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  1. After the forum is renewed, nothing is in place, how do I find it? He says he's got a notice, but he's not taking me there. Can you help me, please?
  2. Looking at the tag in starting a topic, the tag (question in this case) shows as blue with white text. In the forum, I have been seeing red tags and red text. It does make it difficult to read the tag, not that it matters all that much. It is just a bit annoying. Let's see if the forum makes a fool out of me now. 😅
  3. yes, like I wrote in the title. How many days did you survive the game and how did you do it? I personally remember 710 days, but then I deleted all the recording files, so now I can't find out. But, yes, I remember it was 710 days. And I did it by hunting. When I don't have a bullet, I put the deer on the wolves, and when the wolves did what I had to do, I would either shoot or scare the wolves. It was so easy. I'm on the 71st day. And before I shot an American deer, I went up the grizzly coast to the ash canyon and into the bleak inlet. I made 108 bullets in the bay, and now I'm going home to ash canyon. I started this long journey in ranger mode and in the deser no man'slight, and I'm having the best game I've ever played. And what did you guys do? By the way, I read that the game can be cheated on somewhere, but I thought if you did, the game wouldn't mean anything. Is there cheating in the game?
  4. I have a set of broken ribs that don’t seem to be healing. I think I’m probably misunderstanding how it works but it said something like 108 of 216 hours but now it says 99 of 216 hours. Are they still healing? Am I doing something wrong? Is there something specific I should be doing to heal them faster?
  5. There are a multitude of possible homebases in all the regions but theres only one in which i feel like Im actually home. The trapppers homestead, its always been there since the start, its cozy, clean, has everything i need and most importantly its isolated. I like to think this little house embodies what this game is ! Do you have something like this ? If you have please share it here ! Thank you and a merry christmas to everybody !
  6. Yes, find it at last Actually, there's not any frequentity. Aurora works on demand. What about this one? Yesterday when I went to bleak inlet to make bullets, I came across the electric door and I was bored. Anyway, I stayed there for a few days, and I pressed the button every night. They didn't cause any trouble because I killed most of them on the hill on the right when the wolves came around. Although the second time they came to get back at me, I was waiting at the door, and I'm in a safe place, so I shot them all and got rid of them. Then I read the forum here and found out aurora was every 4 days and started waiting. Meanwhile, four days passed, and I realized that when I first came to the door, he asked me to go back to the radio tower, and the night I used the rope to go up to the radio tower, the aurora happened. It was morning when I came back to the door when I realized that. I touched the button on the door again and stayed in the trailers outside the canning factory. And that night the aurora happened. So I happily went to the door and opened it without the danger of wolves. But I don't see there's a wolf in there in a ridiculous way. How and where did he get in there? No one knows that, but don't bother me, but I killed him and ate him. And I made 108 rounds and got out of the area. To summarize, when the aurora is asked for any electric door to work, the player comes out of that area/building and spends the night in a different position. I hope you understand.
  7. The aurora - how does it work? Does it appear randomly in some nights, or do I have to do something special to make it happen? I've been waiting several nights for the aurora to appear (hour by hour), but it doesn't.
  8. Hello! I picked up The Long Dark on Epic while it was free as I intended to buy it, really loved it, and then bought it on steam for the dev support and steam community. When I launched into it I found that my survival save from Epic was still available on steam, and I can't quite understand why. Am I able to uninstall TLD on Epic now, or do I need to do something to make sure I keep my save on Steam? Thanks!
  9. I get how you throw the Stone based off of the spot just above your thumb, the Revolver a little below the actual iron sight, and the Hunting Rifle with just the iron sights, but the Survival Bow has me stumped on where the "crosshair" is.
  10. Does the Whiteout Challenge start you in CH or does it start you in another region and you have to get to CH as well?
  11. I'm becoming more interested and motivated to pick a fight with a bear and hopefully win. However, I don't know what I should do if I were to go bear hunting. Any advice/help/tips/etc. would be greatly appreciated!
  12. I was after 500 days trophy and cartographer trophy also. For the cartographer I had to map like 5 more locations in Ash Canyon and I was at something like 400 days plus run. Anyways in survival mode I got NEW game and FEATS . No continue or whatever. Did anyone resolved such problem. It would be much appreciated. I reinstalled game, deleted saves, downloaded saves from online storage. Didnt help. Submitted ticket also but I dont expect much help from Hinterland.
