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20 minutes ago, Grieger said:

Does anyone know how you can disable cougars/scurvy in existing saves? The video mentioned you could but I don't see any options, unless it's only for custom games?


15 minutes ago, snowmeow said:

I didn't get the option either (I'm on a standard stalker run). I'm going to report it now to let them know.

You have to use the "Load Game" option when you go back into an existing save, the options do not exist if you use "Resume" to go back into the old save. Though there are some folks on the Steam Forums reporting that the options do not come up at all for older Custom Settings saves, even using "Load Game".

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OMFG!! I so hope I'm wrong, but...


... is that freakin' timberwolves I've just spotted in the new region!?!?



EDIT: I was not wrong. Very not wrong. Oh boy!

Edited by artmunki
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1 hour ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I you really playing in fear of permadeath it you're starting a survival run expecting to go 100s of days?  I say, if so, you're playing at too low a difficulty for yourself to start with.  In Misery mode, going longer (even by cheating death) now means the game unavoidably gets harder - so maybe move up from interloper?


Dude. People are allowed to be different. Some people like more chill gameplay.

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26 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:


You have to use the "Load Game" option when you go back into an existing save, the options do not exist if you use "Resume" to go back into the old save. Though there are some folks on the Steam Forums reporting that the options do not come up at all for older Custom Settings saves, even using "Load Game".

I just tried the "load game" method, but scurvy still there. Ticket already raised.

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I thought that Load Game might be the route to the options though I already did the resume game route.  

Given that the Cougar would be an event rather than an actual predator like wolves, I would not enable it in my ongoing save. 

I did notice that my mainline fish (whitefish, bass) had the vitamin C notation.  

Going to try the Load Game route to disable Cougar and make sure Scurvy is not now enabled.  Let's see if I am now too late.  

UPDATE:  Going in through Load Game I find no option anywhere to enable/disable the Cougar.  Apparently initially choosing "CONTINUE GAME" after the update, I guess, has for now locked me into something and has left me no choice until Hinterland puts out a fix.  I now apparently have SCURVY enabled in my ongoing save which wasn't there before and the Cougar enable/disable status is unknown.  

I will report this anomaly.  I am sure Hinterland will fix this asap.  

Edited by UTC-10
Update woes. :)
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I'm scared to decide if I want the cougar in my current save, but i'm so excited at the same time !!! So new and refreshing and scary and gratifying. Well done guys.

One thought : I never use the ballistic vest, but I think it just found its purpose for me. Cougar hunt, here I am ! Maybe, if I find the courage 😅

For people like me who are not sure about activating the cougar, go watch the Zaknafein video, very helpful. :)

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For anyone not getting the cougar option for existing and older saves, something to try:

  • Create a new game (any mode though I did a pre-baked mode like Pilgrim).
  • Select the various options.
  • You *should* get the Cougar option to enable/disable (I disabled in case it matters).
  • Let the game load in.
  • Exit back to the main menu.
  • Load your older/existing save.
  • It should prompt you with the Cougar option. Set it and continue...

Hope that helps.

Thing to note: I did not see the scurvy option show up like the Cougar option so not sure if there's something special we need to do that or if there's another way to get to that setting since it was from an older update?

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Just a note: you can disable cougar in your existing runs, but you can only disable scurvy in NEW runs. I don't think they said that disabling scurvy from existing runs was an option. 

Edit: the intention must be that you could disable scurvy in existing saves, but I was only given the option to disable the cougar. I wasn't given an option for scurvy on a Stalker save I have. 

Edited by Pencil
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it was before mentioned that there will be an update for the switch to bring it up to speed until part 5 comes.

since part 5 for switch will come after all the platforms gets the update

Just wanted to ask about that please


thank you

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  • Hinterland

There's a lot going on so let me answer a few questions, and maybe some of you can help by pointing to this post when you see other people asking questions about it.

Disabling/Enabling the Cougar and Scurvy

Currently, the only path to do this is if you LOAD an existing game. Then you will be walked through the choice to disable the Cougar and Scurvy. Then you can continue your existing game.

There is no path to do this in Custom games. We're looking into this.

There is no path to do this if you RESUME your game. We're looking into this. (UPDATE: We are investigating whether if you quit a game you RESUMED and try to LOAD it, if you then. get the questions re: Cougar, Scurvy.)

When we have fixes (in an upcoming hotfix), we'll re-enable the notification that lets people make these changes. So if you were one of the people who RESUMED a game (vs. loading it) and you missed the chance to make these changes, you will have a new opportunity to do so.

Status of TALES on Switch

Please read our last dev diary: https://www.thelongdark.com/news/dev-diary-may-2024/

The last section has the info you are looking for.


By the end of the day, we should have a list of KNOWN ISSUES posted somewhere in these forums. 

If you run into issues, please report them to our SUPPORT PORTAL at: hinterlandgames.com/support


Thanks for your patience!

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24 minutes ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

There's a lot going on so let me answer a few questions, and maybe some of you can help by pointing to this post when you see other people asking questions about it.

Disabling/Enabling the Cougar and Scurvy

Currently, the only path to do this is if you LOAD an existing game. Then you will be walked through the choice to disable the Cougar and Scurvy. Then you can continue your existing game.

There is no path to do this in Custom games. We're looking into this.

There is no path to do this if you RESUME your game. We're looking into this. (UPDATE: We are investigating whether if you quit a game you RESUMED and try to LOAD it, if you then. get the questions re: Cougar, Scurvy.)

When we have fixes (in an upcoming hotfix), we'll re-enable the notification that lets people make these changes. So if you were one of the people who RESUMED a game (vs. loading it) and you missed the chance to make these changes, you will have a new opportunity to do so.

Status of TALES on Switch

Please read our last dev diary: https://www.thelongdark.com/news/dev-diary-may-2024/

The last section has the info you are looking for.


By the end of the day, we should have a list of KNOWN ISSUES posted somewhere in these forums. 

If you run into issues, please report them to our SUPPORT PORTAL at: hinterlandgames.com/support


Thanks for your patience!

I was one of the people who used resumed so currently stuck with scurvy. Good to hear it's due to be fixed and I will have the option. Thanks for jumping on the issue so quickly and for the update :)

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What is the time limit supposed to be for the cougar? I've seen people say 20 days, which is about what I expected. But when I loaded my Interloper game it said 5 days :o I just got there, and the announcement said that it only starts counting from the update on anyways. 5 days is nothing and you easily exceed that just when looting a region on the move.

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1 minute ago, Jeremy4200 said:

Thank you! But part 5 stills says it is locked and can't continue the story!

Part 5 refers to the tales not Wintermütze.. story will be released later this year.

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17 minutes ago, Serenity said:

What is the time limit supposed to be for the cougar? I've seen people say 20 days, which is about what I expected. But when I loaded my Interloper game it said 5 days :o I just got there, and the announcement said that it only starts counting from the update on anyways. 5 days is nothing and you easily exceed that just when looting a region on the move.

It's looking like that's maybe the standard warning period for resuming a game after the update, since I got the same when I booted up today, and I saw someone else mention 5 days too. All indications are that the encroachment warning during normal play will be longer than that - Zak was on the streamer test team and popped up a wee vid earlier to introduce us to the cougar, which included a list of the grace periods we can expect in a region, at each difficulty level, before the cougar takes an interest. The shortest was for the new Misery mode, and even that was 10 days.

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