Perseverance Mills?

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On 7/4/2024 at 11:32 PM, Raphael van Lierop said:

* Perseverance Mills will be in Episode Five; I don't think this is a spoiler since as others have mentioned

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Astrid ends up here at the end of Episode Three

(and if that's a spoiler for you, why haven't you played it yet?) 😅

* Despite the fact that some people might be upset and rail against us, I'm not promising to put the Wintermute regions into Survival. Yes, we have always done that historically but this is the last episode in the story and these are very important locations that may be too important to put into Survival mode. Putting that here as a "warning" to anyone who wants to get upset about it. May as well get upset about it now. I'm not saying they won't be added to Survival, but I'm not saying they will either. I haven't decided yet. Don't think that because I pulled the Cougar due to player upset that I'm now going to just do whatever the loudest complainers want.



I'm confused about 'very important locations that may be too important to put into Survival'. Like, are they too big for survival mode? Would they not fit well with the rest of the map? 
The only other thing I could think of is that these locations are for a TLD 2, but that feels a bit out there :) 

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Port Mary is mentioned in Episode 2 in some background information for Mystery Lake provincial park. We know it's a location on Great Bear somewhere, just like we know there's an oil refinery somewhere on or around the island (from buffer memories in CH) but that doesn't mean we will see it. As much as I'd love to see the entirety of Great Bear filled out I don't think it's reasonable to expect that. 

Although I do hope some day we get a full Great Bear island map, at least to know the general shape of the island we call home. Just for the curious minded among us.

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On 7/5/2024 at 9:04 PM, Raphael van Lierop said:

Port Mary is a red herring here. Nobody should read any of this and think that there will be a region with Port Mary in Episode Five.

Understood, I only mentioned it here as I'd seen some speculation that Port Mary & Perseverance Mills may be one and the same place (given the PM initials etc, and the description of it's location in Wintermute).

Thank you for clearing this up!

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  • Hinterland
4 hours ago, ElSuperGecko said:

Understood, I only mentioned it here as I'd seen some speculation that Port Mary & Perseverance Mills may be one and the same place (given the PM initials etc, and the description of it's location in Wintermute).

Thank you for clearing this up!

That comment wasn't targeted at any one particular! Just trying to nip it in the bud before people's expectations shift to something they won't be getting.

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On 7/8/2024 at 7:04 AM, Raphael van Lierop said:

That comment wasn't targeted at any one particular! Just trying to nip it in the bud before people's expectations shift to something they won't be getting.

Good evening Raphael,

As always thanks for all that you're doing with the game. As we proceed with the story and your writing, I've always been curious to know what's your favorite belief and theory of literary crit. How do you see art and writing and the meaning and purpose in it?  What's stayed the same for you through the years and what's changed?  And how does some of those core aspects manifest in TLD - in both Wintermute and Survival mode. Thanks for your time, Raph.


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On 7/7/2024 at 5:20 PM, MapleTaffy said:

I'm confused about 'very important locations that may be too important to put into Survival'. Like, are they too big for survival mode? Would they not fit well with the rest of the map? 
The only other thing I could think of is that these locations are for a TLD 2, but that feels a bit out there :) 

Maybe Suzuki? It's supposed to be unaffected by the whole disaster and that wouldn't really fit into survival

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On 7/4/2024 at 8:32 PM, Raphael van Lierop said:

Despite the fact that some people might be upset and rail against us, I'm not promising to put the Wintermute regions into Survival. Yes, we have always done that historically but this is the last episode in the story and these are very important locations that may be too important to put into Survival mode. Putting that here as a "warning" to anyone who wants to get upset about it. May as well get upset about it now. I'm not saying they won't be added to Survival, but I'm not saying they will either. I haven't decided yet. Don't think that because I pulled the Cougar due to player upset that I'm now going to just do whatever the loudest complainers want.

@LunarLime, refer to the above quote.  As of right now there are no plans to add it and there may never be.

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On 7/5/2024 at 5:32 AM, Raphael van Lierop said:

* Despite the fact that some people might be upset and rail against us, I'm not promising to put the Wintermute regions into Survival. Yes, we have always done that historically but this is the last episode in the story and these are very important locations that may be too important to put into Survival mode. Putting that here as a "warning" to anyone who wants to get upset about it. May as well get upset about it now. I'm not saying they won't be added to Survival, but I'm not saying they will either. I haven't decided yet. Don't think that because I pulled the Cougar due to player upset that I'm now going to just do whatever the loudest complainers want.

Honest question / just trying to understand: what exactly do you mean by "these are very important locations that may be too important to put into Survival mode"? Important in what sense?

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On 7/13/2024 at 6:05 AM, LunarLime said:

Damn, like the fourth instance of "I should have read the whole thread before posting"

My bad.

Just to be 100% clear -- I didn't say we won't add the Episode 5 locations to Survival, I just said we may not. We haven't decided yet.

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5 hours ago, PilgrimReaper said:

Honest question / just trying to understand: what exactly do you mean by "these are very important locations that may be too important to put into Survival mode"? Important in what sense?

Important to the story.

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4 hours ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

Just to be 100% clear -- I didn't say we won't add the Episode 5 locations to Survival, I just said we may not. We haven't decided yet.

I interpret this as "Perseverance Mills" MAY not be added to survival mode. I guess we'll make do with the regions that already exist.

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59 minutes ago, Pyroxene said:

I interpret this as "Perseverance Mills" MAY not be added to survival mode. I guess we'll make do with the regions that already exist.

In other words the same place we were with Milton for a while.

It may end up being like Milton and may not.

We still have tons of regions to survive in.

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Even without the Tales I think it's grown so much .just in the five years I've been playing.  With the tales it's become a vast playground,literally and figuratively that I've really enjoyed ,and I'll carry on enjoying for a long time... .. I got way more than I payed for ,and well beyond what i  could've if it isn't added then im still a very happy camper...


Edited by Leeanda
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Though I have been hopeful that PM will be added to Survival mode, to be honest- I am fine if it isn't.

Like others have said- we already have a huge world to play in.

And I especially understand HL not having made any final decisions on it yet, thinking about how it may contain items or mechanics that may be exclusive to Wintermute Episode 5 (looking at the teaser art of the ship sailing right now...), that Survival Mode-only players may see screenshots or videos of, and then start going off on another round of forums rants and gripe threads about "WhY nOt In SuRvIvAl?!?!? HoW cAn YoU LeAvE tHe OnLy MoDe ThAt MaTtErS oUt!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?". (Though I can also see that happening if PM isn't added to Survival Mode.)

Yes, I can see that happening, especially on the Steam Forums (!) and on places like Reddit or other social media platforms. Gamers™ right now seem to be ready to scream and yell about almost anything and everything. Le sigh.

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I imagine that the conundrum facing Hinterland is that as probably the only urbanized area on GBI the more general demands of a survival mode area compared to the more limited demands specific to Wintermute make Perseverance Mills and its environs problematic.  

Imagine what we could find in a fair-sized town (dwarfs Milton by a long shot) or small city with all the facilities that GBI has to have and populating such a region with points of interest, drops, and possibly even people (NPCs) -  everyone didn't get off GBI and they all would congregate in the larger town that has more resources available.  

We have already seen that people associated in some way with Astrid DID NOT LEAVE so the region could get a bit complicated to setup.  I would not be surprised if the people who went to Perseverance Mills got organized in some fashion, like a militia under someone's authority, once the transportation network collapsed.  

Still I would like to see Perseverance Mills, even if only the outskirts.  

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