  13. Hi. I'm a Japanese gamer.I'm sorry for my poor English. BTW,I tried to play and install this game yesterday. First, I can play this game very confotable. But, today I cant play this game. I tried to veryfy, reinstall,system reboot,geforce update, no scalling...and more. But I can change nothing... plz help this suck sheep;; pictures: 1 launching 2 after cricks whernever playerlog Initialize engine version: 2019.4.3f1 (f880dceab6fe) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files/Epic Games/TheLongDark/tld_Data/UnitySubsystems GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (ID=0x1b80) Vendor: VRAM: 8079 MB Driver: WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Nature/Terrain/Utilities' - All passes removed WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform? ERROR: Shader Hidden/Nature/Terrain/Utilities shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable) D3D11 device created for Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding. <RI> Initializing input. <RI> Input initialized. <RI> Initialized touch support. UnloadTime: 0.302500 ms
  14. Hi !!! I've had a snare set for a few days now and havent caught anything. I dont know if thats typical like if it takes a while to actually snare a rabbit or if Im maybe just not putting the snare itself in the best spot, help please !
  15. I see the 2 accessory slots all the time, but I've never been able to find anything that goes in them. What do you put in the accessory slots? Can you?
  16. If you attack a wolf, and then hide in a building, will they stick around to attack you once you leave, or will they run off? I shot a wolf because they were sticking around the only entrance to my main storage, and it ran off but started coming back, so I ran inside. Has the wolf despawned? I'm playing on the easiest difficulty btw.
  17. This is a simple request to just either have another setting in custom sandbox to allow cleaning Kits to spawn or attach cleaning kits to rifle and revolver availability. As of now, If you create a custom sandbox and have 'baseline resource availability' set to low, then cleaning kits won't spawn even if rifles are allowed. This doesn't make sense since the cleaning kit is a tool for the rifle. Is this by design or was it an oversight? I personally don't play interloper because I'm not a fan of the no gun rule it comes with. It never really made sense to me as it is an isolated region with bears and wolves. The people of Great Bear would've had rifles meaning you should find one eventually. I would love to do a custom interloper run with rifles and revolvers allowed but unfortunately I have to set baseline resources to medium just so the cleaning kits for them can even spawn. This is unfortunate since I'm forced to use medium or above. I would prefer less resources spawning, as on medium I'm a walking buffet with more food than I know what to do with. If I have a rifle or revolver set to spawn I should have the cleaning kits spawning as well, or why have them if they'll eventually break anyway. I know you can repair the rifle and revolver at BI but it requires the aurora to be active and that is kinda unpredictable and I personally would just rather have the cleaning kits. BI is really just a convenience if I happen to be lucky enough to get an Aurora while there. On another note, a separate option to allow knives and hatchets to spawn even if baseline resources are set to low would be fantastic, cause just like the rifles, I personally don't believe you would go to an isolated island and not find at least 1 knife and hatchet laying about.
  18. I don't know is it just me, but when I am harvesting animals meat the skill progress bar is not going up Does anybody have the same problem?
  19. Is it safe to leave quartered meat and come back for it or will wolves eat it?
  20. hi, have there been any changes in temperatures in interloper? I am at day 20 in interloper, have almost no self crafted quality clothes on and hardly getting hypothermia risk outside (except when blizzards) also morning temps much warmer. It may be not a big problem but I feel like playing voyager or stalker mode... Is this a glitch or an intended change or am I just crazy?
  21. Saudações galera tudo beleza? Reparei esses dias que os desafios poderiam se encaixar no modo historia no estilo do 4° sobrevivente do RE. Tipo no desafio da caçada poderia contar um pouco da historia do Jeremiah e sua luta contra o Old Bear. Já a historia do Methuselah poderia ser a do arquivista ou nômade. Acho que seria bem interessante conhecer um pouco mais da historia dos NPCs do Jogo...
  22. Are maple saplings only found in certain regions? If so which ones? I gathered enough materials for the arrows but they're not much use without the bow:/
  23. MaxMagico

    a wagon

    why we didn't think about making a simple wagon consists of just two a crossed pieces of wood, that allowed him to travel with more stuff
  24. Hi, I'm new to the game (Switch version), the game is great and I'm on my 4th day survival. Now the question is, I found some coffee and some tea, but I don't know how to make it. I have 2 lt of clean water, but from the menu in the food section when I select the coffee / tea, the option to create it does not appear, I also tried while the water is boiling to add it but I cannot find the option. I would like to prepare them since it is 33% and I would not want to throw them away, because i think in the next days they will be helpful. Sorry for my english, thanks to those who will help me