiling food. and I find it more immersive.
  18. Please consider adding a script language to the game. Something like Lua with the very permissive MIT license. So that every object (stick, cup of tea, wolf, ...) in the game can get more and more properties (x, y, state) and methods - usable from custom scripts
  19. Animal Husbandry Wolf Raising & Trainingfor Sled dogs SLED for travel Pack Relationships & MGMT I have basically a book on this idea that would be an amazing DLC/Expansion planned as part of the next 9 months of Far territory or W/E comes after. Like idea after idea of fleshed out "Story/Region" for sandbox survival mode to support a multitude of Ideas,Mechanics improvements,Wolf behavior improvements bc IMHO the wolves need a major overhaul. They are at best food really just a nuisance that decreased enjoyability as time goes on.
  20. OK so basically meat creates scent in this game. (that includes when you're bleeding; we are meat, too!) All good. Thought: when you are trying to survive like in this game, something else happens: we get smelly. Dirty. Foul. Yucky. Lack of cleanliness always leads to scent. I wonder if that could factor in. (perhaps only for higher difficulties) And to counter it, we'd need to clean ourselves once in a while. 2 ways: water: stand under a waterfall then dry off before freezing, this already happens in a few places, and/or, fill a tub with heated water (more difficult to implement though) smudge fire: using certain fuels in a fire to generate a large amount of smoke, which masks scent. (could use things like tinder plugs (cedar), cat tails, birch bark, old man's beard) Just add to a fire, wait for an hour or whatever, voila. Only works in enclosed spaces using a camp fire.
  21. I've mostly been a PC player but now own the game on PS4 as well. I've found the controls a bit clunky on the gamepad, mostly due to an overly large deadzone on the sticks, and the inability to use the Dualshock 4's gyro controls to fine-tune aim. I guess the suggestions here are: -add a deadzone adjustment slider in the control options; and -add an "enable gyro while aiming" option, along with adjustable gyro sensitivity. Cheers!
  22. First of all, this does contain very minor spoilers to do with the crafting system. And second, I'd like to ensure the tone of this post is clear by prefacing it with: I've been playing the long dark for over 4 years now, and I love the game, the devs, and Hinterland as a whole. This game has given me hundreds of hours of fun, and the studio's generosity, transparency, and reliability are a stark counterexample to so many triple-A let-downs in an industry that's becoming deceitful to its consumers. I was sad to see people be so quick to scold Hinterland for some launch day mishaps after years of FREE high quality content. This entire project has been a incredible success, and I wish I found it just a bit sooner so I could have supported it from the beginning. Now, I'll get on with it. There's a TL;DR at the bottom. I think I may speak for a lot of people when I say, my favorite thing to do in survival games is to craft/find all the best gear. This is followed very closely by levelling up my character's skills. It's incredibly satisfying to have put time into crafting/ levelling and be rewarded with the game being less tedious going forward. I think both of these provide a lot of purpose in games where the only "real" objective is to not die. In general the Long Dark has done an awesome job of crafting and levelling up to this point. All the things you can make are genuinely cool, and the realism added by actual time passing during crafting is awesome. Furthermore, I think the benefits of the best gear and max skill levels are satisfying, but not at all game-breaking. Well done. However, having to restart my survival save to play TFTFT made me realize how shallow these systems are if you know what you're doing. I won't get into specifics to avoid spoilers, but with the knowledge of where are all the best stuff is, and how to prepare for/ craft the best gear, I was back to a full kit pretty quickly. On my initial play-through, this wasn't a problem, because I was exploring each region on release and my survivor got incrementally better as intended. But, after bee-lining the good stuff this time, I found myself quite demotivated to re-explore the rest of the map, given that any building I would enter, any backpack I find, couldn't possibly have anything better than what I already had. It is cool that there has been a loot refresh to mix things around, but it seems that the time you actually spend worrying about finding things in containers is a relatively short part of the game. My solution is this: Add another tier of craftable items that require resources of a "higher quality" and are locked behind levels in both mending, and carcass harvesting (maybe 5 mending, 4 harvesting). There could even be a sewing machine setup that functions only in the aurora, but not completely necessary. The higher quality materials could be a findable item, OR to save dev/ placement time, it could be what is produced when breaking down "good" clothing items. For example, break down a T-Shirt, get cloth, break down a Cowichan Sweater, get Thick Wool. This way, you would be incentivized to continue looting the entire map to collect high quality materials, and be able to explore/ map along the way. Even if these items weren't drastically better than what's currently craftable, they would be incredibly satisfying to make for vanity's sake. Another amazing addition would be the introduction of unique animals to hunt to make these items. For example: -The summit of Timberwolf Mountain is home to the only colony of fuzzy black rabbits. -The last Spirit Bear roams the Muskeg, surrounded by a maze of thin ice. -Deep in the gulley of Hushed River Valley hides a giant moose with nearly impenetrable hide! A quicker implementation might look like: High Quality Bear Skin Coat 2 Bear Pelts 2 Rabbit Pelts 3 Thick Wool 4 Quality Thread 2 Leather But smashing it out of the park would look like this: Spirit Bear Coat: Special Effect Camouflage, halves the range at which animals notice you 1 Spirit Bear Pelt 2 Timberwolf Pelts 2 Black Rabbit Pelts 4 Quality Thread 2 Zipper (Milling machine?) 4 Thick Wool 10 Eyelets (Milling machine?) 5 Abalone (Beach Oysters??) Travelling to the far edges of the map to find the resources needed to craft the best gear would be incredibly cool, and provide new purpose to survival mode. And, the satisfaction of flipping to the clothes tab, and seeing your survivor decked out in some cool, late game gear would really scratch the completionist itch. I was disappointed to see that there isn't much at all in the TFTFT roadmap about new craftable items, and I think there's a huge opportunity to add some awesome stuff there. Furthermore, I think there are ways to do it relatively/ easily cheaply (see quicker implementation), especially in comparison to developing entire new regions. I would absolutely love to see something liek this in the game, and I'm certain others would too. TL;DR -my favorite thing to do in survival games is to craft/find all the best gear -having to restart my survival save to play TFTFT made me realize how shallow the crafting system is if you know what you're doing -after bee-lining the good stuff this time, I found myself quite demotivated to re-explore the rest of the map Solution: -Add another tier of craftable items that require resources of a "higher quality" -higher quality materials could be a findable item, OR to save dev/ placement time, it could be what is produced when breaking down "good" clothing items -Another amazing addition would be the introduction of unique animals to hunt to make these items.
  23. I've no idea why it's not there. It should be. Just look at this. It just doesn't seem right. There's something missing. It should look like this. Seriously, isn't this version better? Like, objectively?