Any thoughts on new recipes?


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I've certainly found them to be an interesting aspirational challenge - in the sense that finding the card, and gathering all the (possibly smelly) ingredients and tools to make them is a satisfyingly difficult challenge. At the same time, I find the buffs and debuffs a little difficult to parse. Will this make me more tired, or less tired? I also kind of think that given the difficulty of making these meals, and the scarcity of some of the ingredients, I don't think the unique ones needed to really have additional drawbacks. 
I think before I empty the map of some of the ingredients, I should throw myself a little party, and make one of everything, just to see it all laid out nicely on the table. 

What do you think? Have you been enjoying the new cooking systems? The Unique recipes? The common recipes? 

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For the most part, other than as an experiment, not using the recipes at all. 

A large part of that is just me.  I am still rebuilding what I had on Great Bear before the December Save Game update and don't care for the recipes that largely have gate keeper ingredients.  I am sure that there is value in the output but I find things like the stews to have too many of the same pro and con effects to be worth checking them out.  There are no simple basic recipes for stews or soups that slot into the existing game play.  

I am just playing as previously.  I tend to be maybe a bit to methodical and I always worry about running out of stuff (can't help it).  

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I’m enjoying the new system. I find the buffs to be situationally helpful and the drawbacks to be a fair trade off with some caveats like the stews that fatigue you 25% but then only grant 3hrs of improved rest vs tea with no drawbacks and 6hrs.
scarcity and similarities are the things i feel could be improved upon. It does feel a bit limiting to have all non unique recipes be the same buffs and debuff which encourages you to save the ingredients but then you just end up making weight buff pies and the occasional pancakes porridge or stew for specific buffs

on the scarcity aspect I like to do long runs and so after clearing the island I’ve got about 30 carrots and 50 potatoes which means I can make the recipes about a dozen or so times depending and so I’ve been limiting the use to milestones for the veggie required stews but I love the weight pies I’ll take a little headache

i think we’ll see more recipes come in the next updates to tales and maybe we’ll get more recipes that incorporate existing ingredients like beans tomato soup condensed Milk ect

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The most simplest of recipes like porridges and  some breads are alright as they are easy-to-carry, fairly realistic preserved foods for NOGOA / other low recovery runs which you can make while warming-up by the fire. They are like cat tail preserves. But the rest seem like luxury camping hobbies. Haven't even tried most of them. I don't feel like pies and pancakes etc are what anyone would be doing in survival situation. More like ski trip or preparing for weekend's family gathering. And it also seems like excess work for not that much. Rather than making these recipes I'd rather have had them improve the core cooking+water+warming-up mechanics.

Edited by Mistral
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Some of the recipes are interesting. The main challenge I've found is getting all the ingredients together without having to lug a bunch of them around. Also annoying that I always seem to end up with tiny amounts leftover. For example Running River Oats comes in a 0.8kg container. Porridge uses 0.10kg. However, I always end up less than 0.10kg left in the container after making a bunch of porridge. I'm guessing it's something to do with rounding or the game having options for both metric and Imperial units. 

They definitely deteriorate very quickly. I usually get to level 5 cooking fairly quickly so that doesn't bother me too much. I feel like the meat dishes seem to attract every predator for miles though, even if you're not showing a scent marker. Way more so that just carrying some cooked meat. 

I think the buffs/debuffs could be made clearer. Something I found confusing initially were the dishes that affect cabin fever. The beneficial buffs are generally blue and shown with an up arrow, while the detrimental buffs/debuffs are red with a down arrow. Things like the Prepper's Pie have a symbol for cabin fever in blue with an up arrow. When you hover over it, it just says "cabin fever". I mistakenly took it to mean that it would have a beneficial effect on cabin fever, ie reduce risk of cabin fever or cure cabin fever. Turns out I was wrong and it actually increases your cabin fever risk. I checked the wiki and it just made me more confused. Both Prepper's Pie and Breyerhouse Pie have the same buff icon for Cabin Fever. However the wiki describes the Prepper's Pie buff as "+ Increased Cabin Fever (positive)" and the Breyerhouse Pie buff as "Cabin Fever Reduction". 

I think the information displayed in game should be altered to make it clearer. Something like making all beneficial buffs blue and all detrimental buffs red. Or changing the hover over text to read "increases risk of cabin fever". 

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4 hours ago, Retro Seamstress said:

I think the buffs/debuffs could be made clearer. Something I found confusing initially were the dishes that affect cabin fever. The beneficial buffs are generally blue and shown with an up arrow, while the detrimental buffs/debuffs are red with a down arrow. Things like the Prepper's Pie have a symbol for cabin fever in blue with an up arrow. When you hover over it, it just says "cabin fever". I mistakenly took it to mean that it would have a beneficial effect on cabin fever, ie reduce risk of cabin fever or cure cabin fever.

Totally agree. These indicators are far from clear.

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